SQL Reporting :: Modifying Report Using A Date Range?

Apr 13, 2010

I am trying to restrict the data in the report with the use of a start date and an end date selected from a textbox (w/ ajax calendar extender)

should this be done on the report side or should i create a stored procedure and pass the variables to the stored procedure by microsoft report viewer.

It seems like there is two connection strings to the database, one for the report and one for the report viewer, is this correct?

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SQL Reporting :: Print Date Time On Report?

Jun 11, 2010

How Can I add a label with date/time of the report generation?

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Crystal Reports :: How To Pass Date Range From Text Box To Crystal Date Range Parameter

Sep 25, 2010

I has developed a crystal report, which display the records from a table and filters them based on a parameter( date range parameter). now I has integrated the report into a asp.net page using c#, but when I am running the asp page it is not promption for the date range values, it used to prompt for date range when I run the report in crystal report.

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SQL Reporting :: Change Date Format In Report Viewer?

Feb 19, 2011

i am facing a problem to change date format in report viewer:

here is the output i get it:

Date Sent
Date Repaired
1900-01-01 12:00:00 AM
1900-01-01 12:00:00 AM


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SQL Reporting :: Displaying A Localized Date Format In Report Parameters

Dec 2, 2010

I have several reports that I have published to a SQL 2008 report server with parameters that are dates (DateTime format). For these parameters, a calendar icon is displayed next to the textbox to allow users to select the date via mouse. Some of my reports are used by people overseas (England), where the date format is dd.mm.yy (instead of mm/dd/yyyy).

I went to the report properties, and changed the Language property from "un-US" to "en-GB". The affect of this is that all of the dates that are displayed on my report now show the date format of [dd.mm.yy] (which is good). However, the textbox where they specify the report parameter still shows the old mm/dd/yyyy format.

Can this be changed somehow? I have looked around, but could not find a setting that would apply to this. Or is this a client-side setting (in other words, when viewed overseas, it takes the "native" date format)?

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SQL Reporting :: Display The Start Date And End Dates On The Report Header

Mar 15, 2010

I am using a ReportViewer control on a aspx page. It is using a dataset and one of the fields is Date. The dataset's source is an object datasource. User selects startdate/enddates and other params, they are given to the object datasource, the datasource returns all the rows using a stored procedure, so the dataset is now populated. But the dataset has just one date field.

My problem - I want to display the start date and end dates on the report header. Right now - it just keeps the last value (end date).

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Access :: Date Range On A Access Report?

Apr 27, 2010

I have an Access DB that generates reports for my users based on the month from a SQL table. In February my team leads didn't run the report and now it only shows data for the month of April. I have tried to play with the date code to pull just the February data but with no luck, I know this is a simple change but I can't figure it out.


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SQL Reporting :: To Call A  reporting Services Report In Report View?

Apr 16, 2010

I have asp.net page
it has a gridview..


I am trying to call a reporting services report in Report view if I click ID For example, if I click ID 1001 ..it will pass the parameter 1001 And run a reporting services report in Report viewer on new web page..

How can I do this? Is there a example I can take a look?

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SQL Server :: Returning A Date With A Count Of Zero If It Doesn't Exist In The Date Range

Oct 9, 2010

i have the following query.


but if there were no "hits" for a particular date range in the last week i only get the dates returned where there were hits. i need to get all the days returned and where there were no results, i need a zero returned.

hitdate hitsperday

2010-10-07 2
2010-10-06 58
2010-10-04 1645
2010-10-03 1192

what i need to return is this:

hitdate hitsperday

2010-10-08 0
2010-10-07 2
2010-10-06 58
2010-10-05 0
2010-10-04 1645
2010-10-03 1192

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C# - Prevent Users From Modifying Date In Textbox?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a textbox with a calendar icon next to it. When the icon is clicked a popup form displays the calendar control. I have it set up where they can only select the week ending date(saturday) and that date is displayed in the textbox.

I want to prevent users from editing the textbox. I've tried using the readonly and enabled properties but that doesn't work.

How can I keep users from modifying the date in the textbox?

View 5 Replies

SQL Reporting :: How To Display Sub Report Page Header Into Master Report Using SSRS

Dec 23, 2010

i have 1 master report

and 1 subreport

subreport have Page Header.

when i Independently run subreport it show Page Header,

but when i run master report which have this subreport,

sub report not shown page header.

what is this error.

i use ssrs 2000, can be version problem,

or anything else.

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SQL Reporting :: Opening SSRS 2008 Report In VS 2010 With Report Viewer

Jul 30, 2010



[Code].... Opening SSRS 2008 report in VS 2010 with Report Viewer?

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SQL Reporting :: Reporting" Subject: Pass The Query Dynamically To Sql Server Report?

Apr 30, 2010

it possible to pass the query dynamically to sql server report from .net or from any other source.

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Report Viewer From SQL Reporting Services In VS 2008 Report Control?

Jan 8, 2010

Report viewer from SQL reporting services in VS 2008 report control If I create a new report in VS 2008 they have a .rdlc extension and work correctly.

I have some reports that I was using in SQL reporting services. Extensions are .rdl and want to get them to work with VS 2008.

I copied the rdl files and the .rdl.data files over to VS 2008 (SP1) project but when I go to select the report in the control it does not see the file (I assume it is looking for a .rdlc file)

I tried rename the file to .rdlc and loaded the file up and got

The report definition has an invalid target namespace [URL] which cannot be upgraded.

