VS 2008 Populate Some Textboxes, Autocomplete Textboxes And Then Save Changes?
Sep 30, 2010
I've done this using bound controls like Repeaters etc but now I need to display information about a single file for example. SO i will pass the fileid in the querystring, then I need to populate some textboxes, autocomplete textboxes etc. and then save changes. what's the most efficient way of doing this?
I need to develop funcionality where the autocomplete extender takes a value from textbox1 (which contains zipcode4) and a value to autocomplete on textbox2 (which will contain zipcode3) and displays a list of zipcode3.
I have a form containing fields for a user to enter an address. The town/city field in the form uses an autocomplete extender to return a list of suggested towns/citys which are taken from an sql query in my webservice. The table in the sql db that contains the addresses also has a column containing partial postcodes for those places.
What I would like to be able to do is have it so that when the user selects a town/city from the autocomplete list or types a town/city in the textbox, it triggers another query to get the postcode from the db and updates the postcode textbox without a full postback.Is there an easy way to achieve this? I know there's the OnTextChanged event for a textbox but this is server side isn't it so would only trigger on postback? Could you have two auto complete extenders and two webmethods where the value from method one updates textbox one and method two gets the value from method one and updates textbox two?
I have a repeater which is binded using a Collection of Entity Data Framework.
Once the repeater is binded using the datasource, the user can control the no of rows present in the repeater using a Dropdown list on the page. For ex: if datasource has 2 rows, user want to add 3 more rows, user selects 5 from dropdown, which adds 3 additional rows to the Repeater. I am able to do this.
The repeater has textbox controls in each row. Now once the user enter the values in this textbox of the newly generated rows, the user can save the values entered with the no of rows specified.
I have a button which is outside the repeater and on click of this i need to validate all the textbox values and save them into dB accordingly.
Here is my code
Right now the problem is im not able to fetch the values of the textboxes present in the newly generated rows.
I have the following code to generate a table with the necessary textboxes. Now i need to populate those fields with the data from the table. If it makes it any easier, the individual textbox values are stored in a table with a reference to the main recordID
How can i populate the correct textbox with the appropriate column value?
I have a txtbox that is used to input a date. I would like to have to addiional textboxes that auto populates with 45 days + the date and 90 days + the date.
I m trying to populate a set of 3 textboxes based on a value entered into the first textbox. So when a user enters a value in the first textbox, i would like them to be able to tab out of it and it will automatically populate the remaining textboxes.
I know javascript has the OnBlur function which can do this but is there a way to accomplish this using asp.net (c#)
I'm using the calendar extendar to populate the "StartDay" textbox. However when i choose that "StartDay", i do not want that date to be valid when i choose another date to populate the "EndDay" textbox. Can it be done? i've tried any methods but it didn't seem to work.All i've manage to do was to check if the date was in the past.
I have a page of several textboxes, which I would essentially like to populate from a single query. However, to begin with, I find myself unable to even populate one textbox from one query!
I have based the following on a query previously advised to me for use with drop-down lists (hence the use of DataTable). I have adapted this as follows:
Partial Public Class AddData Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Dim CommonFunctions As New CommonFunctions Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
I would like the Page_Load event to populate the textbox with this query, so that the value is present as soon as the page is presented. Also, how would you advise populating many different textboxes in one go, with one query? Is this possible too?
Scenario is: I have multiple positions and multiple employees.
Now in one of my forms I know how many positions are there and corresponding to each position i want to show Employee DropDownList(DDL) and Text Boxes (Start Time, EndTime) and some comments for each position. Employee DDL will be populated from DB and Position name will be displayed on labels and that too are getting form DB
say at one instance i have 5 positions and then i want DDL of EmployeeName for each position and similarly TextBoxes for each positions Where i can ask user to full the information for each Position and user can save the data.
And at another instance similar behaviour is required if Positions are 10 , 3 , 8.
I have a one combobox and 3 textboxes and one sql datasource.
When I select the name in the textbox I want to show the values in the relevant textboxes. For instance, in the combobox when i select the Name of the employee the relevant information about this employee is shown in the 3 textboxes, i.e. age, cell #, extension.
I'm dynamically creating labels and textboxes. The labels are getting the data that they should, but the textboxes aren't. The textboxes are empty if they were newly added or contain data from a previous initialization. There's no difference in the code that I'm using that I can see or think of. What do I need to change to get data to the textboxes?
The following code is in my OnInit event. The code for dynamicTextBoxes is currently commented in favor of dynamicLabelsData, which works as I'd like. myPlaceHolder is a ContentTemplate on the page.
I have places around 30-35 textboxes and 25 check boxes on a form. I want that when i click the button, a process/procedure clear all the text boxes and uncheck all the checkboxes.
I am using a gridview as a dropdown extender for a textbox which works nice. I want to select a row in the gridview and fill in some textboxes with data from that row. I know how to do the Attributes.Add for cells in the RowDatabound event. But I have always passed the cell data to another page as parameters. How can I stay on the same page and fill in the textboxes?
Do I setup a javascript and pass the parameters to it and have it fill in the textboxes? I have other texboxes that the user has entered and need to keep that data there.
I want to make ASPX page with textboxes and dropdown to insert the data into the database and Gridview to display all the data. I wnat some good designs, how can I make the page more attractive with just textboxes,dropdown ,buttons and gridview.
Do somebody have good aspx page, paste just the design here.
Ive attached an example below. I want all the textboxes to clear when I click the Clear button however they will only clear if all the textboxes have text in them(validated). Is there anyway of certain buttons ignoring validations? I used a RequiredFieldValidator.
I'd like to take the standard "List View" view in an ASP.NET MVC application, and convert all of the "Labels" to "TextBoxes" and then save any changes made to each record.The end result would function very similar to the List View in Access. I couldn't find anybody doing this, To be clear, I do not want an Edit/Delete button for each record, I want one "Save" button for ALL records at once.
how do I do the most simplest thing like get the values from textboxes in a form and bind them to my lets say product or whatever object?
I work with MVC 2 and NHibernate. I seen some examples where they work with linq 2 sql and what they do is just save the product in the controller like _repository.Save(product);
they use active record and is that why that is possible? And in this example they use on the beginform like this
I have 2 methods I tried to iterate through all my textboxes in an asp.net page. The first is working, but the second one is not returning anything. Could someone explain to me why the second one is not working?
I have numeric textbox1, numeric textbox2 and numeric textbox3, where textbox3 should show the value that is the multiple of textbox1 and textbox2. The textbox3 should change dynamically when the values in the other two change.