Does Google Index HTTPS Pages?

Apr 23, 2010

I have an online application that all of its pages use HTTPS. I have 3 questions:

Does Google index HTTPS pages?I have a password protected single ASP.NET page (using HTTPS). Password protection is basically achieved by a Session object. When the correct password is entered, it hides the login panel and displays the same page which has a sensitive data. Is this page indexed by Google?
I have a Secure folder that I implemented Forms Authentication. All pages in folder use HTTPS as well. Are the pages in this folder indexed by Google?

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RSS Feed Not Showing Up On HTTPS Pages

Jul 9, 2011

I have a page that loads RSS feeds and list them in columns. It works fine with HTTP feeds, but I have a couple of feeds that I follow that are HTTPS. When I try to use the page for the HTTPS feeds, the page shows up blank.

string rssURL = "[URL]";
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.XmlResolver = null;

I don't get any errors, just a blank page.

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How To Make Web Application To Serve Pages Only Over HTTPS

Jun 4, 2010

I want my application to serve all of its web pages over SSL, so I added the lines...

<secureWebPages enabled="true">
<directory path="." />

... to my Web.config and the resulting compiler error is:

Build (web): Unrecognized configuration section secureWebPages.

I am running Visual Studio 2008

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Web Forms :: Force One Or More Pages In C# To Use HTTPS Rather Then HTTP?

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how can i force one or more pages in to use HTTPS rather then HTTP,

If there is any way to do that in web.config will be great.

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MVC :: Google Must Not Index Site?

Mar 24, 2011

i am developing a site that composed of two parts. Admin and Web which way i must follow?

1- i will create a web site by MVC3 and create an area in it for admin.2- i will create two MVC project one of them will be Web other admin. and i will create two domain ( and way is professional.and i want to google must not index the admin site. how can i do this?

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Google Index Vs Url Routing?

Apr 5, 2010

I've made the change from querystring webforms application to an url routing one. Now I'm trying to let google know that there's a new set of urls to be aware of. The G has indexed 133 out of 179 new urls sent in sitemap.xml, but the command returns the old querystring version of the links.
This could partly be so because I left the functionality of the old querystring version of the site(for backwards compatibility), and haven't done any 301 redirects(nor do I know how to achieve them in my shared hosting account).
The old querystring and the new url routing both point to the same Default.aspx page.

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Security :: Unable To View Pages In Https Instead In Http?

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I developed a simple application running in IIS 6 under an http protocol. for the security purposes our company provide a certificate unfortunately my application is not functioning in https. i can still access it in http...

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IIS Configuration :: Use HTTP Protocol For Some Pages In HTTPS Website In Server?

May 7, 2015

after installing ssl for a website (by host admin)

all of pages are https now,

I need one http page? it is related to programming or iis?

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Security :: Pages Won't Change From HTTPS To HTTP Once Leaving Secured Page?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm pretty new at configuring IIS and working with SSL. I've been having difficulty with switching from the HTTPs protocol to the HTTP protocol. I had set a small part of our website to the HTTPS protocol since it has an SSL certificate for online commmerce.

When users go through that part of the site the HTPPS protocol is set and runs fine, but when they try to leave by, say, clicking on a link to another part of the site (after they have visited the secured portion of the site) the HTTPS stays in the url. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

This is how the HTTPS is set on the site: this code is placed in an sslredirect.asp page located in a "SSL" folder:

Response.Buffer = True
If (Request.ServerVariables("HTTPS") = "off") Then
sQ = Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")
sURL = "https" & Right(sQ, (Len(sQ)-8))
sURL = Replace(sURL, ":80", "")
End if

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Web Forms :: Can Google Crawl And Index This .aspx Page

Oct 1, 2010

I have a question. I will take the example exactly as it looks like. Below I have an .aspx page and a .cs page. In the .aspx page There is alot of text written.The .cs file as seen will in the Page_Load event redirect to another .aspx page which holds the real design to show for a user.(I only create these below .aspx page for google to find and index. These are content like Thread and posts but when someone enter this page, it will redirect to the real desinged page and now know what text to read in there.)

