Forms Data Controls :: DataBinder.Eval Versus DataBinder.GetPropertyValue

Oct 4, 2010

Can anyone explain me that what is the diff between DataBinder.Eval Vs DataBinder.GetPropertyValue?

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Similar Messages:

Can A DataBinder.Eval Be Nested Within Another DataBinder.Eval

Jul 16, 2010

Can you do something like :

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"Column1").ToString().Replace("_",<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"Column2") %> %>

Can a DataBinder.Eval be nested within another DataBinder.Eval?

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Forms Data Controls :: Use DataBinder.Eval In RowCommand Event?

Mar 16, 2011

I am trying to access column value by using DataBinder.Eval on RowCommand event of Gridview. It always return NOT SET TO ANY INSTANCE error for eveytime. I know how to do this by employing a label control in ItemTemplate, but am trying to find a way to bypass.

Error returned by DataBinder.Eval(row.DataItem, "LinkToInvoice").ToString



VB Code Behind


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Forms Data Controls :: DataBinder.Eval And Null Values?

Aug 16, 2010

I have a hiddenfield in my datalist .....and its databinded like this

<asp:HiddenField ID="SecondLevelCategory" runat="server" Value='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "SecondLevelID") %>' />

the problem arise when this datacolumn in my database have a null value, it throws an error can I get this to work so that DataBinder.Eval can take a null value?

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Data Controls :: Change Date Format With DataBinder Eval Function

Oct 21, 2015

<asp:Label ID="lbl_date" runat="server" Text='<%# Convert.ToDateTime(Eval("dt_pub")).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") %>'
check for systax error 

It show me server tag not well formed error

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C# - If Statement Inside A ListView With Eval() Or DataBinder.Eval()?

Nov 11, 2010

I have a listview control on an .aspx page. Inside this list view i want to check "Type" property which comes from database. here is the example code :


As a last resort i tried to user DataBinder.Eval() but i get the exception "Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct". What can i be doing wrong? Writing a function in code-behind isn't an option for me.

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Css - Using DataBinder.Eval() In Style Attribute?

Aug 8, 2010

I've a linkbutton inside repeater control which renders multiple link buttons. I want to set the style of each and every linkbutton dynamically.

I'm trying

style="color:#6D7B8D;font-size:<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Title")%>;"

But i'm getting "The server tag is not well formed" error.

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C# - Binding To A List <string> Using DataBinder.Eval?

Sep 3, 2010

I have the following object:

string RowName{get;set;};
int RowId{get;set;}
List<string> CellContents = new List <string>();
//Constructor..... etc.

I'm building a dynamic crosstab grid using GridView in 3.5

I wish to bind to CellContents[0] for dynamic column 1, CellContents[1] for dynamic column 2 (dynamic column 0 is the RowName field from the CrossTabDataObject) etc. I am using:

object boundValueObj = null;
Control ctrl = (Control)sender;
IDataItemContainer dataItemContainer = (IDataItemContainer)ctrl.NamingContainer;
boundValueObj = DataBinder.Eval(dataItemContainer.DataItem, strSelectedID);

This code is in the InstantiateIn function of the gridview as I'm creating drop down list templates in each cell of the crosstab.

I have code (not shown) that sets strSelectedID depending on the column being created.

When strSelectedID is equal to "RowName" for dynamic column [0] the DataBinder.Eval function works fine and sets boundValueObj as expected. The problem comes when strSelectedID is set to "CellContents[n]" where n is the Column Index.

DataBinder.Eval only works with properties and fields of objects. How do I get around this?

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Forms Data Controls :: DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Type") == "CheckBox" FALSE?

May 27, 2010

Do you know why it's FALSE

when I check the value from DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Type") i've "Checkbox" so I wonder what is wrong there?

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How To Bind Single Field Of Grid With Multiple Values Using DataBinder.Eval

Jun 29, 2010

i have one hidden field and i want to bind it with two values of my data base separated by an coma. some thing like
->asp:HiddenField ID="hfRstidDate" runat="server" Value=<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "tsk_ID"),DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Date_Worked").ToString())%>

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Have More Than One Field With (databinder.eval (e.row.dataitem,"field"))

Mar 27, 2010

I have the code below that works fine, but I need to have more than one field using the same command.


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Forms Data Controls :: Writing DataBinder In The CodeBehind?

Feb 3, 2010

I am getting error when i write the belwo code in the code behind.

Error: The name DataIem Does not exist in the context

protected void getHotDeals()
D4T.tbDealDataTable dealTable;
dealTable = dealTA.HotDeals();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Pass Two Parameters In Gridview - Databinder

Aug 13, 2010

I try to pass two parameters to code behind

Into gridview

Visible='<%# Show(DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Id").ToString()) %> + <%# MostrarBotonBorrar(DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Rol").ToString()) %>'

in codeBehind:

public bool Show(string value,string value2)
if(value == LbluserInvisible.Text)
return true;
return false;

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Web Forms :: Error - 180 Name 'DataBinder' Is Not Declared?

Aug 19, 2010

I am using Repeater to display the data.

to get the data from database i am using

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "datafield") %>

when i build it... it build successfully but in error list i found

Name 'DataBinder' is not declared.

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C# - Getting DataBinder Item's Max Value?

Mar 30, 2010

I'm working at the aspx page, and the following code is inserted in a Repeater control:

<%# ((System.Collections.Generic.List<double>)DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "BookPrices")).Max() %>

Brings up the following error: 'System.Collections.Generic.List<double>' does not contain a definition for 'Max'

List does have an method of Max(), so I'm possibly messing up my code somehow. What is my problem?
BookPrices is a list<double> object, which I'd like to print it's maximum value.

