Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Assigning A Value To A Griview?

Jan 11, 2011

I am sitting with bit of a problem !I want to assign a value to a gridview to subtract data from a database. Is it possible to do it on Page_Load?

For example : The User will enter Ford in a textbox and then the gridview must display all the cars that is made by Ford that are in the database?

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Get Value From Griview To Modalpopup Extender?

Sep 21, 2010

i have a grid view and on clik of link byutton i open moral how can i pass the value from grid to moral extender.i have checked few links here but that dint give me much idea...please suggest me on some code..


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Hide A Template Column In A Griview

Mar 29, 2010

I am trying to hide the first column of my gridview, a template/command column.

I want to export my gridview to Excel and the teplated contol shows up in the Excel file as a column.

This is what I tried in code :

Me.GridView1.Rows.Item(0).Visible =
False - This doesn't work !
Me.GridView1.AllowPaging =
Me.GridView1.AllowSorting =
Me.GridView1.EditIndex = -1
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.xls"
Response.Charset = " "
Dim swriter As
New StringWriter()
Dim hwriter As
New HtmlTextWriter(swriter)

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Forms Data Controls :: Exporting Data From Griview To Microsoft Word Table

Feb 24, 2011

I need to export data that is in a girdview to Micorsoft Word table.

How can I do this?

I use the following code to export to microsoft word.


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Data In Griview On Page Load

Mar 19, 2011

I have made sample code to display data in griview on page load. Evrything is wrkng without error but my page is coming blank as no data is shown


// Class Database for various methods
public class TestClass
private string cnstr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["test"].ConnectionString;
private string sql="";
public DataTable Fetch()
string sql = "select * from item";
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, cnstr);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
return dt;
//Code Behind in Web Page. gdv1 name given to gridview
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
TestClass tcls = new TestClass();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void FiillItemInGrid()
DataTable dtitem = tcls.Fetch();
if (dtitem.Rows.Count > 0)
gdv1.DataSource = dtitem;
gdv1.Visible = true;
gdv1.DataSource = dtitem;
int totalcolums = gdv1.Rows[0].Cells.Count;
gdv1.Rows[0].Cells.Add(new TableCell());
gdv1.Rows[0].Cells[0].ColumnSpan = totalcolums;
gdv1.Rows[0].Cells[0].Text = "No Record Found";

Working in this way still no data is populated.

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Dynamically Assigning Properties On A Non Data Bound .NET Control?

Mar 18, 2010

For example, let's say I have a HyperLink:

<asp:HyperLink runat="server" Text="Foo" NavigateUrl="foo.aspx" />

How can I set the NavigateUrl on the server side, without having to go the code-behind?

This doesn't work of course:

<asp:HyperLink runat="server" Text="Foo" NavigateUrl="<%= urlString %>" />

(where urlString might be a string I created earlier in the page)And this doesn't work because the HyperLink is not within a data bound control:

<asp:HyperLink runat="server" Text="Foo" NavigateUrl='<%# urlString %>' />

I guess I could just use a standard anchor element:

<a href="<%= urlString %>">Foo</a>

But I'd rather not mix up HTML and ASP.NET controls, and it would be handy to be able to do this for other controls.

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Web Forms :: Assigning Value To Variable On A Page Dynamically And Pass To Control

Apr 11, 2010

Generally I want to pass string result of some control to other control or htm tag like without using specific classes in my ASPX page, only my control and what asp gives:

<a href="<MyControls:MyContr Param="Tech"/>">my link</a>

but this doesnt work - href is not executed, server treats it literally <MyControls:MyContr Param="Tech"/> so I would like to know it is possible to do it like in JSP pages:

- pass <MyControls:MyContr Param="Tech"/> to some variable $myVariable
- pass $myVariable to href like <a href="$myVariable" ?

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Web Forms :: Assigning Validation Group To Button Dynamically In Datalist?

Jan 5, 2011

I am assigning validation group to my button dynamically in datalist.

now i want to find out that validation group on clientclick of that button

and assign it to my validationsummary !!!

how can i found out validationgroup of the button which is clicked ?

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Dynamically Assigning Which Variable In Code Behind?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm looking at a routine that returns a variable name and value in two fields from a table, the intent is to then assign the value to the correct variable.

in C# the statement is

Session[dr["SessionKey"].ToString()] = dr["SessionValue"].ToString();

My code is unfortunately VB. I'm having problems with the first half of the equation - setting the variable name in VB.

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C# - Dynamically Assigning A Property In A Usercontrol?

Dec 13, 2010

I currently have a repeater control and inside the itemtemplate I have a usercontrol. This usercontrol renders correctly, but I am trying to assign a dataitem to a property in the repeater control.


RequestId is just an Int32. It just doesn't assign it.

I can put the eval outside of the usercontrol just in the itemtemplate and it correctly outputs the right id.

