Forms Data Controls :: Creating Date Formatted Custom Labels For Chart X-axis?

Aug 13, 2010

I am trying to create a chart with three x-axis labels where the chart series x-value member is a date. That is, each data point is a day returned from a SQL Server table. The first label row is to be the day component, the second label row the month name component and the third label row the year. The returned dataset can be from any time period and of varying length. It needs to look like below so each day can be seen but the bigger picture is also shown.

x-axis label(0): 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6

x-axis label(1): March April

x-axis label(2): 2010

I can set the first row using the design time properties as such


I am not sure how to create the next to custom labels at runtime. I have gone through the options using Add(Double, DateTimeIntervalType, Double, Double, String, Int32, LabelMarkStyle) and Add(Double, DateTimeIntervalType, String, Int32, LabelMarkStyle) but I just cannot get them to appear in the chart label.

I tried the other method

however could not find how to set the DateTimeIntervalType on the CustomLabel object.

There was nothing in the ChartSamples and I am not even sure if it can be done.

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<AxisX Title="Patient Safety Submissions" IsLabelAutoFit="True">
<LabelStyle Angle="90" interval="1" />


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i'm trying to create a stacked bar chart on a vb web form using vs2010.My data source returns:

Error in Functionality Awaiting on Supplier

1IMT IssuesmActive6

IMT Issues,Awaiting on Supplier

2,IMT Issues,Awaiting on User 4

IMT Issues Closed 120

Login / Password Active

But I can't get this into a stacked chart. I know I must have to do quite a bit of work declaring what the series are and soforth, or having a different dataset but can't find any documentation on it.A link to some documentation or an example of a stacked chart from an sql datasource would be much appreciated.

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Web Forms :: Scaling Of Only Y-Axis In Chart

May 7, 2015

I am using asp chart (framework 4.0) in one of the web page.

Chart displays x and y points from database.I want to fix the scaling of only Y-axis i.e., between 1 to -1as y axis point will lie within 1 to -1, as below:

10.750.500.250      ------------------------------------------------0.25-0.50-0.75-1

C# code:

Chart1.Visible = true;
string id = Request.QueryString[1].ToString();
string query = "SELECT x,y from Table where ID= '" + id + "' and DeletionDate is null";
DataTable dt = GetData(query);

string[] x = new string[dt.Rows.Count];
double[] y = new double[dt.Rows.Count];


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MS Chart Type "column" Not Showing Axis X Label If There Are More Than 9 Bar In The Chart

Mar 12, 2010

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However, there are more than 9 bars bar the chart, the axis-x label wont show up properly, some of them just dissappear.

Here's my mark-up for the chart:


I don't know it works with only 9 bars? Is there any way to make the chart work properly? Also, if possible, how to make each bar have different color.

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