Forms Data Controls :: Select Only One Radio Button In Gridview?

Apr 15, 2010

how can i select the only one radiobutton in gridview .the radio button is server control . i want that code in javascript.

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Oct 4, 2010

i have a gridview with radio button.i need to select only one item through out gridview i have written code that is working fine but that is giving problem in paging i am displaying gridview with 5 records per first page i am able to select only one item but if i move to second page here also i am able to select only one radio button in this mean time if move to first page in that page also radio button is in selected mode .How can i make only one radio button selected in through out gridview and How can i get paging data from gridview(if i select 3rd page value and i moved to first page in that situation i need to get get that 3rd page value aslo ).

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Dec 9, 2010

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In the output i am getting morethan one radio buttons depending on the data which i added in the database. Before submit i want to validate atlease one radiobutton to be selected using javascript.

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Feb 20, 2010

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Select a radio button when page loads based on RadioButtonList's DataSource

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Web Forms :: How To Select Only One Radio Button And Radio Button Validation

Mar 2, 2011

I've two radio buttons in my web site for selecting sex, one s for Male & another s for Female, Problem is during the Run time, I was able to select both the Radio Buttons, but as per my need i should select only one radio button. And i should perform validation Wn user not selected even one radio button i should show the error msg, like " select sex "

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Forms Data Controls :: Validation With Gridview Radio Select?

Jul 2, 2010

I have followed the documention for adding a radio button select column to a gridview and all works fine. Except, I am using a wizard where the user must select a value from this table before pressing next. Using the validator is not possible since the radio button is created using a literal. Is Javascript the only way? How can I prevent a user from clicking next using Javascript?

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Forms Data Controls :: Radio Button List Inside Gridview - Push A Button To Submit The QuestionID

Jul 24, 2010

I have a databound Gridview (with a LINQ datasource). The gridview displays questions from the SQL DB to the user. I've inserted a radio button list into the gridview with 3 horizontal radio buttons with fixed values of 1,2,3 for the user to select. I have a question ID, a tempuserID, and AnswerValue columns set up in the database. It all works nicely.

After the user selects radio buttons, I would like for them to push a button to submit the QuestionID, the associated Radio Button Value (AnswerValue) and their tempUserID into the DB. How do I do this? I'm not sure what to do next and what VB/LINQ code to put in the code behind file in the button click event handler. I'm also not sure on what to use for the tempUserID, can I use the sessionID? I'm using VB and here's my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Radio Button Selected Value In A Gridview?

Jan 19, 2010

I have a Gridview with Radiobutton selection and two text boxes and two buttons.

What i need is to like search and extract functions.

My Gridview Initially contains all the data in the table. In one text box, like if i want to search "Learning" in column FIRST NAME and i type "L" in the text box and click the button, all values from the column FIRST NAME starting from "L" should be listed in the Gridview, so that from there user can select "Learning" and click another button to extract values corresponding to it in the another Textbox.

My Gridview looks like this :


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Mar 19, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Selecting One Radio Button In A GridView?

Sep 1, 2010


Selecting One Radio Button In A GridView

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Forms Data Controls :: Radio Button In Gridview Not Storing The Selected Value

Sep 20, 2010

i have a grid view with radio button...schedule/approve/ defualt schedule radio button is selected....but when i chage radio button selection option to anyth other than schedule it still store only schedule in DB.wats the pblm?



when i click submit button i got this error

Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using <pages enableEventValidation="true"/> in configuration or <%@ Page EnableEventValidation="true" %> in a page. For security purposes, this feature verifies that arguments to postback or callback events originate from the server control that originally rendered them. If the data is valid and expected, use the ClientScriptManager.RegisterForEventValidation method in order to register the postback or callback data for validation.

so i set the enableeventvalidation=false

now i dint receive any error but when i set breakpoint on the funtion which called on buton clik it still got the value as scheduled for the radio button..spent almost half day for this.. all this while this was workin after i add the moralpopupextender am facing this i tried removin that extender but still pblm exist.

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Forms Data Controls :: Nested Gridview Or Treeview With Radio Button?

Nov 23, 2010

I have some data like:

1 A
2 C
2 D
3 E
3 F
4 G
5 H

I want display this data in a gridview with radio button like:

Radio Button : A
Collapse able Button:2
Radio Button:C
Radio Button:D
Collapse able Button:3
Radio Button:E
Radio Button:F
Radio Button : G
Radio Button : H

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing Radio Button Field Value In A Gridview?

Nov 19, 2010

Iam using a radio button in a Gridview. I want to check whether it is checked or not. If it is checked i want to pass one value or if it is unchecked i want to pass another value. But even when i checked the radio button, it is still showing unchecked in the Debugger. How to check whether it is checked or not. Following is the code iam using:


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Mar 4, 2010

I am developing an application using ASP.NET 3.5 with C#. In my application I have a gridview control and inside the template field of gridview I have placed a RadioButton. When I run the application and when I try to select a single radio button, it allows multiple selection of radio buttons. I have to select a single radio button.

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Aug 9, 2010

I have a gridview :


After clicking on generated button i want to add values of other 2 textboxes and selecteditem.value from radio to the link here:

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Mar 9, 2010

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Web Forms :: Radio Button Select Java?

May 21, 2010

i have a radio button on the left of the HtmlTable and if Select the Radiobuton it should change the Hole Row Color but not the one where the radiobutton is in?

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Web Forms :: Redirecting To Another Page When Select The Radio Button?

Feb 20, 2010

how can i redirect my page to another page(which has two input fields) When i select/check the radio button.

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Data Controls :: Sort GridView Based On Column Name Specified In Selected Radio Button

Jan 4, 2013

i need to sort the gridview based on the radiobuttons. and i have 3 radiobuttons like dept,empcode,reporter..

if i click on any of radiobutton i need to show the gridview by sorting order..

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Web Forms :: Can't Force Radio Button List To Select The Desired SelectedValue

Apr 7, 2010

I can't get my radio button list to select a desired value. What am I doing wrong?

Dictionary<int, string> rbl_list = new Dictionary<int, string>();

rbl_list.Add(1, "Home");
rbl_list.Add(2, "Tables");
rbl_list.Add(3, "Graph/Export");[code]....

I'm using c# and the above is written in the Page_Load event.

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Want To Use Radio Button To Select Sex?

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