If I remove the whole eval and just type a number in then it works fine. I was using an EntityDataSource and this automatically binded to the repeater. It printed out all the information from the database on the screen without any codebehind. But when I put in the code behind Repeater1.DataBind(); it then started to work.

I don't know why, but hey it's solved. It now successfully passes the value through. I imagine it has something to do with the page lifecycle.

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Forms Data Controls :: Assigning Value Using FindControl?

Jul 23, 2010

I thought I had this all figured out, in fact the following is similar to another page I have that works, but dinged if I can see what is wrong with this.I have a FormView with the InsertItem Template as the default. I have a label "UserId" that is assigned the logged on user's userid on page load with:

LblUserID.Text = Membership.GetUser.ProviderUserKey.ToString , which I am certain works.

There is a textbox "User_IDTextbox" within the InsertItem Template of a FormView, and I am trying to write the UserID into that text box using this VB code in a subroutine:

Dim TxtBxUserIDParent As TextBox = DirectCast(FVAddTradeResort.FindControl("User_IDTextbox"), TextBox)
TxtBxUserIDParent.Text = LblUserID.Text

This does not result in populating the textbox within the InsertItem Template of the Formview template with the UserID

View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Assigning A Variable From Repeater Value?

Jan 1, 2010

trying to get something to work, which I think should be extremely easy.

I'm grabbing a value from my database with a repeater, and want to assign the value to a variable that I can parse and then send into javascript. 'videofile' is the variable from the database, and I want to assign the value to 'vidfile', parse it, and then inject into javascript:

<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater3" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource11">

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Forms Data Controls :: Assigning A Value To A Formview Field?

Jun 18, 2010

I now can reference a field in the formview, but, assigning it a value is fighting me.

I want to assign the UserName field in the formview with the login name from the Master (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name).

(A) I tried the likes of: FormView1.FindControl("UserName").DefaultValue = username but of course that doesn't work.

(B) Alternatively, I tried to edit the SQL so that I passed it the HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name but didn't have any luck.

InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [TechUserName] ([CertName], [CertLevel], [CertLast], [CertFreq], [CertDue]) VALUES (@temp1, @CertLevel, @CertLast, @CertFreq, @CertDue)"

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Assigning An Image To Gridview?

Mar 5, 2011

My doubt is I am using a grid view that displays the content of many tables. i am using sql server 2005 for that. In a gridview column i have to display an appropriate image which will show when the value of another column and its row is having value as "Available". If the value is "NotAvailable" then the image column in gridview will show another image. How am i suppose to code it in three tier architecture.

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Value From DataList And Assigning To A Varabile?

Jul 8, 2010

I have a Datalist and when a button is clicked I would like to send the values of the fields to a new page to fill some text boxes. What is the best way to do this. I had thought that since the DataList had itemtemplates that were labels I could reference them like regular labels ( str = Label1.text ). That isn't working.I was just going to send the values through a query string. Which I have an example of that, unless there is a better way.

View 12 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Assigning Values From A Database To A Label?

Sep 30, 2010

I want to select all the values from a table in my database and then put each value in order into labels that are on the asp page.

I can Select all the values from that database fine but I am rather stuck as how to put the values into the individual labels? Here is the code I have connecting to my database.


How can I put the DateTime value into Label1 and the Decription into Label2??

I have had a nose about but can't seem to find the information I need.

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Forms Data Controls :: Assigning Dropdownlist Value Into Textbox When Editing

Jun 29, 2010

I am tryingto update my data on a gridview.... i have two ddl's and two textbox...when i click on the one ddl it post the value of the selectedvalue into the textbox and this happens the same for the other one..... I am using the rowupdating event handler... and here is what i have so far...


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Forms Data Controls :: Assigning A Value To An EditItem Template In A FormView?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a simple EditItem Template within a Formview that I am using to add a record to a table. There is one field in the form that I would like to assign a variable to. I cannot figure it out. I do not see any properties in VS2008 that allow me to assign the value.

The value that I am assigning is an item number, wich is the primary key in the table that I supply on the form.

View 7 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Assigning Repeater Value Using Object Properties?

Dec 25, 2010

I have a repeater control which looks like so: (Trimed it to show the essentials)


And i have a class which looks like so:


Is there anyways i can use the class properties to populate the repeater control? Probably modify the class or something?

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Forms Data Controls :: Using ItemDataBound Event - Assigning Data?

