Forms Data Controls :: DataList Custom Template Web User?
Jun 24, 2010
I have a test page that I am trying to add a custom control (articleWUC.ascx) and set its properties to some results from SQL. I followed several guides including this [URL] with no luck.
My test page includes two data lists one that works without dynamic creation via custom templates and the other using custom templates.
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Feb 15, 2011
I have the following line to display a piece of data and I want to know how I can format the output.
Text='<%# Eval("DOH") %>'
The data list displays the correct data, but I want to format it. The output I want is just a small date format instead of date and time. I have tried every combination of a format function I can think of, but can't seem to make it work. Am I stuck with the raw format provided by the database? I wouldn't think so, but maybe that is the case.
expected output should be 02/15/2011 instead of 02/15/2011 09:45:
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Sep 5, 2010
i want to write a page contain an datalist and several ObjectDataSource. The datalist will chose ObjectDataSource according to QuerryString passed to that page.
My idea is like:
I searched and read [URL]
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Aug 5, 2010
According to the docs. [URL] There is an Separator Template for a DataList. However, when I use the built-in tool tip help, it does not show. If I manually type in a separator template it crashes my design time environment completely...
Not sure what I'm missing here. I tried an imagetemplate and a line but thats not really working because I need the image in the data field area not the headertext area.
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Jan 6, 2010
I want to show a message when there's no data in my datalist. I found the following, but, I get an error on the bool. If you have another way to do this, great, but, I'd also like to try to do it this way as a learning experience.
<asp:DataList id="DataList3" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1">
<asp:HyperLink ID="ID" runat="server" target="_parent" NavigateUrl='<%# "Employment_detail.aspx?"%>'
Text='<%# Bind("WJTTL") %>'/>
<asp:Label ID="lblEmpty"
Text="Nothing here." runat="server" Visible="true">
%>Visible='<%#bool.Parse((SqlDataSource1.Items.Count==0).ToString())%>'> </asp:Label>
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Dec 20, 2010
I have created rounded template user control. The need is what ever we add in the user control should appear appear.
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Mar 14, 2011
I have the below label. I need it to be a link that will cause the following:
Existing label INSIDE a DataList Item Template;
<asp:Label ID="Label10" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("CG_ID") %>' Font-Size="X-Small"></asp:Label>
I need to change this label to a link that will cause C# code behind to:
tbxCG_ID.Text = Eval("CG_ID")
and then call this:
protected void ListBox1_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
I keep creating a DataList1_SelectedIndex_Changed event created when I double click the label or a link button. What is the code needed? I can see the Eval("CG_ID") value with the label but I don't know how to get it into tbxCG_ID.Text and fire the ListBox1 event.
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Dec 2, 2010
Header controls like create ,delete are created by using templated user controls (ITemplate) .
The controls are working in all pages except the last page when paging is enabled in grid view.
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Jan 23, 2010
I want to raise an checkbox check-changed event but its not firing :( . It Dosent raise even an command event.
My Requirement :
My Requirement is that i have a Datalist with header checkbox in headertemplate and a child checkbox in itemtemplate and a gridview control. Checking and unchecking will update the gridview control.
View 10 Replies
Mar 9, 2010
I have a GridView with custom pager template. I use SqlDataSource with a dynamically generated select query.
To make application faster, I want to select not all records, but as many as fit in a GridView page. But in this case, the pager section doesn't show up. Could anybody suggest how I can fix that? Some people say I should do my own pager template, but I don't know neither how to make it, nor how to use it.
View 4 Replies
Jan 29, 2010
I have an edit template on gridview which opens a text box and button with a custom validator .
On button press I have to validate the text in edit item template with a text field in gridview row template.
I am having a hard time fetching the data of the edit template textbox. Even though both custom validator and textbox are in same edit item template but intellisense is not picking it up.
Also the custom validator server_validate event is using "object source" instead of "object sender"
How do I fetch the edit item template text for comparison
I am doing this as
protected void CustomValidator1_ServerValidate(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args)
GridViewRow gvrow = (GridViewRow)(source as Control).Parent.Parent;
int index = gvrow.RowIndex+1;
// TextBox txttmp=(TextBox)
Label lbl = (Label)gvComp.Rows[index].FindControl("lblSecShare");
decimal CSh = Convert.ToDecimal(lbl.Text);
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Jan 18, 2012
I have placed a label in footer template of DataList Control.. And i want to access it a DataLists UpdateCommand..
if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Footer)
lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblmessage");
But it did not work....
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Nov 6, 2010
I have a datalist that is populated via and SqlDataSource. Code is VB
I am trying to extract two Values from the Item Templete and add them together. Then I want to add a new Label to the item template with the sum of the two added values.