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Forms Data Controls :: ADO.NET Versus SqlDataSource

Jun 29, 2010

I am developing web-app in .NET for 5 months (and enjoying it =)) and I am reading 3 books, all of them teachs at least 2 methods for acessing data: ADO.NET and SqlDataSource object.

I am used to work with ADO.NET method because I feel that even if it needs coding by hand, I can separate the SQL routines from the page and I can customize database routines better.

For now I am using DataReader mode because the application and the database is on the same server and there is only 1Gb RAM available so there is no advantage using DataSet on this moment.

Am I thinking this right? There are some things with SqlDataSource that I don't know how to do it well...

For example:

I have a routine that inserts a record on a table then gets the ID of this record using SCOPE_IDENTITY() function of SQL Server, than it uses this ID to insert another record on another table. Because I use a one-to-many relationship on multiple tables...

How can I work this situation using SqlDataSource object, is it even possible?

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Forms Data Controls :: If Statement And Eval From A Datalist C#?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a datalist and would like to add an if statement within the Text part of my label.

Tried the following but it doesn't work

Note: if I do a normal eval Text='<%# Eval("UI_successful_trans")%>' the value returned from the database will be 1 or 0. Depending of which value is returned, I would like to have the text "Win" or "Lose" returned. ( I know that this could easily be done in code behind but I would like to know if it is

possible to to do that inline ?



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Forms Data Controls :: How To Concate 2 Eval In Listview

Jun 9, 2010

i think its a simple problem but i am strugling with it i have list view, and in item template i am bounding a label with 2 fields that is first name and last name

i am tring this code

Text='<%# Eval("firstname") + Eval("lastname") %>'

but it gives error taht Operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type 'object' and 'object' for single value it works that is

Text='<%# Eval("firstname") %>'
and even for constant concatenate it works that is
Text='<%# "India" + Eval("firstname") %>'
/> .... is working fine

I tried different arrangement but its not working that is

Text='<%# Eval("firstname","Lastname") %>'
Text='<%# Eval("firstname" + "Lastname") %>'

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Forms Data Controls :: BC30451: Name 'Eval' Is Not Declared

Apr 27, 2010

My web application works if I don't compile it, when I compile, it gives me this nasty error and I am clueless to what I did wrong?

Here is the error: No where in my line 113 has any Eval nor my entire page has any Eval, I used Bind so what is going on? the strange thing is if I leave the page as is with out Publish web site option the same page works perfectly fine.

BC30451: Name 'Eval' is not declared

Line 111: <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Property Name" SortExpression="PropertyName">
Line 112: <ItemTemplate>
Line 113: <asp:Label ID="PropertyNameLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("PropertyName") %>'></asp:Label>

Source File: c:inetpubwwwrootJPM2010UserPropertySearch.aspx Line: 113

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Custom Text Before Eval?

Mar 4, 2011

I have a repeater that has been given a datasource from my database containing pictures. The problem is that when i create and log a user into my site i send him to a folder that has no access from others than the ones with a roles called User. When he creates his profile, he uploads a picture which is saved in the same folder "User/picture/picturename" and in the database "picture/picturename".

Now i need to pull this picture to the Default page page where users are not logged in. If i add an Image Control to the frontpage with ImageUrl='<%#Eval ("PictureThumbURL") %>' it tries to pull out the picture from the folder User which is obvious that it can't since it lacks the User/ in front.

Is it possible to get this picture by manually adding User/ to the ImageUrl='<%#Eval ("PictureThumbURL") %>' and if so, how?

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Forms Data Controls :: Include Text In Eval?

Nov 4, 2010

<asp:Label ID="Label13" Runat="Server" Text='<%# (decimal)Eval("CelaDnevnica") > 0 && (int)Eval("CelaDnevnicaStevilo") > 0 ?
Å t. ((double.Parse(Eval("CelaDnevnica").ToString())) / (double.Parse(Eval("CelaDnevnicaStevilo").ToString()))).ToString("0.00"): "" %>' ></asp:Label>

How to include text "Å t." according to a conditional sentence?If a conditional sentence is completed, the printed text "Å t." As well as CelaDnevnica / CelaDnevnicaStevilo

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Forms Data Controls :: Data Bind In GridView At Level Through Eval Function?

Jan 12, 2011

I want to bind two column on single level in GridView

I m using this code

<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("lChannelName")+ " " +Eval("lTransformData") %>' >

But i want to bind First column at Left hand side and second column from right hand side

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Data Binding With Nested Query Instead Of Eval()?

Jan 11, 2010

I ran into this kind of situation many times without a nice solution. Binding a data source to a gridview and one of the column require nested query. Is it possible to have a callback function other than Eval()?

something like CallbackFunc(Eval("SomeField"));

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Forms Data Controls :: Storing Eval Value In A Variable Or IF Statement?

Jul 8, 2010

How do I store an Eval in a variable or use the value of the Eval in an if statement?

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Forms Data Controls :: Conditional Eval Statement In Gridview?

Nov 18, 2010

I have a conditional Eval statement in a Gridview that returns a boolean result to display an image if two datafields(strings) are identical:

Visible='<%# Eval("customerA").Equals(Eval("customerB")) %>'

Works great except I don't want the image to display if both datafields are empty. How can I add that logic into this Eval stmt?

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