AJAX :: Change Text Of AXIS X Labels Of LineChart?

May 7, 2015

I would like to change the text of my X axis.

Look the below picture :

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Web Forms :: Put 4 Category On Axis X Of LineChart

May 7, 2015

I would like to put 4 categories (fixed) on my chart (example: 1,2,3,4 quarter on the x-axis) and display data from the database in the right category.

// AVG correspond à moyenne et on multiplie par 100 puisque à la base la colonne est de type Decimal
string query = string.Format("select Entite, AVG(AvancementQuantitatifT1 * 100) FROM reponse WHERE ObjectifStrategique = '{0}' GROUP BY Entite", Objectif_strategique.SelectedItem.Value);


For example I want to do something like that :

select Progressquarter1, Progressquarter2,Progressquarter3, Progressquarter4 and put respectively in quarter 1 quarter 2 quarter 3 and quarter 4.

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C# - How To Turn Off The X-axis Labels In A Chart Control

Jan 31, 2011

I want to programmatically turn on/off the labels on an Chart Control.

The chart is for a load of stats, by person, and I want to be able to anonymise it by removing the labels.

Can this be done from the Chart Control, or do I need to do it at the underlying data-table?

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ZedGraph - How To Force First And Last Bars Have X-axis Labels

Jun 17, 2010

Using Zedgraph (asp.net). I have a bar graph based on datetime x points. The first bar does not have a label. The first label is at the y-axis corresponding to a day before my first day point. I am not too concerned about this. However the second label is at the second bar. I need the first bar to have a label. I do have MyPane.XAxis.Scale.IsSkipFirstLabel = false.

How do I force the first bar to have a label? Why is ZedGraph not putting a label there?


I want '5/20' to display for the first bar instead of 5/19 under the y-axis. I don't even have an entry for 5/19.

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Labels On X-axis Are Not Showing In Sql Server 2008 Report?

Sep 27, 2010

The bar chart report is showing data on x and y axis (y axis has 3 fields - min, max, avg values for time frame) and x axis has task type. For some reason, the chart only shows task types on the x-axis for some apparently interval, even though I have no interval set expressly.

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Forms Data Controls :: Labels On The X-axis To Display Vertically Rather Than Horizontally?

Sep 9, 2010

I have a fairly basic line graph which is bound to a SQLDataSource control. The graph displays perfectly, but I want the labels on the X-axis to display vertically rather than horizontally.

I have used the following code to try and do this but it is having no effect:

<AxisX Title="Patient Safety Submissions" IsLabelAutoFit="True">
<LabelStyle Angle="90" interval="1" />


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Forms Data Controls :: Creating Date Formatted Custom Labels For Chart X-axis?

Aug 13, 2010

I am trying to create a chart with three x-axis labels where the chart series x-value member is a date. That is, each data point is a day returned from a SQL Server table. The first label row is to be the day component, the second label row the month name component and the third label row the year. The returned dataset can be from any time period and of varying length. It needs to look like below so each day can be seen but the bigger picture is also shown.

x-axis label(0): 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6

x-axis label(1): March April

x-axis label(2): 2010

I can set the first row using the design time properties as such


I am not sure how to create the next to custom labels at runtime. I have gone through the options using Add(Double, DateTimeIntervalType, Double, Double, String, Int32, LabelMarkStyle) and Add(Double, DateTimeIntervalType, String, Int32, LabelMarkStyle) but I just cannot get them to appear in the chart label.

I tried the other method

however could not find how to set the DateTimeIntervalType on the CustomLabel object.

There was nothing in the ChartSamples and I am not even sure if it can be done.

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AJAX :: Using Update Panel - Makes The Labels Text In Panel_C Blank When Click On A Row In Gridview

Nov 22, 2010

I have three panels on a page:

panel_A has a gridView gv1 with PageSize = "5" OnRowCommand = "LoadCompanyInfo" OnPageIndexChanging="gridView_PageIndexChanging1"
Panel_B has gridview gv2 with PageSize = "5"
OnRowCommand = "SelectEmployee" OnPageIndexChanging="gridView_PageIndexChanging2"
Panel_C has labels CompanyID, CompanyName, EFirst, ELast and EMiddle.
Panel_A panel_B and panel_C are in an update panel.

Each row in gv1 is a LinkButton, so if I click on a row, it runs a method 'LoadCompanyInfo' which updates the labels in panel_C and also populates the gridview on panel_B. This part is working fine, when I click on a row in gv1, it updates the labels text in Panel_C and populates gv2 in panel_B. I am having the following issues:

1. When I click on a row in gv2, it makes the labels text in panel_C blank and gv2 also becomes blank, shows EmptyDataText. I expect it to just update EFirst, ELast and EMiddle. in panel_A.

