DotNet Get User Operating System (HTTP_USER_AGENT)?

Mar 14, 2010

I'm looking at building an exhaustive function that returns a friendly name for the Users Operating System.

I think I have most of the Windows stuff down, but I'm not sure about Linux, OSX, and others.

Does anyone know where I can find an exhaustive list of HTTP_USER_AGENT's

'Gets the users operating system
Public Shared Function GetUserOS() As String
Dim strAgent As String = HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
'Windows OS's
If InStr(strAgent, "Windows NT 6.1") Then : Return "Windows 7"
ElseIf InStr(strAgent, "Windows NT 6.0") Then : Return "Windows Vista"
ElseIf InStr(strAgent, "Windows NT 5.2") Then : Return "Windows Server 2003"
ElseIf InStr(strAgent, "Windows NT 5.1") Then : Return "Windows XP"
ElseIf InStr(strAgent, "Windows NT 5.0") Then : Return "Windows 2000"
ElseIf InStr(strAgent, "Windows 98") Then : Return "Windows 98"
ElseIf InStr(strAgent, "Windows 95") Then : Return "Windows 95"
'Mac OS's
ElseIf InStr(strAgent, "Mac OS X") Then : Return "Mac OS X"
'Linux OS's
ElseIf InStr(strAgent, "Linux") Then : Return "Linux"
Else : Return "Unknown"
End If

End Function 'GetUserOS

I basically want to return better results for Mac OS and Linux OS's. It's better in my opinion to say OSX Snow Leopard or OSX Tiger rather than just Mac OS X.

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string pdfpath = Server.MapPath("images");
string imagepath = Server.MapPath("Images");
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Need The System To Be Able To Let The User Choose The Time Of Email?

Feb 25, 2010

I'm only a novice developer and have never done this before. I have a developer working on a new web application for me. Part of the application allows the user to select a time when they receive an email, containing information collected throughout the day. The user can select a time, e.g. 5pm, then at 5pm every day they receive an automated email of information from the system. They can log in to their control panel and change this time.My developer says there is only two ways to schedule this batch, but it's not possible to let the user select a time. They have suggested:

a) Using a console application that will trigger the event everyday and send the batch update
b) Using a Windows Service that will deploy on your server and do the operation.

I really need the system to be able to let the user choose the time of their email. I hoped this would be possible with ASP.NET. Is it? If so, how?

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