Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Gridview Show As Stored Procedure Return?

Mar 5, 2010

I am trying to show gridview as Stored procedure results sent.


page is displaying with Edit and deleti buttons with no. of rows. But not result set (no data).

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Jul 1, 2010

Is it possible to use dynamic query filters with a gridview using a stored procedure as a data source? What I'm thinking of is a search page where there are multiple controls to enter in a search string and a radio button for the AND/OR query filters between the various controls. If not, what would be the best way to allow a user to select an AND / OR with a group of different query controls?

Here is the page I have created thus far using a view and no AND/OR option. I but I can't get it to work with my SP, also listed below:


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public int UpdateRBTable(parameters ...) This calls a SQL Server Stored Procedure to perform an update function on the database.

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CREATE PROCEDURE Procedure_login

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So I am getting this error message:

Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter' to 'string' I have a stored procedure on SQL 2000 returning an email from a database table (aspnet_Membership). The email type from the table is nvarchar. I have a method (in C# in the code behind) that gets that value. But the debugger doesn't like the last line:

return returnEmail; // returnEmail is a string variable we created to capture the stored procedure's return value

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Forms Data Controls :: Stored Procedure And Gridview?

Jul 31, 2010

I have one problem with stored procedure.

My table:


Stored procedure:

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.Select_Customer

@PaymentId varchar(100)
@parameter1 int = 5, [code]....

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Feb 26, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Loop Gridview To Update Values In Gridview To Stored Procedure?

Jan 14, 2010

I would like to ask a question on the visual basic codes to loop the gridview to retrieve the values and based on the values, it will be provided as parameters to update to the database table using stored procedure.

Firstly, I have a gridview named grvProduct. The page (ui) will be loaded with data from the database with the use of stored procedures. And only certain values can be edited through the use of template in gridview. So based on those edited values, I'm supposed to pass these values as parameters to the stored procedure which will then update a database table.

Let say, I have 3 records retrieved from the database and displayed in the gridview. And I would like to edit a values in the 3 records, how do I do batch update and pass those parameters to the stored procedure? I went to debug and step through the visual basic codes and realised there were too many arguments specified because I actually loop the gridview.

Below is my visual basic codes:


Below is my Stored Procedure code:

I believe it is the error in the looping of the gridview which results that I could not batch update the data/values.

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I want to call the stored procedure and for it to return a true or false if successful ie username and password match.

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My Codebehind ( vb):


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Feb 16, 2010

Im loading some results from a SQL Stored procedure into a Grid View. From my stored procedure I simply get 2 columns returned, Details and Savings, the savings are being returned in the format 30.50123 I want to limit this to 2 decimal places and put a euro sign in front of it like so €30.50, I have managed to do this however its adding a new "savings"column to my Grid view which I obviously don't want. So I now have a savings column with the correct format of €30.50 and my 2 columns from my stored procedure

details and savings. Heres my code....


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Feb 23, 2011

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Feb 8, 2011

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Search With Stored Procedure And Redisplaying In One Gridview?

Sep 17, 2010

I am using two SQL Data Adapters to initially populate a gridview and then repopulate from search results. The Search SQL Data Source uses a stored procedure to retrieve the results but I cannot get the updated gridview to display.Here is my aspx code:


Here is my CS code:


I cannot get the gridview to display after I click the Search button.

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Forms Data Controls :: Update GridView Content With A Stored Procedure?

Jul 12, 2010

I'm getting problems to update a database table shown in a gridview using a stored procedure.

My table has 3 columns and my stored procedure is something like:

spUpdateMyTable(@column1 varchar(20), @column2 varchar(50), @id_table integer)


update mytable set column1 = @column1, column2 = @column2 where id_table = @id_table

The stored procedure works perfect when I try to execute it in the SQLServer query analizer, but my problem is when I call the sqldatasource update command.

When I do that, it seem that there are problems whith the parameter's names...

I'm doing that whit updateparameters.Add(parameter) and parameter is created whit the same name, tipe and the value that Is shown in the gridView.

I'm looking for in the msdn but everything I founded was about doing that through an update query but I need the stored procedure.

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