Error Redirect For Ajax Froms In .net Mvc2?

Aug 31, 2010

I'm building an mvc2 website and using a lot of ajax form elementes (Ajax.BeginForm to be exact) to asynchronously populate data on the page. I would like to redirect the user to the sign in page after x amount of time of inactivity on the site. When I do this currently, either through ActionExecutingContext, or HttpContext, the sign in page is populated in the current div element for that ajax form, instead of the entire page. Any thoughts on how to get it to redirect the current page?

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Security :: Role Based Authorization Using Froms Authentication Fails?

Oct 5, 2010

I am trying to implement a simple role based authorization using forms authentication in It works perfectly fine in my local system but fails when I deploy in production (shared hosting). Whenever I try to log in, rather than taking me to the default page in specified directory it throws me back to the login page. I suspect that there is some issues with the configuration but not sure where the problem is. The code is provided below:

Web.config (root):


Web.config (Member directory):






Works fine in local machine but shared hosting is not taking the authenticated user to the pages inside the secured folders. What can be the issue?

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Web Forms :: Response.Redirect - Redirect To Error Page ... ?

Mar 6, 2011

I have a problem with Response.Redirect to specific error page.

so far i have something like :

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

if ((Request.QueryString["UbytovaniePrispevokID"].ToString()) == "")[code]......

What i want to do is.. I have one main page with new posts Each subject of the new post is the link to Another page where is Specific post and coments and user can leave a coment.

What I want is when the Request.QueryString["UbytovaniePrispevokID"].ToString()) == "" or null I want to redirect to error page ...

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Serious Error Wrt RegularExpressionAttribute On MVC2 RC1?

Jan 25, 2010

If I decorate my model with a regular expression + localized string resource, and the ErrorMessageResourceName does not resolve to something on the object, the following things happen:

The regular expression is ignored altogether from a validation perspectiveNo error messages are raised in the MVC application.I would love it if the framework floated an exception in this instance because exclusion of this rule could have far reaching implications.The following is a modification to the ChangePasswordModel.NewPassword property in the stock MVC 2 RC1 project that exhibits the behavior. Note that while the MyResources does exist in my project, the EMResourceName does not exist on it.


[RegularExpression(@"^(?=.*d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{4,8}$", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(MyResources), ErrorMessageResourceName = "InvalidPasswordMessage2")]

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MVC2 Error: No Parameterless Constructor Defined For This Object - How To Fix It

Dec 28, 2010

First I incorrectly had my node defined in /shared/web.config instead of the web.config in the root of the WebUI project. I also had not correctly defined my connection string within web.config. I have pasted the proper web.config sections below:


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Implement An App-wide Error Handling Mechanism For MVC2 Web App

Mar 6, 2011

I want to implement an app-wide error handling mechanism for an ASP.NET MVC2 web app. What is the standard way to do this?

I want to make sure that the user never sees a 404 error, a 500 error, or a core dump.

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Visual Studio :: Error After Adding Silverlight To MVC2 Project With LINQ?

Jul 25, 2010

I have an MVC 2 web application which uses models auto-generated by LINQ. When I add a Silverlight project to my solution, generating a new strongly-typed View fails with the message:

Compiling transformation: The type or namespace name 'Data' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?). I understand this is most likely because Silverlight does not access the System.Data namespace (at least, I can't add the reference to my Silverlight app). However, it's not really important - I'm just trying to generate an .aspx View at this stage, not a Silverlight View.

Is there any way to get this template generation to work, or do I have to create my Silverlight project outside the solution and build it separately? I was kind of hoping to take advtage of WCF RIA and some of the other goodies one gets from including the Silverlight app within the main solution... anybody got a fix?

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Configuration :: MVC2 Web Application - Visual Studio 2010 - Compiler Error Message: CS0308

Jun 1, 2010

I created a web application using visual studio 2010 / MVC2 / MSSQL 2008 and it runs fine in my laptop. However when I run the application in the hosting provider it shows the error message below:

Compiler Error Message:

The hosting provider is [URL] and the link to my web application is [URL] I would like to know how to solve this issue? If anyone know PLEASE let me know how to troubleshoot / fix this issue. Also in case the problem is on the hosting provider, let me know if you know of a free or very affordable hosting provider with support for MVC 2 and MSSQL 2008.