2. When I click on the next page no on gv1 it fires LoadCompanyInfo method first and then goes in the gridView_PageIndexChanging1 event. I expect it to go in the gridView_PageIndexChanging1 event only and show next page in gv1 and not in LoadCompanyInfo, because I am just clicking on page no 2 not row 2.

3. gv1 refreshes on a timer event OnTick = Timer_Tick, and it clears off data in panel_B and panel_C. I want it to just update panel_A.

I guess I will have to set up nested Update panels to accomplish this.

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How To Rotate The Text Orientation Of The Text On The X Axis

Feb 17, 2011

How do I rotate the text orientation of the text on the X Axiz of the Microsoft ASP.NET Chart Control? I am using .NET 4.

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Forms Data Controls :: Chart - Display X Axis And Y Axis Values As Sum?

Mar 30, 2011

Iam having simple chart.

Which is displaying X and Y values.

Iam using SqlDataSource control to Bind data from database.

Now, How to display Sum of X values on top of chart ?

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C# - .NET Chart Control - Dynamically Change Y-axis Interval?

Feb 10, 2011

I have a bar graph displaying a number of different series (stacked on each other) and I'm trying to find a way to dynamically change the y-axis interval if the values go above a set value.

If the bars only go up to a maximum of 50, I'd like the interval to be 25 so the bars still 'look' rather small. But if a large spike comes through, the interval needs to be set to 0 so the large spike is more noticeable.

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Web Forms :: Display Time On Y Axis And Days On X Axis?

Sep 6, 2010

I want to display time on Y axis and days on x axis.

I want to dispaly 12:00 AM,11:00 AM...11:59 PM. on Y axis.I want function to create sequence like that and on X axis display week like 6-sep,7-sep,..11-sep.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Text Values In Y-axis Of Dunda Charts

Mar 22, 2010

I have to display text values dynamically on Y-axis of a bar graph in Dunda charts.

Like Region 1, Region2 .....................

how can I do that?

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Editing A Labels Text Value Through JavaScript In VB

Mar 22, 2010

I have a simple form containing two text boxes, I am attempting to apply some validation to the first text box using JavaScript. This is the first time I have attempted this and am having some trouble.

I have a label beside the text box stating an error, this labels visibility property is set to False. I wish the labels visibility to turn true if the text box is empty when the user loses focus.

For this I have used the onBlur option within the tags of the text box. It then calls the JavaScript function and should set the label to Visible but it does not. I have tested to see if it is entering the function by using an alert instead and that works. The problem seems to be trying to alter the visibility property of the label.

Here is the portion of my code:

The JavaScript:

function myRegEx(frm) {
if ( boxUsername.value == "" ) {
invalidUser.visible = True;
return false;

The form:

<asp:TextBox onblur="return myRegEx(this)" id="boxUsername" runat="server" Width="200px"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Label id="invalidUser" runat="server" visible="False" forecolor="Red" text="* Username must be alphanumeric with no special characters"></asp:Label>

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Change Values Associated With Labels

Jan 24, 2011

I have a gridview and there is a templateField with a few labels in it. I have a dropdownlist in a headertemplate and when the selectedindexchanged event I am trying to change the values associated with those labels. The name of the gridview is Gridview1. Here is the template field when it is first shown

<asp:TemplateField ItemStyle-CssClass="phoneCostsPhoneStyle" >
<div style="position:relative">
<asp:Label ID="lblDayCallPhone" runat="server" Text="Day:" CssClass="lblDayCallPhoneStyle"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="lblDayCostsPhone" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("NATIONAL_DAY", "{0:C}") %>' CssClass="lblDayCostsPhoneStyle"></asp:Label><br /><br />
<asp:Label ID="lblEveningCallPhone" runat="server" Text="Evening:" CssClass="lblEveningCallPhoneStyle"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="lblEveningCostPhone" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("NATIONAL_EVENING", "{0:C}") %>' CssClass="lblEveningCostPhoneStyle"></asp:Label><br /><br />
<asp:Label ID="lblWeekendCallPhone" runat="server" Text="Weekend:" CssClass="lblWeekendCallPhoneStyle"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="lblWeekendCostPhone" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("NATIONAL_WEEKEND", "{0:C}") %>' CssClass="lblWeekendCostPhoneStyle">.........