I am able to to this using a GridView but no success with the datalist
My form code:
Text='<%# Eval("SD") %>'></asp:Label><br
Text='<%# Eval("SDT") %>'></asp:Label><br
My VB Code behind Starts out:
View 7 Replies
Mar 12, 2011
I have a gridview with item template and I want the text in that item template label to come from a method in a code behind.
Here is my gridview:
I want to call this method but I'm getting the errors: "
"The best overloaded method match for 'employeepayment.RegTime(string)' has some invalid arguments"
"Argument '1': cannot convert from 'object' to 'string'"
Someone know the answer?. I thought I was right to use Eval.
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Jul 22, 2010
I need to develop control (template or user) which must have subtags with some items.
For example :
<SomeControl runat="server" id="scTest">
This control may contain some other web server controls such as GridView.I need explanation of experienced developers, how to do that - take me to the right way
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Mar 16, 2010
Using VS2005, VB code behind, Using Customer Pager Template, in a custom GridView...
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May 10, 2010
regarding gridview Template my template column i have a textbox and i need to invisible to user. but when i set visible property "false" then textbox value is not render.
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Mar 4, 2011
I am looking to enable/disable controls (TextBox, DropDownList, etc.) in a GridViews template column based on the users specific access level when the user clicks the edit button. I have tried the following two methods:
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Apr 15, 2010
I'm getting an error message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Description:An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Source Error: [Code]....
I am trying to bind my dataset to a datalist. I know I can use a databind methed but Im also trying to do something else like modifying the dataset. What I want basically done is, if the user is not signed in, it will populate my datalist which is mostly checkboxes with texts. But when the user is signed in, i want his history of his checkboxes that was save onto the database.
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Jan 6, 2010
I have the follow code (i just listed the parts that might be the more important to understand my problem):
(Code Behind)
(Page .ascx)
The user control RatingControl shows the rating and the number of rates, the user control Pager is responsible for raising CurrentPageChanged when the page changes and BindData() is a function
that binds data to the Datalist control.
When the page is loaded for the first time BindData() marked with ** is executed , thereafter i only want to load data when the event CurrenPageChanged raises.
So far so good, but the problem is when the CurrentPageChanged is raised and call the BindData() function, the user controls are not loaded properly, and things that i can't understand happen, like the user controls not receiving the properties initialized when they are loaded, but the other controls inside the Datalist like lblDescription are loaded correctly with their data.
Summarizing, the user controls are not loaded correctly in this particular case when the DataBind() is called by an event.
I already searched in the internet, and i read about page life cycle, user controls and i still didn't understand why this happens and how to fix it.
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Nov 5, 2013
I want to know how to count items/products using stored procedure in C#.Example : I am using repeater control to display Categories.
Categories-------------Shoes : 2Paint : 7Skirts : 204Abaya : 1Burka : 6-------------------------------
I have Written stored procedure "GetItemCount" but how to call it in c# code i do not know. It is working fine Query showing result as per my desire.
SELECT id, category, ( SELECT COUNT(id) FROM entry_table WHERE = entry_table.cat_id) as cnt FROM category
Check screen-shot [URL] .....
-------------------<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink2">
<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container,"DataItem.Category")%>Â Â Â ( <%# count here %> )</asp:HyperLink>
View 1 Replies
Feb 24, 2011
I have DataList control and I want to assign to it's edititemtemplate some User Control. The problem is I can't find when I should databound UserControl to data, as my UserControl doesn't have static look (it renders different depending on some property values and datasource).
I was try to simply set my user control in edititemtemplate
<uc:MyUserControl id="myUserControl1" runat="server" />
and then bind it to data in ItemDataBound event handler, but it remains empty
if(e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.EditItem)
var p = (Pair)DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(e.Item.DataItem, "Key");
((AnnouncementUserControl) e.Item.FindControl("userControl1")).RepeaterDataSource =
_templateWorker.ReturnTemplateByAnnouncementId(Convert.ToInt32(p.First), true);
how can I databound my control, or another approach which will make me avoid this problem?
View 2 Replies
Jan 2, 2011
I have 2 nested datalist that one of them is menudatalist and the other is submenu datalist. whenever I click on my submenu items a dynamic user control should load in dynamic tab. my problem is : one of my usercontrols that is JQGRID does not load in tab and when I click on that submenu Item an empty tab is created,however other user controls are loaded in tabs correctly.would somebody please help me to solve this problem?
View 2 Replies
Feb 9, 2011
I'd like to implement a custom paging template for my formview that displays numeric paging as well as next/previous buttons. The pre-defined templates only appear to have numeric first last as an option. Can anyone recommend a good article that covers this?
View 2 Replies
Dec 23, 2010
I have a datalist that loops thru cart items. Within the datalist template I call a user control that has a small form that gets repeated for each item. When this control is called outside of the datalist, the form submits fine, but when called within the datalist the button has no event action. I've tried adding an event handler to ItemDataBound of the datalist, but still no event action. How can I get my form to submit?
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