Forms Data Controls :: What Web Control Is To Use For Adding, Editing And Deleting

Jan 13, 2010

In my app, I need to create a simple page to let user manage a dictionary table (e.g. OrderCity, there are about 30 records)

What web control is to use for adding, editing and deleting?

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MVC :: Adding / Deleting / Editing View Pages Dynamically / Programmatically>

Jul 27, 2010

What I want is that I can add /edit or delete view pages. I don't want a complex content management system , just looking for any examples where one can add simple view page, I have no idea how to add action result dynamically, programatically on a controller page in mvc2.

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Forms Data Controls :: Deleting And Editing Item In A Repeater?

Mar 31, 2010

I am learning how to use repeater. I added two links to my repeater, a delete and an edit link. However, when I click either delete or edit link, they both take me to same method. How do I add the link such that when I click on edit, it take me to an edit method and delete takes me to a delete method. Below is a sample code.

Also, how do I delete a single row in a repeated. For example, I have a simple form that display an item description and a quantity. There are six item display on the form, but I wish to delete the third item. How can I pass in an id that will delete the third item rather than delete everything (i.e where item_id = 3)


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview And Deleting / Editing Files In Virtual Directory?

Feb 26, 2010

COMPLETE NOOB, dont know anything.. I have a Virtual directory ~/ClubInfoFiles that i upload some files too using a uploader i made. I might want to change the uploader i made to be able to change to a subdirectory or something so i can upload all files into one folder but different subdirectorys. the uploader i would like to be able to have a dropdown menu of all the subdirectorys within "ClubInfoFiles" say i has subfolders : Minutes, Flight Plans, Maintence Records, etc... but i would also like a field to where i can create a new subdirectory and have it automaticly update the dropdown. i want to list those files in gridview and have a link to dowload/open and dellete the files. i have found some code that gets close but it uses Auto Generate columns. really i dont need all that jazz, just the Name, File extention, and hyperlink the file for download/view. i would like to be able to delete and possible upload using the gridview... is this to much for a noob?




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Forms Data Controls :: How To Disable Editing And Deleting Function At Runtime At Gridview

Feb 16, 2010

my users haves different permission: some users can delete, and some users can editing in a gridview how can i allow this at specified users? and hidden the button ho allow the delelte or update record?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Editing / Deleting LinkButtons Don't Work After Page Refresh

Jan 7, 2010

I have a GridView in an update panel that is bound (in code-behind) to a business layer object. The first time this page is accessed, Editing, Deleting, Updating, etc. work fine. However, if I click my browser's refresh button, the functionality of the edit, delete, etc link buttons is gone. They do nothing.

here's my code:


Here's the code-behind:


View 7 Replies

Data Controls :: Editing Deleting Updating And Inserting In WebForms GridControl

Mar 7, 2012

I am Using a third party tool DevExpress ..

I need to perform  Editing , Deleting , Updating and inserting in GridControl .. I am unable configure it properly ..

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Client Side Confirmation When Deleting?

Aug 10, 2010

I am unable to firgure out what is referred to by "Northwind.ProductsRow" in the following code snipet:


I am abble to wrangle the code to work with a generic message but without understanding this piece I am unable to figure out how refrence my own data.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Will Not Update After Adding Or Editing?

Jan 6, 2011

I'm using a simple search with a gridview. What is happening is when I click to edit the record, it presents me with the record fine but when I click Update in my FormView, the Gridview doesn't update. I have a feeling I'm missing something simple but I can't get totally sure so here is my code hoping someone can point the way.


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Forms Data Controls :: Trying To Create A Nested Gridview, But I'm Stuck At The Editing/deleting Part Of The Nested Gridview?

Mar 1, 2011

I'm trying to create a nested gridview, but I'm stuck at the editing/deleting part of the nested gridview. (Below is my code).The nested gridviews are filling out nice, I've set the DeleteParameter in the SQLDataSource, but I'm still getting this error when trying to delete a criteria: 'The Gridview 'gvCriteria' fired event RowDeleting which wasn't handled.'I've tried to create a method 'gvCriteria_RowDeleting', but that didn't seem to work out.Someone who can give me a piece of advice? Would it be possible to fill the gridview without using gvDomain_rowDataBound? Dries



And the C# behind:


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Web Forms :: Anomaly When Dynamically Adding/deleting Controls?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a page where a user can add any number of a specific custom control by clicking a button and delete any of them by checking a "delete" box and clicking the delete button. This custom control has a dropdown, 3 radiobuttons, 2 text boxes and 2 checkboxes. The anomaly occurs when you add at least 2 controls, then delete any of them but the last one.

