Filter By Date Range In ASPxPivotGrid?

Jan 6, 2011

I am using an ASPxPivotGrid to display order data in an aspx website. When I put a column in the "filter area" that has a date value, it displays a checked list of dates to choose from (see below). Is there a setting or workaround to get it to show a date-range or calendar popup to filter by?

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SQL Server :: Returning A Date With A Count Of Zero If It Doesn't Exist In The Date Range

Oct 9, 2010

i have the following query.


but if there were no "hits" for a particular date range in the last week i only get the dates returned where there were hits. i need to get all the days returned and where there were no results, i need a zero returned.

hitdate hitsperday

2010-10-07 2
2010-10-06 58
2010-10-04 1645
2010-10-03 1192

what i need to return is this:

hitdate hitsperday

2010-10-08 0
2010-10-07 2
2010-10-06 58
2010-10-05 0
2010-10-04 1645
2010-10-03 1192

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the date in textbox1 comes from cdrcalendar. I need to include cdrcalendar2 somewhere. Something along the line of "with cdrCalendar.SelectedDates and with cdrCalendar2.SelectedDates".

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Mar 11, 2011

I have a dropdownlist having values 'today','yesterday',lastweek', 'last month', 'lastyear'.

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e.g. if the user selects last week, 'to date' should be today's date and 'from date' should be (today's date - 7). if current date is 12, 'from date' = 6 and 'to date' = 12

How do I do this?

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Dropdown Menu Date Range?

May 31, 2010

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I want the user to only select a date range of 1 year. Any suggestion on how to do this? I was thinking maybe convert the date range into days and if its less than 365 days than input is good, other wise out of range message willl display.

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It appears during debug that its specifying a date format as MM/DD/YYYY, how can I get it to be DD/MM/YYYY?

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Apr 13, 2010

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AspxPivotGrid Group Column Header?

Jan 14, 2011

I want to be able to add a parent column header to each pair of columns shown below.

So I want it to look like this:

Grand Total
OnHand Available

Anyone know a way to do this? I know you can group columns together but I'm wondering how I can apply a label to those groups.

Alternatively, if theres no way to do that, I could just override the "Grand Total" display text. The only problem is I can't get it aligned above its correct columns.

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Dec 30, 2010

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SQL Server :: List All Dates In Date Range When Selecting Count

Oct 11, 2010

Say I have a table called "Visits", and I want to create a query that counts the visits per day. The way I would accomplish this would be to create a query as such:

SELECT Count(VisitId) as VisitCount, Convert(varchar(32), VisitDateTime, 101) as VisitDate
FROM Visits
WHERE VisitDateTime BETWEEN '10/1/2010' AND '10/5/2010'
GROUP BY VisitDate

The problem I am trying to overcome is that if there were no visits in a given day, that day does not show in my list. For example, if there were 3 visits on the 1st, 2 on the 2nd, none on the 3rd, and 5 on the 4th, my result set would look like:

3, 10/1/2010
2, 10/2/2010
4, 10/4/2010

How can I create my query so that I get all days in the date range listed in the result set regardless of whether the VisitCount is zero?

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DataSource Controls :: Writing Stored Procedure To Include Date Range?

Jun 22, 2010

Im building on a transaction website that gives the user a few choices for them to choose when they want to view their transactions history

They can choose:

1.Current Month
2. Last 1 month and current month
3. Last 2 month and current month
4. Select date range

How do I include this variable in the stored procedure?

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Forms Data Controls :: ListViewControl - Group Items By Their Value, For Eg. Date Range?

Aug 21, 2010

I have a table containing courses, columns are

Name - "Yoga Classes"
DateStart - "2/23/2010"
DateEnd - "2/24/2010"

I am using ListView Control to bind it, is there a way to display them and group them by Month? for eg.

Piano Class (10th Jan 2010 - 11th Jan 2010)
Guitar Class (10th Jan 2010 - 11th Jan 2010)
Yoga Class (15th Feb 2010 - 16th Feb 2010)

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AJAX :: Allow User To Select Particular Month Year Within Date Range In CalendarExtender

Jun 23, 2012

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Here all months & year from 1900 till current year is displayed

I need to display the month or make user select the month & year only till one year back , not beyond that current month is june 2012

The user should be able to select months from may 2011 to june 2012  only

 Same thing I need to accomplish with calendar control....

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