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Web Forms :: Want To Redirect To Error.aspx Page If Runtime Error Occurs?

Feb 4, 2010

I want to redirect to Error.aspx page if runtime error occurs.How to acomplish this task.

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MVC :: How Manually Enable Ajax In Mvc2 Project

Feb 27, 2011

I want to use ajax toolkit for MVC2 project.

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How To Send Complex Types To MVC2 Controller Via Jquery (Ajax )

Feb 22, 2011

I am posting a Jquery Json serialized object to my controller but not all of the data is getting passed. One of the members is a complex type that is also Json serialized. This is the one that isn't getting through to the controller.

Here is the class I'm passing to my controller via Ajax post. Note the complex type, RoutingRuleModel.



Problem: SourceCodeModel contains correct values EXCEPT for it's complex member: RuleModel, which comes back as a RoutingRuleModel with default (null or 0's) values.

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C# - Submit A Form Via AJAX And Return A Partial View - MVC2?

Dec 17, 2010

Seems like there are a lot of ways to solve this problem.

Currently I make a partial view with a form like so:


What are other ways to accomplish the same thing and what are the pros and cons vs what I am doing?

Is Ajax.Form useful?

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C# - MVC2 Won't Work. Getting "The Resource Cannot Be Found." Error?

Aug 17, 2010

I've started working on my master's project and decided to try something new and use ASP.NET MVC 2. I have Windows 7 Pro and Visual Studio 2010.I've been following this tutorial [URL] and what's driving me insane is that I cannot even get past the first step. I setup my project exactly as the tutorial says, start debugging and all I get is: Server Error in '/' Application.The resource cannot be found. Description: HTTP 404.What the hell? I checked the default MVC application that VS01 builds when you choose "ASP.NET MVC 2 App" instead of "ASP.NET MVC 2 Empty App" and it works.

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Configuration :: Deploying MVC2 Application In IIS 7 - Error "The Web Server Is Configured To Not List The Contents Of This Directory"

Sep 9, 2010

I have created a ASP.NET MVC 2 application in VS2010. It runs in integrated development server fine. But when i deploy that in IIS it gives me "The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory." error. Anybody know what went wrong?? There is no default.aspx page when creating a MVC2 project in VS2010. is that the problem? I can assure the routes are configured correctly in global.aspx.

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Web Forms :: Error On Clicking Link-Cant Redirect To Target Page-Error Page Is Shown?

Nov 30, 2010

my C# console appliccation code is shown below :-


In my application a mail message send to particular recipeeient with msg body contains a hyper link.. when the recipent click on this link,it will redirect to another form(InternalForm.aspx)... bt when clicking the link error is occured,whuy its happening???? In InternalForm.aspx,page load portion access the link content(badgeno).. page load portion code of InternalForm.aspx is shown below:-


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How To Redirect On Server Error

May 3, 2010

I have a website that occasionally gets a Server error and throws that error page. Now the funny thing is that all I ever have to do is hit refresh and the error goes away. So until I figure out this error, do you know if theres a way to set up IIS so it automatically redirects whenever this error comes up?

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Redirect The Error Page In Mvc?

Jul 21, 2010

I have this code in my web config file.. I am new to mvc.

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Shared/Error">
<error statusCode="403" redirect="~/Shared/Error" />
<error statusCode="404" redirect="~/Shared/Error" />

and I have Error.aspx page under Shared Folder in my My question is Do i need to do anything with Global.ascx file to route?if so how to route? waht exactly need to define in my global.ascx file..

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Redirect To Another Page - Error Code?

Mar 29, 2010

EDIT ~ Updated the title and the question body: This is the edit. I want this behavior per-app on IIS6/7. I asked it initially before we migrated to IIS7, so any answer can be altered between the two (I've learned a bit about IIS7 since then ;] ) but I am looking for an answer that does work. I need to redirect per-app not per-server based on the user canceling 401 Auth request (meaning 401.1 error code). On IIS6, using NTLM Authentication (meaning Integrated Windows Authentication) if the user cancels the authentication request, how can I redirect them to another page? I can't just grab 401 (tried) or 401.1 (not an int) in the web.config.

