Forms Data Controls :: Changing Text In Dynamic Gridview

Apr 27, 2010

I have made a gridview by assigning a sqldatareader object to it to display records....but i want to change the headertext of each column.i dont want the default name stored in the database how do i change the headertext?

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing The Header Text Of GridView?

Feb 1, 2010

I have a simple GridView in my page which it bound to Database using Connection String in am not using SqlDataSouce of Asp.Net)

When it bound to db, I can not change the header text of columns.

Here is the code behind:


I have even used the GridView1.Columns(0).HeaderText = "some text"

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing The Standard Select Text On A Gridview?

Jul 10, 2010

but I it throws an out range exception on the highlighted line for me:


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Column Changing Visibility Depending On A Row.text?

Oct 18, 2010


and im not getting the result i expected =

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing A GridView's ItemTemplate Label Text Dynamically

May 7, 2010

I'm trying to change the text of a GridView label in an ItemTemplate and I am having some issues. I searched all over and can't find a solution. This is what I am trying to do...

I have a GridView that has a comment field. Normally when the page is rendered the comment field is truncated using a truncate class that limits field length. The full contents can be displayed in a tooltip when the comment field is hovered over. That part works fine.

I also have an export to Excel class that will take the Gridview and export it to Excel and that part works fine as well...

Now the issue... Because of the truncated field, when I do an export it will export exactly what is in that field, the truncated version of a comment. When the export button is clicked I need to change the .text value of the label that is in the GridView ItemTemplate

From this truncated version...


And then back again after the export routine is complete.

I have accessed the contents of a label before using FindControl but never set a value, is this possible? Also, I have captured what is in the comment field on RowDataBound but by that time, it is already truncated.

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Forms Data Controls :: Highlight Text In A Dynamic Textbox Within A Gridview Without Using JavaScript

Oct 19, 2010

I have the following code which sets the focus of the textbox, but I now also want th text in the textbox to be highlighted, but without the use of JavaScript. I have tried using JavaScript but cannot get it too work, is there any other way to do it?

Protected Sub
GridView1_RowEditing(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewEditEventArgs)
Handles GridView1.RowEditing
GridView1.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex

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Forms Data Controls :: Applying Dynamic Text To The Gridview Empty Data Template?

Jan 20, 2011

I want to change the text of gridview empty data template based on diff scenerio's.

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Forms Data Controls :: Bind Label Inside A Gridview With Both Static And Dynamic Text?

Apr 21, 2010

I need to set the "Text" property of a label inside a gridview using, I know how to set the label using static value and I also know how to set the label using the "Bind" keyword but I want to do both, something like this:


So the output will be something like:


Book Name: The Story of My Life


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview - Dynamic Label - VB.NET - Change The Text Of The Label If Certain Criteria Is Reached?

Mar 15, 2010

I have Template fields configured for Gridview. The gridview is using an objectdatabsource to bind itself. I have the gridview configured to use Templatefields which then contain tables to display the information. This works fine.

My question is, is it possible to change the text of the label if certain criteria is reached. If "NumberOfDwellings" is 1 then change the label to read, "1 Dwelling". Where-as if NumberOfDwellings has more than one then it's "3 Dwellings".

<asp:Label ID="lbl_NumberOfDwellings" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("NumberOfDwellings") & " Dwelling(s)" %> '></asp:Label>

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Gridview Inside A Dynamic Gridview?

Oct 9, 2010

If there's a better way to accomplish what I'm attempting I haven't found it yet. That being said, I have create a gridview like the one here,[URL]And with some minor tweaking it working great for all my fields, checkboxes, etc. The issue is my last column is another gridview, and I'd like it to function the same. that is, a dynamic gridview inside of a dynamic gridview. I get that I have to create it initially with null values or it won't show up. I guess what I'm having trouble figuring out is instead of go will null data in the parent gridviews column, do I place my blank child gridview. Do I create and bind the child gridview first, or second. Generally just not sure. Also, as far as storing the data from the child gridview goes, will each one need it's own datatable?



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C# - Gridview Dynamic Changing Cell Background

Sep 17, 2010

I have a griview which is bounded to a sqldatasource and changed dynamically. How do I change the background cell color based on the value? e.g., 0-0.5 green, 0.5-1 red, sth like that.

<asp:GridView ID="grid1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing Webpage Label Text Based On Datasource Field In A Repeater Control?

Jan 27, 2011

I have a web page that has a repeater bound to a data source. I beed to change a label inside the repeater based on the data that is in each repeater item. For instance, for the first item it might be one thing, and for the next item the label may be something else. I am currently doing some processing in the prerender event, but I don't know if I can or how to access the data source fields there. Where and how do I get access to the data in each item so I can change the label text?