When each control is rendered the name and id attributes are autoincremented to make them unique however, in the above casewhen the custom control is actually renedered to the page the name attribute has an index that is 1 higher than the id. For example:

here is the name and id of the problem radio button: name = ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$PreOpUpdatePanel$PreOpStatcompareinout1$AllInOut but the id = ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_PreOpUpdatePanel_PreOpStatcompareinout0_All

Now I am sure that I am doing somethign wrong but I just do not know what. Since the controls are added dynamically I have to recreate them on each postback so that the postback data can repop the fields. However, when the user deletes then the postback event makes me recreate all of them, then I have to remove the controls the user requested to be deleted. At this point the auto generated index is incorrect so the nextpostback will lose the data so I have to manually renumber the control IDs. Now this seems to work on all other controls within my custom control except for the radio buttons.

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Forms Data Controls :: Repeater Control Doesn't Bind Correctly After Editing?

Dec 20, 2010

I have a custom page (Page 1) in SharePoint where I have a repeater control. From Page1 I open Page2. This is where I generate a collection of object which i use to bind repeater control in Page1. For the first time everythings work fine. If I have 5 objects to bind, repeater control shows 5 elements.

Now assume, I have 5 elements in page 1. When I open page two It carried over same 5 elements. I delete 1 element and send 4 element as collection to Page 1. In page 1 after I databind the repeater control, it doesn't display correctly. It deletes the wrong element.

I debug my code. The collection which i am binding to repeater shows the correct elements. But while displaying i is not showing correctly.

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Forms Data Controls :: Editing Time Field In A Dropdownlist Control Inside The Gridview?

Feb 8, 2011

I hav a gridview in which i display the project name,created date,Start time ,end time ,total hours along with the task id field which is visible=false.

My starttime and endtime format is 2010-10-13 03:00:00,but i want to display these two fields in dropdownlist ie.,only i want to display the HH:MM:SS in dropdown so that when the user changes the time it should be automatically be reflected in the total hours(6:0) field after updating.pls tell me what i have to do to bring the Hours ,minutes and seconds in dropdownlist into the cells of gridview with the value in database ,how to write the code.

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Forms Data Controls :: Chart Control Not Visible In Gridview Editing And Updating Events?

Apr 14, 2010

i have chart control and gridview control in updatepanle my issue is when i click on edit link in gridview my chart control is not displaying but when i refresh my page iam to see it why is so??

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Web Forms :: Want To Knowleage Of Adding A Template & Editing It?

Jan 5, 2010

Well.I have one ready made free website template. it's incudes images folder with images * html page & one style sheet document..i already use html content in my aspx page But i want to do some editing on this Html page ....How can i startsExample :- I want to free some space on ready made temple..& put some images... put some how can i starts? is any software available.? if yes provide me links
& can i do apply this temaple in Masterpage so this i can use same desing over maltiple pages..?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Find Control Problem In Gridview While Adding Checkbox Control Dynamically

Mar 15, 2010

i have a gridview control i added checkbox contrl dynamically but i am not getiing the reference of checkbox in button clilck event here is my code Gridvew


.vb code


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Adding And Deleting Rows Of A Html Table In C#

Jan 27, 2010

I am trying to achieve the multiple attachments. In order to do this, I am trying to add a new row to a html table. It must have 2 columns

1) The File Name which is a hyperlink

2) a button (html button preferably) on click of which I want to delete that particular row.

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Any Control Causes Web.config Failure

Feb 24, 2010

I have a brand new VS 2008 website using 3.5 frame. Default page works but if I add a chart or Gridview I get: Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.DataVisualization, Version=
in the Web.Config file the <add key="ChartImageHandler" value="storage=file;timeout=20;dir=c:TempImageFiles];" />

I am hosting on our own fully managed server - why the DataVisualization assembly is not being found. Also I was able to load the Default.aspx page until I tried to add a GridView to it. Now it too generates the assembly error eventhough I deleted it. If I comment out the DataVisualization assembly the default and test pages load - there are no controls on these pages. Ony text. Very confused. This is my first attempt at using VS 2008, I am using the trial version.

