Forms Data Controls :: Binding Complex Property To Gridview Columns?
Oct 15, 2010
We know that using something like Bind("CustomerName") can be used in the Text property of a label control inside a gridview, where CustomerName is a property of the object whose collection is bound to the gridview. If that property is of a complex type (object of another class), how do we use a property of that inline object as a binding for the gridview column?
I want to know the procedure of binding a gridview. but the condition is that thefre are three columns in this gridview. if I wud bind it from one table then it wud ok for me. but now I need to bind it from three different tables. onw column from one table, another from 2nd.. and so on.
I'm trying to implement a recipe search page that allows users to specify search criteria by selecting checkboxes that match desired recipe attributes. All the data is stored in a database uing tables with 1 - many relationships. Each recipe can have multiple attributes from any of 5 attribute tables. I want to find all the recipes that match the user-selected criteria and display them in a grid. For example, the user may want a breakfast (attribute 1) recipe that is made with fruit and milk (attributes 2 and 3), is low-fat and high fiber (attributes 4 and 5), and takes less than 15 minutes to prepare (attribute 6). The query for this example might look something like:
FROM recipes, recipeMeals, recipeDishes, recipeFoodGrps, recipeNutrients, recipeFixTimes
WHERE = recipeMeals.recipeId and = recipeDishes.recipeId and = recipeFoodGrps.recipeId and = recipeNutrients.recipeId and = recipeFixTimes.recipeId and recipeMeals.mealId in (1) and recipeDishes.dishId in (5) and recipeFoodGrps.fdGrpId in (1, 6) and recipeNutrients.nutrAttsId in (2, 3) and recipeFixTimes.fixTimeId in (1)
I' can generate the SQL but can't figure out how to bind it to a grid control. No could I see how to get any of the data controls to build the query for me. Is there a way to say "execute this query and display the results in a GridView"?
I'm looking for the best way (Performance) to do gridview columns formating RunTime /Dynamic depending on the datatable Columns type ,I want to bind the datatable to a gridview and format the Date columns to short date, and currency columns formatted with comma ex 10,000.00 inplace 100000.00 at datatable the column type is double run time (without converting them to String) since I do a filtering and sorting at these columns.
In my past I had created the following web page in web forms and I'm learning mvc right now , I had given it a tought and I run into conclusion I really wont know how to do the same page with mvc
before explaining you the actuall problem I would explain you the Model The model is a pretty simple , it for few columns which are bool , and a lot of them which are varchar(MAX) The View is built the following way
the bool parts of curse got a check box but the varchar parts are the complicated ones In my web form page i got the following code for each varchar property in my database
my server script gets the following page apon submit and checks if radio button 1 or 2 is selected if 1. it inserts the link as it is into colmn property while if it is 2. it saves the file on the server and saves the file location into the colmn property.
Am using datalist to create a kinsd of message board, in the back end am having two tables one for the parent comment , and other for the child comments
The data source is extracted by LINQ to SQL with the load option , so I get everthing when I debug on the code behind , and I can see all the fields each parent comment and the child comments.
the problem is with binding the data on the disply for example all the parent table fildes can be rendred without any problems:
<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "comment1Parent") %>; "showing me the orginal post"
Problem here:
<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Childcomment") %> is not rendred and I got this error msg:
DataBinding: 'DataAccessLayer.Comment' does not contain a property with the name 'childComment'. In the debug I navigate to the childComment and this is its HTML visualisar:
new System.Linq.SystemCore_EnumerableDebugView<DataAccessLayer.Comment>(((ASP.usercontrols_comments_ascx)this).Comments)).Items[0]._comments_Replies.entities.items[0].childComment
in page user able to select gridview Columns, and it will hide remaining columns and that selection done by check box with column list bellow is Image link , what exactly I am looking for [URL] it look bellow after selection of column done [URL]
The user control has public properties named accordingly and the page has protected properties accordingly which I've verified have the desired values.
For some reason the values are always empty strings or 0s in the usercontrol, no matter what the page property is.
