Forms Data Controls :: Writing DataBinder In The CodeBehind?

Feb 3, 2010

I am getting error when i write the belwo code in the code behind.

Error: The name DataIem Does not exist in the context

protected void getHotDeals()
D4T.tbDealDataTable dealTable;
dealTable = dealTA.HotDeals();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();


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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: DataBinder.Eval Versus DataBinder.GetPropertyValue

Oct 4, 2010

Can anyone explain me that what is the diff between DataBinder.Eval Vs DataBinder.GetPropertyValue?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Pass Two Parameters In Gridview - Databinder

Aug 13, 2010

I try to pass two parameters to code behind

Into gridview

Visible='<%# Show(DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Id").ToString()) %> + <%# MostrarBotonBorrar(DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Rol").ToString()) %>'

in codeBehind:

public bool Show(string value,string value2)
if(value == LbluserInvisible.Text)
return true;
return false;

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Forms Data Controls :: Use DataBinder.Eval In RowCommand Event?

Mar 16, 2011

I am trying to access column value by using DataBinder.Eval on RowCommand event of Gridview. It always return NOT SET TO ANY INSTANCE error for eveytime. I know how to do this by employing a label control in ItemTemplate, but am trying to find a way to bypass.

Error returned by DataBinder.Eval(row.DataItem, "LinkToInvoice").ToString



VB Code Behind


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Forms Data Controls :: DataBinder.Eval And Null Values?

Aug 16, 2010

I have a hiddenfield in my datalist .....and its databinded like this

<asp:HiddenField ID="SecondLevelCategory" runat="server" Value='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "SecondLevelID") %>' />

the problem arise when this datacolumn in my database have a null value, it throws an error can I get this to work so that DataBinder.Eval can take a null value?

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Data Controls :: Change Date Format With DataBinder Eval Function

Oct 21, 2015

<asp:Label ID="lbl_date" runat="server" Text='<%# Convert.ToDateTime(Eval("dt_pub")).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") %>'
check for systax error 

It show me server tag not well formed error

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Forms Data Controls :: DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Type") == "CheckBox" FALSE?

May 27, 2010

Do you know why it's FALSE

when I check the value from DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Type") i've "Checkbox" so I wonder what is wrong there?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Have More Than One Field With (databinder.eval (e.row.dataitem,"field"))

Mar 27, 2010

I have the code below that works fine, but I need to have more than one field using the same command.


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Forms Data Controls :: Writing To A Grid One Row At A Time?

Feb 19, 2010

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Can A DataBinder.Eval Be Nested Within Another DataBinder.Eval

Jul 16, 2010

Can you do something like :

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"Column1").ToString().Replace("_",<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"Column2") %> %>

Can a DataBinder.Eval be nested within another DataBinder.Eval?

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Forms Data Controls :: Writing Output To MS Word From A Secured Folder?

Feb 16, 2011

I've got an application (written in I have a results page that spits out some calculations. Ineed to write out that output to MS Word. The catch is, this happens within a folder that is secured (only users that are logged in can generate
the word document).

Here's what I'm using to gen the document. This works ok when running it locally, but not when loaded to GoDaddy hosting.


My code seems works fine locally. However, after loading it to GoDaddy it only works on a non-secured (not subject to ASP Membership), but when trying to use it in a secured folder the page clocks and eventually closes out.

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Forms Data Controls :: Writing Values Backing Into The Database From The Gridview?

Jun 3, 2010

i just cannot work this out... i have a gridview and when a user clicks on a row the checkbox unchecks itself... when the user clicks the row a sqldatasource.update is called from the selectedindexchanged event, problem is when it writes back to the database it writes back every checkbox as unchecked, i want just the row that's selected...

what i can't work out is i've tried putting a where clause in the sqlcommand which is something like where primarykeyID = gridview1.selectedvalue... now it won't write anything back to the database...!!!
... once i take out the where clause, it writes back to every row..!!

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Forms Data Controls :: Which Report Toll To Use - Writing Site In Vs2005 - C#

Apr 19, 2010

I'm writing an site in vs2005 c#, I'm using google charts api and found a lot of disadvantages. Which tools do you use and recommend? I need charts, pies, bars and data presentation, even payed systems can be considered(<200$ per server). I used in the past the buid in reports viewer which has a lot of bugs.

