Forms Data Controls :: Button Click To Select All Contents Of Gridview?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a gridview that is populated from a selection made from a dropdown list box.

I would like to add a button that will select the returned results being displayed in the gridview so that the data can be copied to the clipboard for use in another app like excel.

The size of the gridview will vary depending on the selections made in the drop down.

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Forms Data Controls :: Select A Row In Gridview When We Click A Button On The Same

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Jun 21, 2010

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Jan 6, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview And Detailsview - To Click Two Times On The Select Button To View The Detailsview?

Nov 17, 2010

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But I´m trying to do that programmatically, not with the sqldatasource. So I wrote the method that binds data to Detailsview and I call it in the page_load. The problem is that I have to click two times on the select button to view the detailsview. The first time I click on the select button nothing happens.

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Jan 3, 2011

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public void GetPost2(string username)
// int followerid;


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Aug 30, 2010

I have the following issue:

I have a repeater that iterates over a datasource, and each detail of the datasource has a type of control or entry method, I have an enum to represent the type of control


And I have this in the repeater's ItemCreated event:


This is the aspx file:


The problem comes when ENTRY_METHOD.FLEXI_SELECT is selected, because this will maps into a gridview and it need to be able to add, insert or delete items inside the gridview. Every time that I add an CommandField button with ShowSelectButton in true, it makes a postback an reloads the items inside the whole repeater, not only the gridview. This behavior is correct? How can I do to add a repeater that has inside a gridview that has select button and does not fires the repeater's OnItemCreated?

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Apr 6, 2010

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Oct 4, 2010

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The problem I faced is that is it able to add a new row, but it only shows ONE column only, which is the most left column.


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Does Not Appear When Button Click

Nov 22, 2010

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It is running smoothly until i copied the page into another file. Suddenly, when i try to display the gridview, it does not appear.

I've try copied everything exactly the same like the original one, but still failed.

Does anyone have experience like this before?

This is the snippet my code : default.aspx.vb


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Sep 2, 2010

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Jul 21, 2010

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Feb 19, 2010

I am developing an application using Sharepoint Designer.I need to retrieve data from a database for display on the screen.The way I am hoping to implement this is to have a Text box from which data is taken and at the click of a button passed to the procedure (which is within script tags) which calls a stored procedure passing it the value entered in the text box.The problem I've having is that the gridview is not displaying anything (i.e. other than text i entered in the EmptyText property of the gridview ("There are no records").
Below is my code

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "


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Sep 20, 2010

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On them both, if its possible, i would like to make the row itself selectable instead of just enabling the select button.

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