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How To Use A UpdatePanel To Set A Labels Text To A SqlDataSource Value Every 5 Seconds

Apr 1, 2011

I need to use an updatepanel to set a labels text to a sqldatasource value every 5 seconds. I don't really know how to use the updatepanel, I also can't find a way to run a script every 5 seconds.

I'm using vb.net and asp.net.

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Web Forms :: Search All Labels Text Values?

Dec 15, 2010

What's the easiest way to search all of the labels that are located in a web form for a particular string as the Label.Text attribute? In other words, I want to search a web form (or a table, if possible) for a label with the string "test".

View 14 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Add Text On Labels From Database?

May 19, 2010

I have 3 Labels : Label1, Label2, Label3.

I want to add Text on this Labels from database.

I'd like to do it like that:


But it doesnt work (thats just pseudo-code;-)). It is possible to do it like that with value i ?

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Web Forms :: Change Visibility Of DataList Labels After Binding Using Code

Jul 7, 2012

I have  Table   named    PRODUCTS , that have 4  column   productid, productprice,productname & discount( type  numeric(18,0)) .. i am using datalist with itemtemplate that have  4  label to display all ..

I am binding datalist on pageload, now i want that Label4  with "discount" should only visible for those product that have discount , otherwise it remains hidden, 

Problem in my code is that when i run it , label becomes invisible for all  products whether they have discount or not. Here is my code i am using for it:

ds1  is my dataset 

 foreach (DataListItem item in DataList1.Items)  {
                            for (int i = 0; i <= ds1.Rows.Count - 1; i++) {
                                double[] arr = new double[ds1.Rows.Count];
                                double temp = double.Parse(ds1.Rows[i]["discount"].ToString());
                                arr[i] = temp;
                                Label lbl = item.FindControl("Label4") as Label;
                                if (arr[i] == 0)
                            }  }

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Web Forms :: Multiple Text Box Entry Post To Different Labels?

May 17, 2010

Im really new to ASP.net. I am hoping to work with one TextBox, one Sumbit button and an unlimited amount of Labels....

I am wanting to input information into a TextBox then click a submit button and post to Label1, then empty the Textbox ready for further information.

The further information will then be added to Label2 after clicking the same submit button for the second time, then repeat this process for Label3, Label4 etc etc

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C# - Changing Labels And Static Text Per Client Using MVC3

Feb 25, 2011

I am currently designing a multi-tenant website where many clients will share the same code base but have their own "look-and-feel" to the site when the are logged in. This is nothing new, but I am looking for ideas on the best way to implement the solution using ASP.NET and MVC3 (which looks awesome).

The main thing I am looking at now is how to change the CSS style-sheet and text for the labels and static portions of the pages per client. So this would be something like localization where I would want to just have a string in the Razor template, like @FirstNameLabel and then at runtime it would grab the specific value setup for the logged in client for that variable.

I know I could implement this with a database, but I am just making sure there isn't some clever way to do this in .NET (I have been in the Java world for several years now). It seems like I could possibly use a variation of localization or globalization with ResourceManager, but I haven't found any examples that were not based on cultures, which I do not want/need at this time.

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AJAX :: Change Label Text From An Event?

Aug 18, 2010

I have a component which is listening a server from TCP/IP.

When somebody connects to the system my component's Connected event is fired.

I want to write to a label when this event is fired without postback.

I used UpdatePanel. And I know about AsyncPostBackTrigger.

But my component is not a visual component. So I declared in codebehind. So I can not use AsyncPostBackTrigger.

How can I set my label.text value when component's event runs.

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AJAX :: Programmatically Change TabPanel Text

Mar 2, 2010

I have an ajax tabcontainerpanel. What I would like to do is programatically change the text (header template text value) of one of the TabPanels (ID="TabPanel10B") depending on the selected option of a dropdownlist. Is this possible?

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AJAX :: Update Panel On Text Change?

Nov 24, 2010

I have a text box to lookup codes. When you type search criteria in text box, it populates listbox and when you select item in listbox it populates the same text box with the value from listbox.

basically i am using same text box to search and finally populate it with the value. How can use update panel in this case so it doesn't refresh the entire page everytime list box is populated as well as when text box is finally updated.

I am calling a procedure in response to textbox_Changed event to poulate listbox.

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AJAX :: Cannot Change Text In A Watermarked Textbox

Oct 20, 2010

I have the following code on my page


In my codebehind, I'm trying to set it to the date I retrieve from the database, with the following


What happens is that the page is left with just the watermark text, but not the text I'm setting it to. However, if I inspect the textbox in VS it says the text is what it's supposed to be. I read somewhere that a similar error was because of a property referred to as isWatermarked, but I couldn't find it.

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