I'm working on an ASP.NET 3.5 project that requires me to create several custom navigation server-side controls that can be customized at design time by non-ASP.NET website developers through a simple text editor. All but one were relatively easy to create, but the last one is stumping me. I've looked online and can't find any examples anyplace that come close to what I'm trying to do.The last control needs to give the site developers the ability to manually define the number of nodes that are displayed within the control when it's rendered on a page, and I want to reproduce the design time/runtime functionality of the GridView's "Columns" property. In the Columns collection the site developer at design time can manually specify the look/feel of each column within the ASPX designer. I want to give my site developers the same design-time flexibility so they can add/remove nodes at their whim and not bug me to do it for them. an anyone point me to any examples of how to create a collection custom child controls that are associated with a custom server side control?
From Google i figured out these can be used to bind the columns in GridView to ArrayList. But what is "some property" ?For example i have a ArrayList in .aspx.cs as
static ArrayList componentSelectionArray = new ArrayList();
so can i just write in grid view to bind a arraylist to grid view columns as:
I am using subsonic in forms C# and I have an instance where I need to loop through a recordset and for each one call the Database to get specific information from a view about that record.
in this instance it is a venue, loop through and for each venue I show there spend and there budget, but I am at a loss as to how I can say use a gridview, execute more code on each row and then add more columns to that row.
just as an update i have been playing with the idea of something like this:
DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.Tables.Add(LinqToDataTable(club.All().Where(x => x.level == 1))); ds.Tables.Add(LinqToDataTable(ViewBudgetSpend.All().Where(x => x.periodfrom == curperiod))); DataRelation relation = new DataRelation("budgets",ds.Tables[0].Columns["clubId"],ds.Tables[1].Columns["clubid"]); ds.Relations.Add(relation); still working this out though.
Is their any way I can bind each column of the grid seperatly with each property? It is possible to do that in web form, but i am not sure about MVC grids.
I am trying to set come columns to invisible after all of the rows are binded but I'm having trouble. I'm hiding columns that have empty data which I save in a session variable. This works fine. Then I tried changing the columns visible property using the ColumnByName routine in the DataBound but that must be the wrong event because I do not think the columns exist yet.
The columns are autogenerated btw.
Where can I set the columns properties after it has binded? Can i do this before the columns are autogenerated the the screen itself?
I'm having trouble finding a good tutorial on binding complex lists to an object. Essentially we have currencies that are user defined, we need to generate a form for each currency to allow the user to input exchange rates. I think I'm doing my list properly according to this post, however I'm not getting any data bound. here is my ASPX snippit.
[Code].... Here is my form data object and associated objects.
Here is the html that is rendered.[Code]....
I'm having trouble finding a good tutorial on binding complex lists to an object. Essentially we have currencies that are user defined, we need to generate a form for each currency to allow the user to input exchange rates. I think I'm doing my list properly according to this post, however I'm not getting any data bound. here is my ASPX snippit.
I have a combox box inside a dataform which is bound to riacontrol's datadomainsource say "x" and data form is bound to riacontrol's datadomainsource say "y". Now when I am submiting change then I am not able to find the selected value for the combo box for dataform's data property. It is showing 0 to me.
I'm binding a gridview from a webservice with 30 columns and 10 rows, I need to print the same in a PORTRAIT, for that i decided to display columns as rows and
consider classic example: Product and Category editing Product in dropdown Id of Category is selected - Category mapped as object with all fields empty except Id when submitting Product edit form - validation gives an error: "Category name is required" (I have Required attribute on Category Name property)
How deal with such errors if I want to use built-in validation (
Writing custom data binder which would fill all such id-only-objects with values from database comes to mind.
upd: I did small research of mvc code and found out that validation happens before binding - so this solution would't work.
What I want to achieve is the ID of the property: item.Item.ID to be bound to the ID from the (route)URL. However I can't get it to work. I tried using [Bind()] attribute.
I fixed it now using a hidden field in the form like so:
<%= Html.HiddenFor(model => model.Item.ID)%>
However this feels a bit icky. I'd like to know if there is a better cleaner way of doing this?