Dec 13, 2010

I had a scenario where I needed to massage some data before it got bound to a repeater control, so I first thought to use ItemDataBound event to handle it. I assume this would also apply to gridviews, listviews, etc. The pattern I've seen used to do this is something like:

if (it's the right row type, item, alternating item, etc..)
{ someType row = (someType) e.Item.DataItem
someControlType control = FindControl("controlID")
control.PropertyYouWant = row.FieldYouWant }

In thinking about my task, I'm thinking, ok, intercept the data before it's bound, change it, then let it proceed and do it's normal thing... so the step of finding a particular control and assigning the data to a property of it (like 'text' or 'innerhtml') seemed like an extra step to me? do you always need to explicitly assign the data you want to a control to display? For example, say you have a div tag and the field data needs to be it's content. This already happens when I'm not handling ItemDataBound myself to change the data, is there a way to handle the ItemDataBound event to change the data and have it just display where it would if you were not handling the event? The aspx markup already has an <%# Eval("fieldName") %> within the div tag for placement. I know there is an alternative way to handle the call to massage the data right inside the aspx with a helper function like: <%# HelperFunction(Eval("fieldName")) %>, which is what I have used, but I would like to understand the option of using the ItemDataBound event.

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Forms Data Controls :: Assigning Customized Edit Procedure To GridView

Jul 31, 2010

I'm gonna outline the application roughly: it's a tool, where people can upload a CSV-file, which contains their data for some crazy water-plant-biology-stuff. ;) The job of the application is (besides others) to validate their entered species. So far no problem, I've got my string-array with the correct species abbrevations, and i can parse the species names from the user-edited CSV-file.Whenever a species is found, that is not part of the reference-array its being sent to a GridView as a new row. All of the above works fine - if anything isn't explained well, just ask.

Now, what I want to do is to give the user a simple edit-function: beside the WRONG species name, it would be terrific, if there was some sort of drop-down-list, filled with the correct species names (which are stored as a string-array in my .cs-file!). The user looks at his wrong species, then just has to select the correct name from the drop-down-list, either updates row for row, or even better: edit every row, and update once at the end. Is this possible? I remember that it's quite easy to fill template-fields with data through SQL-connections etc, but is there a more simple way to do it? As said, I've got a fine string-array in my .cs-file behind the aspx-page.Haven't found any code for this. Are template-fields in the Gridview the right way?

Which might be a solution for the updating-problem: I keep storing the wrong names in the rows, and just add another column next to the species name, where this drop-down-list should appear. Then i add a button, which, when clicked, gets the old value & the new selected value for each row, and updates the data. Should work? So the problem remains: how do I add a template-field with many (<500) items in the .cs-file to a GridView-Column?

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Forms Data Controls :: ClientIDRowIDSuffix - Assigning Value - Can't Convert Type String

Nov 30, 2010

I've been successful in creating GridView controls programically using c#. I'd like to take advantage of using the clientmode=predicatable but I can't resolve setting the ClientIDRowSuffix value. Below is a code snippet:

public void GenerateView(int fileno, string GridType, GridView dataView)
object ctrl = FindControl("pnlForm");
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel ctrlPanel = (System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel)ctrl;
dataView.Width = 640;
dataView.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
dataView.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Beige;
dataView.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
dataView.Caption = "<B> indicate your selection by typing Add of Delete in the Action box below</B>";
//Resulted in the following error
// Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'string[]
// dataView.ClientIDRowSuffix = "CTR_SEQ";
// I also tried casting it
// CS0030: Cannot convert type 'string' to 'string[]'...........................................

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Forms Data Controls :: Assigning Colour To List Items Based On Their Values?

Feb 9, 2010

Is it possible to assign a colour to a drop down list item based on it's value?For example: I have a drop downlist where I've got a bunch of items that have integer

values. I would like to highlight the items with values in 1000s in grey.

Here is what the list looks like:

list_item_name list_item_value
item1 1
item4 4
item5 5
item2 2
item3 3

I've boldified the items I'd like to be highlighted in grey ,For added complexity I need to highlight the items with values 1000 in a light shade of gray and items with values 2000 in a darker shade of grey. I'm using Web Developer, and C#

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Forms Data Controls :: Datalist - Unbound Label Assigning Text In Code Behind

May 20, 2010

The Datalist is being databound via an ObjectDataSource and everything here works fine. I have a label which I've added to my datalist and it's unbound to anything. Depending on the message information, I want this unbound label to display a certain phrase but it has to be next to a bound label. But if I try to change the text of the label in the code-behind, VS2k8 reports that the label is not declared. How do I do this?


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Forms Data Controls :: Getting 'System.InvalidCastException' When Assigning A Label Color Via Field Value?

Jan 25, 2010

I have a very simple FormView that has several fields on it. There is a field that either returns a "1" or "0" based on conditions in the database. If the value is "1", I want to leave the label control as is (normal font, in black). However, if the value is "0" I want to change the font to bold and change the forecolor to red. Simple, right?

I am able to change the font-bold property using the code below, but if I use the code to attempt to change the font color, I get the following error message for this line:

An exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in App_Web_hoge3m1x.dll but was not handled in user code

Additional information: Specified cast is not valid.


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