Forms Data Controls :: DataList Records From XmlDataSource
Oct 31, 2010
I have a datalist using an XmlDataSource to source records. The issue is the datalist only shows the first record from the xml file. How do I get the datalist to show the first 10 records from the XmlDataSource?
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Similar Messages:
Jan 4, 2010
i m try to read a xml file using Datalist its working , but i need to show only top 4 records how i can do that
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Jan 2, 2011
I have a question about datalist control. See I only need to display 12 records when the users are viewing in a small preview setting. How can I achieve that? I know I can get TOP 12 from the sql query, but is there a way I can modify in the datalist control itself? DataTable dt = new DataTable();
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Jun 10, 2010
I wanto to limit the display of records in Datalist and enable paging.
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May 10, 2012
I have jquery menu in index.aspx page when user click on item related to that item it go to House.aspx and show products information in datalist these are my table in DB:
1-House_info Table
Id Behcode Name Region H_name
1 1111 Jack 1 Cloth
2 2222 Ana 1 Electric
3 3333 Edvard 2 Electric
4 4444 Math 1 Furniture
2-House_product Table
Id Behcode Name Description H_name
1 2222 Iron Test Electric
2 4444 Sofa Test Furniture
3 1111 Scarf Test Cloth
4 3333 Laundry Test Electric
And these are my code in index.aspx and House.aspx
<a href="house .aspx?H_name=Electric">Electric</a>
<li class="current"><a href="house .aspx?H_name=Furniture>Sofa</a></li>
string Code = Request.QueryString["H_name"];
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from House_p where H_name=@H_name", _cn);
_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@H_name", Code);
SqlDataReader _dr = _cmd.ExecuteReader();
[Code] ...
EX : In index.aspx When user click on Electric item it go to house.aspx and show all product that have H_name=Electric According to House_p table it will show :
Id Behcode Name Description H_name
1 2222 Iron Test Electric
4 3333 Laundry Test Electric
Now I have one DDL and 1 button in House.aspx page I want when user click on menu and go to house.aspx page after they see result of their selected item from menu choose their region from ddl and click on button after that they see product that are in that region according to table House_info
EX : If user select region 1 it will show all Electric product that have region=1
Id Behcode Name Description H_name
1 2222 Iron Test Electric
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Jul 25, 2012
As we use datalist it will shown all the data which is on my data base. But I want to show only 5 row and rest of my data will be show on the button click so how can i do it...
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Jul 5, 2012
i have a data list control displaying offer coupons . i want visitor to select desired coupon through check box and print only that coupons(records) that have been checked.
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Oct 20, 2013
My question is I have multiple Checkbox Lists and i want to compare it and Filter Datalist records on Checkbox list checked event.. (I want filtering something like [URL]
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
My problem is If first checkbox list is checked and user clicks on second checkbox list then i want to compare both checkboxes and populate result based on both checkboxes.
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Jul 14, 2012
Print only the items which are selected using checkbox in a ASP.Net DataList control"
How to moidfy the above article by include dropdownlist getting data from a database table.
then filter the datalist using the selected value of dropdownlist. and then print only records that are selected by checkbox.
when form loads the datalistcontrol should display all the records.
View 1 Replies
Aug 13, 2010
Hey I have a XML Feed which is sometimes slow to connect to making my front page quite slow to load sometimes.I load it as follows Try
How Can I set a timer on these i.e give it 5 secs if it doesnt load, just forget it and go straight to catch for example
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Nov 10, 2010
this is my html code
this is my code behind
this is my bal code
in my javascript popup i am getting the checked values but i need it in record by record in the lblsave data
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May 5, 2010
i have a question regarding grid view. i have done almost all work i needed. but one thing i want to do is i have set 4 of page size of grid. so when i show records on the web page i want to set a iframe after first two records then iframe and then two more records like i have shown in the example image. i have used LINQ with to do it. if you people want i can show you my code.
View 3 Replies
Nov 15, 2010
The problem is that i have a search page. Access Database holding the information. I have a Access Datasource on the page with a Datalist to show the data. I need to find a way on setting it up to says "Sorry no results found" when the is no results. i am unsure on how to do this though.
Below is my datasource and datalist
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Feb 27, 2011
im tryin to create repeater from code behaind using C#. The data bind is working good, im tryin to put some pager. the pager is half working. i can see the pager links at the bottom, i can see the the code split the records to 10 lines each page as i set it but when i click the next link the records stay the same it wont changing for the next 10 records. my code
View 1 Replies
May 27, 2010
i have 500 records to show in webpage. i am using DataList in that webpage. if i use direct binding it is slowing down the performance of the page and is taking time to load. now i have used update panel and i want to append data records by records(i want to append as first 50records and then next 50 records something like)
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Mar 16, 2011
Am building a Form for out intranet that runs on ASP.NET and C#, it is to be a survey from a SQL database. I have the connections setup can pull informations/Questions from the database. I am having a problem with setting up radio buttons within a datalist, ive never done this and i know they require unque names.
It is to be 4 radio buttons per question where only one can be select, i know how to group just not via a datalist with unique names
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Jun 4, 2010
How can I do paging with datalist if that datalist is populated with inputs coming from a querystring?
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Aug 30, 2010
I need to find which Selected Key value that was selected in the ChildDatalist inside the MainDatalist
this is my Html code...for the MainDataList and the nested Childdatalist
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Mar 14, 2011
I am trying to place a datalist inside datalist. I managed to place a datalist inside gridview but not datalist inside datalist.
Below is the code I am using to bind the datalist into the master gridview, I am trying to change this code in such way it will be right for datalist inside datalist but so far I did not succeed.
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Aug 16, 2010
i have a datalist . that is contains 7 columns in repeat layout .when i have more from 7 columns , datalist style is normal .but when i have smaller than 7 columns ! data list style is not normal,
because there are some empty columns without specific schema.
How i can make a datalist > when i have 1 columns in my datalist my first layout width be 100% ;
and dont show some empty layout ?
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Jun 4, 2012
i want if there wasn't any thing to show in datalist it show some text in datalist like
"there isn't any thing to show" how i can do it?
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Jun 23, 2010
Which one is better for me to store urls of my products images while i was trying to bind images with gridview. provide me some code snippet to bind images to gridview with XMLDataSource.
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Apr 23, 2012
In Datalist Item Template Another Datalist And Child Datalist How can we access link button inside chile datalist when click in child link button
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Dec 3, 2013
Here is my code through which i can generate dynamically 2 checkbox group
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataList1.DataSource = dt;
DataList2.DataSource = dt;
Design Page
There is two checkbox group which have same datasource, so in both case same checkbox are showing and also same event is firing for both. Here is the event code
protected void CheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string OpService = ((CheckBox)sender).Text;
Now what i want to do is, while check one checkbox from the 1st checkbox group the same checkbox should be selected from the second checkbox group automatically, also if i deselect one checkbox that should be deselect from both checkbox group.
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May 7, 2015
How To get Datalist Checkbox Select Item To The Another Datalist on click CheckBox
Code Like
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<h2 style="background-color: #CCC; font-size: 16px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: 400;" class="heading">Brand</h2>
<asp:DataList ID="DataList5" runat="server" Style="font-weight: 700; color: #CC33FF; background-color: #66FFCC;" Height="100px" Width="122px">
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