Forms Data Controls :: Deleting A Row From The Data Table?

Sep 14, 2010



If I add another course the previous course's details are not getting saved. If I click on the add course button I want to see all the courses I added.Until I hit another button that button will save all the items in the repeater control to database.

with a delete button next to each course so that If i enter a course wrongly Ican delete it

here before inserting into the DB?How can I delete the courses ?

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class="front-listing visiblelinks">


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Data Controls :: Delete From Excel - Deleting Data In A Linked Table Is Not Supported

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string excelConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + Fileloc + ";Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;Persist Security Info=False";
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I am using VS2005 and SQL Server 2005. The problem I am having is when I call my SQLDataSource to delete rows the delete is firing twice. The trace and debugging show the code executing once. In fact right after the delete, the table only shows one delete, but right after the command function is exited the 2nd row is deleted. Also, I have tested the stored procedure to make sure it only deletes 1 one and then resequences the records.Show below are excerpts from my .aspx and code behind files.


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I tried using e.Values("ipAddr") but it's value is nothing.

Since this is the ItemDeleting event and not the ItemDeleted event, shouldn't I still have access to the field values? Is there a way to do this?

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but the problem is, I need to somehow cross-reference the particular row I want deleted.

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I have a gridview that shows all data from a table. DataNames includes KeyId, which is a Primary Key.Yet when I try to delete a record, nothing happens, the page appears to performa refresh but the record is still there.Edit does not work either. I used the wizard to build all of the queries, they look okay. But I cannot figure out why they are not working.


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Col1 Col2 Col3

a 1 5

a 2 6

a 3 7

a 4 8

and I want to delete the whole rows in the gridview so that it becomes

Col1 Col2 Col3

a 4 8

only last duplicate row left and all the rest is deleted (rows are deleted from all the columns of gridview)

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Mar 29, 2010

here's my issue:I want to delete an item from a datalist and i cant seem to get it working. I am using the delete code from a sqldatasource which is..


I have searched on the web for code for this, but all i can find is code to delete the primary key from from a table. My issues is that i have a double primary key.The way that it works is, i insert a load of data, but which uses number1 as the first primary key, and number 2 is like an item of number1 as such.Sorry about the explanation, if you dont understand i'd happily try and explain it better.

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Mar 18, 2010

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And it also doesnt work using sql datasource .

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Forms Data Controls :: Deleting Files Within Gridview?

Oct 13, 2010

I have a small website with a database. Just two tables for personaldata and for files belongs to the personal data.

This files are stored on HD. My problem is to delete this file by clicking on delete button within gridview. At the moment only the record is deleting but not the file which belongs to this record.

That is my Gridview:


and that is my codebehind file:


and see the screenshot. (how it looks like)

i get allready help here to create the right codebehind file for that.

i have tried that this way:


But i think instead of txtFile.Text the filename of thefile should be readed out of the database on this place or Im wrong?

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Forms Data Controls :: 3.5 ListView Deleting Two Records?

Sep 19, 2010

I have created a ListView with a SQL DataSource. It has Item Template, Alternate Item Template, Insert Item Template, Layout Template, Edit Item Template & Select Item Template. There are delete buttons in the Item Template, Alternate Item Template and Select Item Template. The Delete command is

DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [ClientNoteType_Lookup] WHERE [ClientNoteTypeCode] = @ClientNoteTypeCode"

which seems correct. I have not selected Use Optimistic Consurrency when I configured the data source. When I click on the Delete button, it deletes the selected record and the record after. THe ClienNoteTypeCode is a varchar(4) field and all codes are unique. It deletes both records in SQL Server when the button is clicked, but one one is deleted on the web page until I refresh the page and then both are deleted.

View 7 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: GridView Row Deleting Event Not Firing?

Aug 19, 2010

I have a gridview,sqldatasource and a link button for delete in the sample code below

When Delete is click the confirmation pops up. When I confirm yes, the rowdeleting event doesn't seem to be firing. I addeed a label to see if the event is firing. To avoid runtime errors I added a dummy but actual sql delete command. Once If I get it to work, I want call a stored procedure to delete the row.

My question is

1. Why is the gridview row deleting event not fired.


View 9 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Handle GridView Row Deleting In Code Behind?

Feb 1, 2011

I modified a GridView control to enable alphabetical paging, and in doing so had to bind the GridView manually in the code behind rather than using the ObjectDataSource I had used originally.

Now my "delete" command in the GridView isn't working. I get that I need to handle this in the code behind now that I'm no longer bound to the ObjectDataSource.

But I'm not sure how to do that in C# and am not finding any examples.

Here's my .aspx:


And the .cs:


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Forms Data Controls :: Error When Deleting Selected Row From A Datagridview

May 17, 2010

i am working on delete method... having problems in deleting the selected row in datagrid view..

protected void Imgbtn_delete_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)

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Apr 21, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid Deleting Random Rows?

Jul 14, 2010

I have an 2.0 web app and one of the pages uses a grid to add/edit items before exporting the contents to excel. The items in the grid are selected based on a dropdown list--after the item in the list is selected, the grid goes and gets the items, populates a dataset and binds the dataset to the gridview. Some of my users are experiencing an issue where after deleting a random number of rows, a row not deleted will disappear or reappear. Though I have witnessed the behavior, I cannot duplicate it on my machine where the developement occurs (Win XP Pro, IIS 5.1, vwd2005 express). The windows 2003 server uses ASP.Net 3.5

Here is the code related to editing and deleting:


If I had to make a guess as to what was occuring, I would say that it appears at times to retain the deleted item's index after the grid is sent back to the user and tries to delete another row. But like I said, I can't duplicate the problem on my dev machine. if this might be caused by .Net 3.5 trying to run a 2.0 site?

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Forms Data Controls :: What Web Control Is To Use For Adding, Editing And Deleting

Jan 13, 2010

In my app, I need to create a simple page to let user manage a dictionary table (e.g. OrderCity, there are about 30 records)

What web control is to use for adding, editing and deleting?

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