I can't redirect if the issue is a 401 status because I'm intentionally pushing for a 401 to get the response, yeah? So how do I capture when they canceled on the browser challenge? To confirm that I'm being clear: If I open firefox and navigate to a IWA page, it shows me a dialog (assuming I haven't configured that away in about:config) and I key in the windows credentials to use. I want to prevent them stopping that box.

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Determine The Error That Caused A Redirect In C#?

Sep 7, 2010

I have an ASP.NET web form application. In the web.config associated with this application, I handle my custom error like so:

<customErrors mode="Off" defaultRedirect="error.aspx" />

When a user gets to the error.aspx page, I want to determine what error caused this page to get reached.

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C# - Redirect To Pre-defined Error Page?

Jul 23, 2010

I have error page settings in my web.config like:

<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="ErrorDocs/500.htm">
<error statusCode="404" redirect="ErrorDocs/404.htm"/>
<error statusCode="403" redirect="ErrorDocs/403.htm"/>

Is there a simple way to redirect to 404 page without typing its name? Ex: Response.Redirect(404 status coded page);Or is there a way to get default 404 location?

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Web Forms :: Redirect Parent Page To Error Page If Error Occurs In IFRAME Child Page

May 7, 2015

I have a data driven website with frames on the top, left, right and center screen.  If a page generates an error on any of the frames, I want to redirect the whole site back to the Default.aspx.  Currently, when a frame page errors in one of the frames, that frame gets the error pages.  Site is URL....  Is this something that can be handled?

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404 Error Code Redirect Back To Homepage?

Jan 14, 2010

I have some broken links on my site, and will keep having new ones on regular basis. How do i write a centralized code in web.config or something for 404 then redirect to home page? I am using aspx, and IIS7

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AJAX :: AJAX Modal Error - Microsoft JScript Runtime Error: Sys.ArgumentNullException: Value Cannot Be Null

Mar 20, 2010

Modal not showing up when show is called, also error on loading page. Attaching code below, can anyone help me discover my syntax / logic issues here?

NOTE: Did some research on this before posting, some claimed it can be an issue of where the modal is placed on the page in relation to the update panel I am using. I have tried different placements of the modal extender and I also tried removing the update panel all together in hopes to at least see the modal show, no go...same issue. So with that, the issue shouldnt be around the use of the update panel...

Here is the error:
icrosoft JScript runtime error: Sys.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: elements

and the code...

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VS 2005 - Detect 404 Page Error When Using Response.redirect?

Dec 8, 2010

I have a collection of links I response.redirect to the first one. if the first one errors with page 404 ie page does not exist i want to redirect to the next one. If the next one errors I then want to redirect to the one after etc. Basically go through the collection and redirect to a link that doesnt error with page 404 error. is this possible in .net 2?

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Web Forms :: Redirect To Default Page - Canonical - Getting SEO Error

Feb 12, 2011

When I tested web site on SEO Tools in IIS7 I get this SEO Error: The page contains multiple canonical formats. The page with URL "[URL]" can also be accessed by using URL "[URL]".Search engines identify unique pages by using URLs. When a single page can be accessed by using any one of multiple URLs, a search engine assumes that there are multiple unique pages. Use a single URL to reference a page to prevent dilution of page relevance. You can prevent dilution by following a standard URL format.

Recommended action: Pick a canonical URL format for your site and then ensure that all the links in your site follow that format. (For example, always use lowercase letters.) If an external link that points to your site does not use the canonical URL format, use permanent HTTP redirection to redirect site visitors and search engines to a canonical equivalent of that URL.

I tried to solve this by redirect page to a default.aspx. The problem is that HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString(), always shows [URL] So I can't detect if url typed in browser is only [URL] or [URL] I know that that can be solved in IIS7, but I can't access it to do that in hosting server. Is any solution in ASP.NET to redirect to default page any time when in browser is typed only domain name?

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