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Data Controls :: Columns Value Button Text Is Changing

Feb 27, 2014

URL....According to my requirement based on columns value button text is changing. But I want to apply some action on it. Means previously, I used Command Name for a button and in Row Command event I have written the code which was working. But now, after writing this code I am getting an error message. Because now the button is converted into template field.

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Forms Data Controls :: Highlight Text In A Dynamic Textbox

Oct 13, 2010

I have a dynamic textbox appearing in a gridview on the row editing function. I have the following code to set the focus tot he textbox:

GridView1.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex

This works fine, but I would now also like to select the data in the textbox so the user does not have to select the text before typing, they can just type straight away. I have been trying to use:

txtTargetAmount1.SelectionStart = 0
txtTargetAmount1.SelectionLength = txtTargetAmount1.Text.Length

but this does not work.

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Forms Data Controls :: Creating Dynamic Text Boxes?

Jan 1, 2010

I'm trying to make a form where the text boxes and titles for each box are created dynamically based on how many array values there are. I have tried a repeater but am a little unclear on how I can get the texbox to bind to one area of and the title to bind to another. This is what I have so far:


...and this is the code-behind with an associated array, arr1:

// Bind Array to Repeater
rep1.DataSource = arr1;

This works and adds values where container.dataitem is but how to I make it add one set of array values there and another set of array values where the *x* is?

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing Value In Gridview Row?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a question, I have a gridview that shows a red balloon as imagebutton in one of the cells. Now i want to be able to let a users press the button, write a value in a record in the database and then change the red balloon to a yellow one. When the user wants (at any given time) wants the undo the value again the record should be rewriten again and the yellow ballon should be red again. Any tip is more than welcome :)

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Data Controls :: How To Add Dynamic Rows Together With Non-Dynamic To Single GridView Table

Dec 11, 2013

I have a Webform with a TextBox (Static) and 3 TextBox (Dynamic - based on the following article: [URL].... )

How to use this scenario with a single GridView table?

Based on the User input, the GridView might have (1 + 3) columns; (1 + 6) columns; (1 + 9) columns; ...etc.

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing The Color Of Row In Gridview?

Nov 13, 2010

i have a web page and a gridview in it , i want if one of my fileds (in database) is null , the color of that row change.

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing In Gridview With Checkbox

Aug 14, 2010

First off, sorry if this is in the wrong section. I have a gridview that loads from a SQL database. It has three columns, the first being a template column with a checkbox, the second being a name from the database, and the third being a field from the database related to that name. (the third column is empty). I want to be able to click on the check box in each row, and automatically have the third column populate with data that the user can select from a drop down list at the top of the screen or something. I am using VB, and I basically just need a way to make this checkbox, add a value from somewhere into the database. (Also, I know that I can just use Edit in the gridview to change data, but there will be a long list, and that way gets quite time consuming) I hope this makes sense, if not I can try rewording it.

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Dynamic Text For Deletebutton And Dynamically Set The Delete Confirmation Message

Jan 20, 2011

I have a delete button in listview footer. I need to set dynamic text for this deletebutton and dynamically set the delete confirmation message also.Here is my code.

<asp:ListView ID="dlPictures" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" DataKeyField="PictureId"
DataSourceID="OdsAlbumPictures" DataKeyNames="MappingId" ItemPlaceholderID="itemPlaceholder"

I am getting server tags not well formed error..

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing The Binding For A GridView Column?

Oct 13, 2010

I have a gridview bound to a SQL Select statement. I want the binding of one of the columns to depend on one of the values in the database record. For example, say I have a SQL table containing FirstName, LastName, ShowFirstName.

I want a the Name column in my Gridview to be bound to FirstName if ShowFirstName is 1, and bound to LastName if ShowFirst Name is 0.

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing Selected Row In Gridview Using Up And Down Buttons

Nov 11, 2010

how i can change the sleected row style in gridview when i click on UP or DOWN buttons

i am using the below code to set the style

<SelectedRowStyle BackColor="Teal" ForeColor="Maroon" Font-Bold="True" />

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing Style In The Gridview Row Depending On The Row Value

Mar 1, 2011

I would like to change color of the gridView depending on the value from table that is bounded to the grid. I actually don't show this value on the grid. I tried by using additional field with visible=false, but the cell is string empty in this way. I don't know how to solve this in some other way?

I used this code, but as I said the value is empty:


Is it possible to solve this by getting value directly from bounded table and not from rows cell?

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Error On Changing Page In Gridview

Mar 9, 2011

When I try to change a page on my gridview, I keep getting this error: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. How can I fix this? The line the error highlights is the one below:


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Forms Data Controls :: Changing Image Within Gridview Programatically?

Feb 27, 2010

I have a gridview which has an image specified for the selectimageurl property.

Can someone advise how I can programatically change the image on a row per row basis?

I would ideally like to only change the image depending on the value of another column within the gridview.

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