I see this



It says

"RDL files are fully compatible with the ReportViewer control runtime. However, RDL files do not contain some information that the design-time of the ReportViewer control depends on for automatically generating data-binding code. By manually binding data, RDL files can be used in the ReportViewer control."

But the link for how to manual bind the data is broken.

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SQL Reporting :: Drill Down Report In RDLC Report Viewer?

Jan 31, 2011

Can you please point me to an example of how to implement drill down in RDLC?
I am in a situation where the first report appears perfectly, but when I click on a drill down link , i get an error A data source instance has not been supplied for the data source 'RecuirtmentDataSet_ProfileTracker'.

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SQL Reporting :: Create A Click Through Report Using Report Model?

Nov 29, 2010

how to create a Click through report using Report Model.

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SQL Reporting :: Go Back From One Report To Another Report With Data In Ssrs?

Jun 8, 2010

I am working with SSRS reports .I have one report called AllOrderDails with Order_No, Order_Date, Project_Name, Boiler_Name, RefNo, Total_NoItems, Total_GrossWeight, Expected_Date .It shows all order Details ,when i click Order_No it shows another report called OrderDetails.It shows only single Order_No details....In OrderDetails page i am using one textbox for back .It is for going back to AllOrderdetails.

My problem is when i click Order_No in AllOrderDetails page it's show OrderDetails page withrelated Order_No,when i click back it goes to AllOrderDetails Page but It's not displaying any data...

View 15 Replies

SQL Reporting :: Run A Report Without Having To Click On The View Report Button?

Mar 26, 2010

I need to run a ServerReport report from a ReportViewer webapp. But I don't want to have to click on the reportViewer button:

"View Report"

I've set up and assigned the parameters on the report but it always wants me to select the params and click the button.

How do i get around this? here's my code:


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SQL Reporting :: Including Objectdatasource Report Parameters In A Report?

Mar 30, 2011

When using parameters in an ObjectDatasource for an RDLC report, how can you get the parameter values and display them in the report?

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SQL Reporting :: Finding The Data Within A Particular Range

Sep 6, 2010

I need to create a report that will show the list of data that is within that range of period. The scenario will be:

- the user will choose the starting month and the ending month from a drop down list. (for example, starting month = July and ending month = September)

- then the report will be showing all the data within that range of month chosen by the user. (data from July until September will be shown, including data from the month of AUGUST)

- the problem I'm having is that when I choose the starting month and ending month as shown above, I only get the data from the month of JULY and the month of SEPTEMBER, the data from month of AUGUST will not be shown.

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SQL Reporting :: Server Error:Index Was Out Of Range?

Dec 20, 2010

I am getting the below error when I am trying to export RDLC report data into Excel sheet using Microsoft report viewer control."Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.Parameter name: index"

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SQL Reporting :: How To Report Viewer - Report With Subreport

Oct 21, 2010

I have a reportviewer control (2010) on my form with the following definition.

<rsweb:ReportViewer ID="ReportViewer1" runat="server">
<LocalReport ReportPath="Report1.rdlc">
<rsweb:ReportDataSource DataSourceId="dsApplicants" Name="DataSet1" />
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="dsApplicants" runat="server"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [fApplicants]" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Club CS%>">

Report 1 has a Subreport, how can I set the Datasource for SubReport?

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Crystal Report With Error: A Number Range Is Required Here

Dec 29, 2010

I am using the crystal report, in that i am using code like below to show the SQL data into the crystal report,

string req = "{View_EODPumpTest.ROId} IN " + str + " AND " + "({View_EODPumpTest.RecordCreatedDate}>=date(" + fromDate.Year + " , " + fromDate.Month + " , " + fromDate.Day + ")" + "AND" + "{View_EODPumpTest.RecordCreatedDate}<=date(" + toDate.Year + " , " + toDate.Month + " ," + toDate.Day + " ))";
ReportDocument rep = new ReportDocument();
DateTime fromDate = DateTime.Parse(Request.QueryString["fDate"].ToString());
DateTime toDate = DateTime.Parse(Request.QueryString["tDate"].ToString());
CrystalReportViewer_PumpTest.ReportSource = rep;
//CrystalReportViewer1.SelectionFormula = str;
rep.RecordSelectionFormula = str;
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject from = ((CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject)rep.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["txtFrom"]);
from.Text = fromDate.ToShortDateString();
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject to = ((CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject)rep.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["txtTO"]);
to.Text = toDate.ToShortDateString();
//Session["Repo"] = rep;

after running my application it executes fine with no exception but such error i am getting, A number range is required here. Error in File

C:DOCUME~1DelmonLOCALS~1TempPumpTestReport {14E557A7-51B3-4791-9C78-B6FBAFFBD87C}.rpt: Error in formula . '{View_EODPumpTest.ROId} IN ['15739410','13465410'] AND ({View_EODPumpTest.RecordCreatedDate}>=date(2010 , 12 , 1)AND{View_EODPumpTest.RecordCreatedDate}<=date(2010 , 12 ,25 ))' A number range is required here. error.

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Web Forms :: Date Range From Two Textboxes?

May 3, 2010

I am trying two calculate a date range from two textboxes. I currently have:


the date in textbox1 comes from cdrcalendar. I need to include cdrcalendar2 somewhere. Something along the line of "with cdrCalendar.SelectedDates and with cdrCalendar2.SelectedDates".

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Get Count Of Certain Date Range Into Label

Feb 4, 2010

I am trying to do this form that counts the number of records that are completed in a certain date range. I just want the user to place his date range and have it return the count as a Label. Here's what I have so far, I'm not 100% sure how to correctly place the user inputed variables into the Query.

It keeps returning "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand"


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