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Column Via Data Control?

Aug 5, 2010

I am buidling a support call system that allows people to submit support tickets and then an engineer can respond to them.Support tickets are submitted from a formview to a database. Then the engineer looks at them from his own page which shows that particular call in a formview, he adds his comments and hits update.What I want to do is be able to add more than one set of comments should the engineer have to make more than one entry and for that I would like the control to add a column to my database table.Is there an easy way for this to be done?

View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Adding Tag Dynamically In The DataRow Of A GridView Control?

Jan 24, 2011

I am working on application and code behind is c#

I am having gridview and adding the data to the gridview in the following manner.


Now i want to add <div> element like the one below after the table row <tr> in the generated html


View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Adding Action To Pager In FormView Control?

Mar 12, 2010

I'm making an Online quiz website using ASP.NET and am using a FormView to display the questions to the user and am using Radio Buttons for the choices.

1. How to store the choices that the user selects for the questions so that I can do the scoring at the end of the test ?

2. At the Quiz page, I'd like the user to know the questions he has attempted and those that he hasn't. How shall that be done?

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Adding Calculated Fields To A Databound Control?

Oct 14, 2010

I need a form that displays three columns drawn directly from a database (no problems here) as well as two fields that require some complex calculations. Not only am I lost as to how to incorporate the calculations into the control, I don't know exactly how to write the calculations. I am working in Visual Web Developer 2008 with Vb.NET.

The first of the two fields should take the sum of all payments made by a given customer and divide it by a DailyMembershipRate, returning a DaysPaid variable. It should take this variable and a CustomerSince field for that particular customer and calculate a PaidThrough field.

The second of the two columns similarly requires the DaysPaid variable described above. It should subtract the CustomerSince field from the current date and return the value in days, giving a MembershipDays variable. Finally, it should subtract MembershipDays from the DaysPaid variable, again returning a value in days, and then multiply this by the DailyRate value for a Credit/Deficit field.

I realize this is a lot, but I haven't been able to find any documentation either online or in VWD or ASP.NET texts on this topic. I could really use some fellow user input.

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding New Items To Repeater Control With Transitions?

Aug 21, 2010

I am currently in the process of writing a facebook type 'activity feed' for a site. Currently I am binding the last 10 items to a repeater control, which contains a usercontrol representing each item. The requirement is that when a user clicks a refresh button any new events are added to the top of the list, the previous items drop down and the equivalent number of old items drop off the bottom, all with nice slider transitions. I have put the repeater inside of an update control and are able to handle the transitions by using RegisterStartup script to drop jquery calls onto the page for the slider. However I cannot find a way to dynamically add or remove new datarows to the repeater.

I need the old items to stay in the repeater and be pushed down by the new items, so completely refreshing the datasource seems like a bad idea.I was thinking about maybe storing the datasource in the viewstate and adding rows to that, maybe with an extra column on the end which stores what transition is needed on the databind for my jquery, but there will be a 'View more items' link at the bottom of the page, so I am worried that the list could get pretty large and there would be a big problem with memory.

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding A Calculated Field To A Databound Control?

Oct 19, 2010

I'm using a gridview to extract a set of records. I need to add another field to the gridview, which can calculate the difference between a date associated with each record and the current date.

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Static Text Before Bind() In Datalist Control?

Oct 22, 2010

I have a datalist control

In it, I have a hyperlink that im binding the url, and the text to from a mysql database

here is my code so far

<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server"
NavigateUrl='<%#Bind("topicid") %>' Text='<%# Bind("title") %>'></asp:HyperLink>

Now, the problem is, the field "topicid" returns a number, such as 3. I want to add the following text before it: viewTopic.aspx?id=

So, ideally, i want something like this

<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server"
NavigateUrl='<%# "viewTopic.aspx?id=" + Bind("topicid") %>' Text='<%# Bind("title") %>'></asp:HyperLink>

But, when I do it that way, I obviously get an error.

So, is there any way to solve this problem without having to modify the database?

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