My question is if this .aspx page below can be crawled/red/index by search engines like google. (To mention is that I do use a sitemap).What worries me with this question is that I immediately redirect to another .aspx page.Does this prevent google from having the ability to read the below .aspx page and index the content? How does this work?


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Pagination - Multiple Pages (Like Google Results)?

May 4, 2010

I am trying to do the following I have a dynamic table in my asp page and I want to show the table in multi pages like google results note:I don't to use gridview so any another way ??

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Google Bots Looking At Some Pages Via The Robots.txt File?

Feb 11, 2011

I have learned recently that I can stop Google bots looking at some pages via the robots.txt file.Great got that sorted out.However how can I stop the crawler or bot from scanning some text on my page. But reading other parts just fine.For example I have a large legal disclaimer on each page,and I have seen that via google web master tools that my keywords are all out of the disclaimer.Cant have that!

Can I turn off a control or label to crawlers eyes?? Any ideas..I cant move disclaimer to a single page as then it looses effect.

UDPATE: <!--googleoff: all-->Come to the fair!<!--googleon: all-->


I think that is it Watson..I ASSUME I can place these google on and off tages around a label or hidden field that has TEXT in it.

View 4 Replies

Social Networking :: Google Plus One Is Not Showing On Particular Pages In Website

Sep 11, 2013

I have used Google Plus one in my web pages in my website. I have used this in a User Control Page and called this .ascx page into my all .aspx page. I have used the code like below: 

<g:plusone size="medium" width="120"></g:plusone>
<script type="text/javascript">
(function () {
var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;
po.src = '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);

It is working fine in my pages except 2 pages in which it is not showing. When i see the view source of the page then i find the above javascript and HTML code. I have called 6 methods on the page load of these 2 pages. what is the reason of  Google Plus one not showing on my this 2 pages. what i will have to do to show  Google Plus one on my this 2 pages. I have called this User Control page on my other pages.

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Web Forms :: Google Chrome - Truncates Error Message On All Pages

Jun 25, 2010

Validation summary is giving me problem when using Google Chrome. On all pages of my Website it truncates the error message at the end, For example it shows:

enter your N...
Invalid Em...

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Security :: Hide Folders And Pages Inside Folder From Crawlers Like Google

Feb 12, 2011

I'm wondering what would be the best solution for hidding a folder like for example "AdminFolder", and also .aspx pages inside this folder.

I have several pages inside "AdminFolder" which I (as "Administrator" :) ) plan to use for some background work on daily basis! I am using Membership shema and no one except me can not / or should not acces this area, but I'am afraid if web crawlers like google find and expose this part of my page in searching results!

I also need to create a second folder for PDF files which I also would like to hide (incl. PDF Files inside it) from web crawlers!

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C# - Add Google Adword Conversion Code Script To Certain Aspx Pages In Website?

Feb 22, 2011

I'm trying to add Google Adword conversion code script to certain aspx pages in our website but I'm running into an issue with the site using master pages. The Google instruction said to place the code before the body tag but with master pages being used the code will be on all the pages using the master page. I would like setup it up where certain pages use individual conversion codes with others not using anything. Any suggestions or examples would be appreciated. Also, I'm using C#.

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C# - Windows Desktop Search - Force Re-index / Index Now From Command Line?

May 14, 2010

I'm working on a project where we're using Windows Desktop Search (WDS) to index files on a web share and then later allow the user to search via a website for documents in the share.

These documents are transferred to the share via FTP, however it would seem that either the computer never goes idle to index or at some point the indexing stops. Is there a way from the command line or within the program itself to force this to happen without having to re-invent the wheel? Using .NET 3.5 and C#.

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DataSource Controls :: Creating Cluster Index From View Error / Cannot Create The Clustered Index 'RateViewIndex'

Feb 26, 2010

Here is my code in SQL


Error i am facing is :

Msg 8668, Level 16, State 0, Line 2

Cannot create the clustered index 'RateViewIndex' on view 'NoteToPass.dbo.RateView' because the select list of the view contains an expression on result of aggregate function or grouping column. Consider removing expression on result of aggregate function or grouping column from select list.

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DataSource Controls :: Difference In Cluster Index And Noncluster Index?

