DataSource Controls :: Call The Stored Procedure And For It To Return A True Or False?
Aug 4, 2010
Am stuck with this sql stored procedure/ vb.
I want to call the stored procedure and for it to return a true or false if successful ie username and password match.
My stored procedure works fine, and I can call it from my vb, however I stuck as to how I get it to return a result of true or false, 1 , 0. I just get a blank page.
My Codebehind ( vb):
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protected void ibtApprove_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
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Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter' to 'string' I have a stored procedure on SQL 2000 returning an email from a database table (aspnet_Membership). The email type from the table is nvarchar. I have a method (in C# in the code behind) that gets that value. But the debugger doesn't like the last line:
return returnEmail; // returnEmail is a string variable we created to capture the stored procedure's return value
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Stored procedure:
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RETURN ( 6371 * ACOS( COS( (@a/@b) ) * COS( (Lat/@b) ) * COS( ( Lng/@b ) - (@c/@b) ) + SIN( @a/@b ) * SIN( Lat/@b ) ) )
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from business
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