Forms Data Controls :: Drop Down Value - Date Formatting Changes?
Oct 8, 2010
In my database table i have a column with the data type: date - which accepts a value like 2010-01-08.
However - when i hook the value to a drop down list it looks like: 2010-01-08: 00:00:00
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<asp:TextBox Text='<%# Bind("BIRTH_DATE", "{0:d}") %>' Font-Names="Tahoma"
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Sep 17, 2010
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So, I am struggling to change my String (MDate) into a DateTime in the same format the user have and then convert it into my format:"dd/MM/yyyy" and after I have the date in the correct format, I want to change it back to string and save it in the database.I am doing this so that I have the same dateformat saved in my database.
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=CDate(First(Fields!CreatedDate.Value)).ToString("MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt")
How i solve this.
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Aug 31, 2010
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I just want the date. The Format value doesn't seem to have any effect.
HeaderText="Exp Date"
Text='<%# Bind("expirationDate") %>'></asp:TextBox>
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Dec 20, 2010
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@ModelType System.Nullable(Of DateTime)
@Html.TextBoxFor(Function(d) d, New With {.class="polkDate", .maxlength="10"})
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For the eval, I had to add the Convert.ToString to handle DBNULL items.
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