Forms Data Controls :: Date Selection Is Not Displaying In Textbox Of FormView?

May 3, 2010

Here my question is very simple. That what I want to do is to select a date using calender control and insert into textbox. Both the controls are in the InsertItemTemplate of the FormView.

1. Page1.aspx has a textbox and an image for calender.

2. Calendar.aspx is to select any date and with the help of session it should go back to its parent page in the text box and dispose itself.

Achievement:1. From Page1.aspx when i click Calender image, perfectly a new page Calendar.aspx opens.

2. On Calendar.aspx page, date selection is also OK.

3. Using Session, the date is perfectly transfering to next page.

Problem: 1. When I select date from Calendar.aspx it is not transfering back to Page1
in textbox.

2. Secondly when I select date from Calendar.aspx it is not disposing itself after date selection.

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Forms Data Controls :: FormView Clearing Value Set In Page_load / Initialize A Date Field In The FormView to Today's Date?

Sep 2, 2010

I have a page with a FormView on it. The page is strictly for adding records to a Table. I have the FormView bound to an EntityDataSource and everything works greate except for one thing.

I want to initialize a date field in the FormView to today's date. So, in my page_load event I have:

if (!Page.IsPostBack)
//Initialize SetupDate to today.
TextBox setupdate = (TextBox)fvJob.FindControl("txtSetupDate");
setupdate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();

The first time this page loads, the txtSetupDate field is initialized.

Although, and subsequent loads of the page doesn't initialize the Text Box. I step through the code in the debugger and I can see that the code is executig, but something (the FormView bind?) is "clearing" the Text Box.

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I'm using VWD 2005 Express and Expressions Web 3.

Here is a short version of the code.


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Mar 3, 2011

I have a formview, selecting * from friends, where [date] = getdate()

The problem is the friends table date columns datatype is datetime, i cannot make it just date.

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How do i select only the date for both getdate and my date column?

SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [friends] WHERE ([date] = getDate())">

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Web Forms :: Report Viewer Not Taking User Input Date / It Displaying Data Of System Date

Nov 23, 2013

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<body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <table class="style1"> <tr> <td class="style4"> </td>
<td class="style3">  </td> <td align="right"> Date</td> <td> <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server">
</asp:TextBox> <asp:CalendarExtender ID="TextBox1_CalendarExtender" runat="server" Enabled="True" TargetControlID="TextBox1" format="yyyy-MM-dd"> </asp:CalendarExtender> </td> <td>
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Search" onclick="Button1_Click1" /></td>


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Sub DisplayTransactions()
Dim RepID
String =


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I have tried this but due to date format (dd/MM/yyyy) that is showing in gridview the hyperlink is not showing. I think '/' is creating problem. In gridview I already tried by replacing / to -.

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how can i change textbox values based on checkboc checked.?

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PS this is on a webpage don't know if that makes a difference

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Data Controls :: Determine Date By Subtracting Days From Current Date Dynamically From TextBox

Jan 17, 2013

in my asp.net_vb code web. there are 9 textboxes whcih is used for entering numerical/dates

first is lve.text in whicj numder is entered

second one is lvefrom.text

thirdone is lveto.text

when user fills (lve.text) 5 and enter 15 Jan 2013 in lvefrom.text then lveto.text should show 19 Jan 2013. i had posted this earlier and got reply which is mentioned below. this code below gives me 20 Jan 2013 instead of 19 Jan 2013.

tw text boxes lve.text (number filled) and lve from.text (date filled). when user enter a numder in lve.text and select a date fro date picker in lvefrom.text then lveto.text should show date selected in lvefrom.text + number of days in lveto.text (eg if number of days is 5 and date selected in lvefrom.text is 15 Jan 2013 then lveto.text should display 19 jan 2013. because the starting day is also counted in my case.

Protected Sub lvefrom_TextChanged1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lvefrom.TextChanged
Dim ObjLocDate As New Date
Dim IntLocDays As Integer
IntLocDays = Convert.ToInt32(lve.Text)
ObjLocDate = lvefrom.Text
ObjLocDate = ObjLocDate.AddDays(IntLocDays)
lveto.Text = ObjLocDate.Date.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy")
End Sub

fourt tex box is pfx.text, fifth is pfx1.text, sixth is pfx2.text

when use filles pfx.text 3 then pfx1.text should display 12 Jan 2013 and pfx2.text should display 14 Jan 2013. these are the prefix for leave( as 12 to 14 Jan 2013 is prefix.seveth is sfx.text, eighth is sfx1.text and nineth is sfx2.text

when user fills sfx.text 3 then sfx1.text should display 20 Jan 2013 and sfx2.text should display.

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Feb 15, 2011

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I need to set the defaulfocus for a webpage that will be used for scanned input.

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Forms Data Controls :: Multiline Textbox To Label In Formview?

Feb 22, 2010

I have a formview containing an insert template. One of the fields you can insert is a multiline textbox. When i update or insert, i write the value to an SQL database. The next time i edit the record, everything shows up in the multiline textbox as it was when i inserted it. This includes the newlines(or break rules, or whatever you call it in english) i've entered.

For my itemtemplate, i want to use a label to represent this value. But when i do so, it doesn't use newlines, it just puts the text in one line.

How does the multiline textbox save these 'new lines' to the database? and how can i retrieve them when using a label?

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Sep 21, 2010

I am using a form view to update details off activities, i have used the wizard to update the activities but for some reason in my VB page my textbox which is in the formview is not picking up.


Basically what I am trying to write is: How can I rewrite this statement so that the textbox and the dropdownlist is recognised in the vb page?

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Forms Data Controls :: Check A Textbox Has Changed In A Formview?

Nov 3, 2010

How do I check if a textbox in a formview has changed when I click "Update" (in Edit mode)? TIA. I use VS2008 and Framework 3.5.

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying The Value Of Textbox On The Gridview

Dec 2, 2010

I'm having trouble displaying the value of my textbox on the gridview. For example i have a column named Quantity Received which at the moment has no values in it then i have a textbox that would enter value for that said column .

FrameWorks.fwReplenishmentRecWi qtyrec = new FrameWorks.fwReplenishmentRecWi();
qtyrec.QtyReceived = Convert.ToInt32(txtQuantity.Text);


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Forms Data Controls :: Assign Gridview Datakey To Formview Textbox?

Jan 31, 2010

I have a gridview table and i need to select one record and insert the Datakey of the selected record to a formview textbox control. I'm completely lost...

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Forms Data Controls :: Change Textbox To Proper Case Using Formview?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a Formview where students put their information in such as name, address, etc. The text boxes are bound to my database, so once they are done, they choose to update, and my database is updated with their information. My problem is that the students often use All Caps to enter in their information.

I think I need the StrConv somehow, but I just can't seem to get this done. I've seen where it could be done with text boxes, but not when they were in a Formview using parameters.

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