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Jul 19, 2010

my nested Grid Rowupdating Event is not fired., so i want to declare event in code., how can i do this/


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add A Div With InnerHTML From Codebehind

Apr 22, 2010

I know I can use a code like this:


To create a DIV in my body but how do I then add innerHTML to this control? Or can I directly add an Label to the newly created control and set tag ones text?

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Forms Data Controls :: Get The Value From A DataField In The Codebehind?

Nov 17, 2010

search for a item, display the results in a datagrid, have a LinkButton (per item in the datagrid) to show a popup modal and insert this data to a new table. I have the search, the datagrid, and popup modal all working. I need help with the add button in the popup modal (which insert into a new table in the db). In my datagrid im using DataFields - how would I get access to this in the codebehind so I dont have to re-query the db again for the ID that i'm trying to insert?

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Forms Data Controls :: Set UpdateParameter In Codebehind?

Jan 19, 2011

I have gridview and sqlDataSource. In edit mode, if the user checks closed checkbox closeDate parameter is set to today and appears in a label near to checkbox. So, I need to control isClosed checkbox and then if it is true closeDate=GETDATE()


Only CloseDate parameter need to be set in codebehind, other parameters handled in gridview.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Doing In Codebehind?

Jul 12, 2010

I have multiple questions about doing gridview in code behind.I used this code to fill my gridview at runtime.


My questions are:1. How to edit the column headers? When I bind the database to my gridview, obviously, the column headers of the database will be binded. For example "First_Name", I want to edit the column so I can omit the underscore.2. How to edit the column width?

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Forms Data Controls :: Creating A Table From Codebehind With Database Data

Jun 23, 2010

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This just doesnt work, i was wondering if there was something else i could try to get this working....

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview ItemTemplate Codebehind?

Mar 29, 2010

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TextBox txt = (TextBox)ListView.EditItem.FindControl("ImageURLTextBox");

How would we code for a textbox in the ItemTemplate of the same ListView?

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Selected Value Of Dropdownlist In Codebehind?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a DDL bound to a sqldatasource where the dataTextName is the storeName (varchar) and the dataValueField is the storeID (PK Int). I'm holding the value of the storeID in a user's profile (using ASP.NET membership profile). So, when a user is created, they're assigned to a store (or's optional). When I edit the user, I populate the DDL with all the stores in the table, but I need to set the selected item to the storeID in the profile (if it exists)...I'm not sure at what point to do it though. In my codebehind, I bind the ddl to the datasource and insert an additional item: if not page.ispostback then
REM: bind the company ddl

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Data From Gridview To Codebehind When Using Itemtemplate?

Feb 3, 2011


This is my gridview with an item template, I have NO boundColumns.TO get data to codebehind I use Eval(" <Field name >"), but this returns something to a control. Not making data available for codebehind code for general use.

Question: As I have no boundcolumns I dont know how to get data to codebehind to to use as I wish??

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Forms Data Controls :: Cant Access Controls Of Datalist Of Different Rolegroups In Codebehind?

Apr 16, 2010

i hav created different rolegroups such as candidate,content developer etc... i hav put datalist views in different rolegroups i want to access those datalist view's controls in codebehind how do i do it? my code behind is in vb.....the code .aspx :


code behind is wat i want for OnClick="TestCheck" so tat whn i click on tat link i cn verify whether candidate has given the test or not...rght nw i cnt access datalist1 in code behind..

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Web Forms :: Error - 180 Name 'DataBinder' Is Not Declared?

Aug 19, 2010

I am using Repeater to display the data.

to get the data from database i am using

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "datafield") %>

when i build it... it build successfully but in error list i found

Name 'DataBinder' is not declared.

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Forms Data Controls :: Add Columns Dynamically To Gridvew In Codebehind?

Mar 15, 2010

I hve this gridview

v style="overflow: auto; height: 250px">
<asp:UpdatePanel UpdateMode="Conditional" ID="up1" runat="server">
<asp:GridView ID="gv" runat="server" DataKeyNames="row_id" AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateColumns="false">
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkDelivery" runat="server" />
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Sequence No">
<%# Container.DataItemIndex + 1 %>

i want to add this two columns dynamically to gridvew in codebehind.

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