Feb 2, 2010

what is difference in cluster index and noncluster index?

which is faster?how many cluster index and non cluster index per table?

what is composite primary key?on how many columns we can create composite key?

hao many maximum composite key's we can create on one table?

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C# - Using Google Federated Login With Google Apps And .net Application

Aug 11, 2010

As an organisation, we use Google Apps. We have the paid version (mapped to our domain) etc...We are developing a web based application to manage orders, and other business functionality.I want to be able to use federated login with our google apps accounts-
For example, if a user is logged in to their email (gMail) - they should automatically be logged in to our application

If they're not logged in - the log in form should auth. against our google apps account.How can this be done?Is it possible to be able to "get" the user who is currently logged in using this method etc...?

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With Google Maps, Can Use Google's Own Popup Windows

Jan 11, 2011

I've implemented a google map with points and stuff that uses an address that the user inputs. When you click a point, the popup bubble appears with the name and address in.Often this name and address is a prominent location, as it's used for meetings and things, such as a university. If you google the address yourself on then you get google's own popup bubble, which often has a photo, information, opening hours, links to directions, reviews, etc. etc.I am wondering if there's a way to use that popup dialog instead of my own, where it is available. I can't see anything in the API to do this.I'm using V2 as we support IE6 in a lot of our users, but I've been told recently I can upgrade to V3 should I need functionality from it.

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Javascript - Google Map Dragging Like In

Aug 22, 2010

just want to add the effect of map momentum by the dragging of map as in has. currently on my map where i stop dragging the map stops there but in if you drag a mouse the map will not stop there it will continue the movement in the same direction for a second or few cordinates (i dont know basically), but I want the same thing on my google map. I am using GMap2.

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Forms Data Controls :: Tree View Set Slected Index / Auto Selected Index Change To Tree Node?

Jan 25, 2011

I have two control page in my aspx page. first one left side "tree view",second one right side " form design".Form design will change based on tree view selected index changed.i have 4 level child node(site, master , slave, space). I have seperate forms to each level of node.

cannot update tree node when update the forms. so i reload tree view.

now i need how to auto selected index change to tree node.


1 parent node

1.1 child node

1.2 child node

i have update "1.2 child node" rename to "1.3 child node"

and reload treeview so it will chage...

how set tree node.selected index = 1.3 child node....

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C# - GridView.Columns[index].HeaderText Throws "Index Was Out Of Range" Error?

Jan 3, 2011

gvOff.DataSource = o.ViewData(dCity.SelectedValue);
gvOff.Columns[0].HeaderText = "ZZZZZZZZ";
gvOff.Columns[1].HeaderText = "YYYYYYYY";
gvOff.Columns[2].HeaderText = "XXXXXXXX";

Header count is correct.

AutoGenerateColumns: Flase/True ( i tried both)
If i remove the gvOff.Columns[index].HeaderText portions, GridView works fine, but when i put the gvOff.Columns[0].HeaderText, i get the exceptional error.

, i couldn't solve it. If you need further info, inform me.


Hold on! I commented the HeaderText portion and tested
int i = gvOffer.Columns.Count;
I found count is 0 eventhough the columns print out with DataBind()... Why?
NOTE: AutoColumn in this case is set to true. I guess i will have to edit the column
names from DataTable.

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Data Controls :: List And Download Files From Google Drive Using Google Drive API?

May 7, 2015

I want to download a file from google drive (like .docx, .xlsx etc.) to a specific location, I am able to do so which are publicly share using WebClient object.

But now I want to download file which private in share but unable to do it.

How to improve my code which should download private file also.

//1) Link - google drive link from where to download
//2) filename- name of filename-
//3) oringinalDocDirectory- path where file has to save

public ActionResult SaveToServer(string Link,string filname,string oringinalDocDirectory) {
if (!Directory.Exists(oringinalDocDirectory))
var docFinalSavePath = Path.Combine(oringinalDocDirectory, filname);
WebClient client = new WebClient();
client.DownloadFile(new Uri(Link.Replace("&export=download","")), docFinalSavePath);
return Json(new { status = docFinalSavePath }, "text/html", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

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