Forms Data Controls :: Filling Table Like Photo Album?

Mar 1, 2011

I need to create a display grid of picture cells 5 columns by rows determined by database select. Each cell to contain picture, title, name, phone number pulled from database. How do I create a table like structure and populate it? Can a DetailsView control be called into each table cell with the table row count being determined by the same select statement?

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Web Forms :: How To Create An ASP Photo Album Page WITHOUT Using A Database For The Photos

May 28, 2010

Can anyone tell me how to create an ASP photo album page WITHOUT using a database for the photos? In other words, I just want to be able to call the photos from a folder within the site... I can't get databases to work properly on my computer so I need to do it this simpler way. Can anyone let me know of a site which shows how to do this

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How To Post Photo To Album In Facebook Graph Api

Mar 27, 2011

i wrote an application for facebook but i couldn't upload image to album that i created,
code is in below

Facebook.FacebookAPI api = new Facebook.FacebookAPI(GetAccessToken());
Dictionary<string, string> album = new Dictionary<string, string>();
album.Add("name", "Test Album");
album.Add("message", "Message here!");
JSONObject result = api.Post("me/albums", album);
string AlbumId = result.Dictionary["id"].String;
Dictionary<string, string> photo = new Dictionary<string, string>();
photo.Add("message", "test Message");
photo.Add("source", "tgw.jpg");
JSONObject photoResult = api.Post("/" + AlbumId + "/photos", photo);

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JQuery :: Create A Photo Album In Website?

Feb 10, 2011

I want to create a photo album in my website like the following link


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Sorting (rearranging Order) Of A Photo Album Using JQuery Sortable?

Feb 6, 2011

I have a photo album gallery within my website and would like to allow users to sort the order of their photos within an album. After looking at very different ways I came across this example http:[URL]Admin=true which is exactly what I need.

The photo are stored in the uploads directory and details in the database. The images are displayed using the ListView as shown below:

<asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" GroupItemCount="15">
<table id="groupPlaceholderContainer" runat="server" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%;">
<tr id="groupPlaceholder" runat="server">
<tr id="itemPlaceholderContainer" runat="server">


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JQuery :: Sorting (rearranging Order) Of A Photo Album Using JQuery Sortable

Feb 6, 2011

I have a photo album gallery within my website and would like to allow users to sort the order of their photos within an album. After looking at very different ways I came across this example which is exactly what I need.

The photo are stored in the uploads directory and details in the database. The images are displayed using the ListView as shown below:


I would like to rearrange the order of the photos; change the captions and/or delete the photos just like as in the example.

So could someone please provide the steps that I need to follow in order to achieve the following:

Firstly to display the photos from the Photo table in the database (can use the above listView) Rearrange the order; change caption and/or delete the photo(s) Final to update the changes in the Photo table

I am new to programming, especially jQuery so could you kindly provide/explain the steps that I need to follow.

View 8 Replies

ADO.NET :: Filling Labels With Table Data Outside Datalist Using Single Call To Db?

Oct 15, 2010

On a single page, I'd like to fill 2 hyperlink controls as well as a datalist control with table data using one call to the database. The page looks like this:


In the code-behind, I've tried several ways to accomplish filling the labels and the datalist with a single call but I can't make it happen without using either or if ( on the line before I make the call to fill the labels and the datalist. This fills the hyperlink controls correctly but advances the recordset forward by one, which results in the datalist missing it's first record.

I've tried using while (, but I get an "invalid attempt to read when no data is present" error. I've also tried using if (reader.hasrows) but I get the same error as above.Here's an example of one of the 2 ways I can get the labels and the datalist filled with data, but again this advances the recordset forward and I end up missing the row of data:


View 4 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Conversion Failed When Converting From A Character String To Uniqueidentifier - Delete Photo Table

Jan 12, 2011

Trying simple delete against a Photo table but hitting error as conversion type error.


Is there a better way to write this sql statement? or convert the UserId to int32 before executing? Not sure how to do that.

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Web Forms :: Uploaded Photo Displayed And An Hyperlink Option To Save Photo?

Jan 22, 2011

in i want the user to chose a photo to upload from their HD . then i want the uploaded photo displayed and an hyperlink option to save or reject this photo. if accepted the filename will be stored in a DB.

the problem is displaying the photo before it has been saved.

I display strFileName which works on my PC but not on my laptop.


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Forms Data Controls :: Filling A Repeater With VB?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a set of images which needs to be displayed horizontally on the page. When the set of images reaches the edge of the browser window, they need to continue being displayed horizontally even if it means a horizontal scroll bar is made (In fact it will almost always result in a horizontal scroll bar forming).

I have tried to find some way to get images to push of the side of the page but can find no way (using basic CSS) without defining a width on a container holding the images (eg. 8000px). This is not possible as the width is dynamic (more or less images may be displayed as they are added to the database)

So my solution in theory:

I now record the dimensions of the image in the database when it is uploaded to the server. Using a repeater, if I add together the width of each image as they are loaded then I can use this number to define the width of the container. Seems to make sense right?

The problem comes when I load the images. I am not great at using the Repeater at the best of times and once again it has got me stuck. I have used the Repeater ItemCreated in my code behind but my variable which I declare (dim i as integer = 1) appears to get reset each time.

When I tried in Repeater OnLoad it didn't seem to work either.

The scenario in question can be found here: [URL]

You can see I have responsed the variable in the top left and they are all 1, hence why I believe the variable is being reset.

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Data Controls :: Create A Picture Album Gallery Using GridView

Apr 14, 2014

I have year wise Photo now i want insert the photo by year and month and date wise after i want the main page shown the year when i click the year it will be shown the month and i will click the month it will open by date after the photos will be shown .

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Forms Data Controls :: Filling A GridView And Its PageIndexChanging

Feb 14, 2010

In a webform I have two textbox (txtDNI and txtAPE), 2 buttons (b1 and b2), 1 gridview (myGV) and 2 functions (dt1 and dt2) that return a DataTable txtDNI will be a parameter for dt1 function and txtAPE will be a parameter for dt2 function

DNI [_______] (b1)
APE [_______] (b2)
[ | | | | ]
[ | | | | ]
[ | | | | ]
[ | | | | ]
[ 1 2 3 4... ]

When I press b1 myGV will be fill with the dt1 function's datatable and when I press b2 myGV will be fill with the dt2 function's datatable myGV allows paging=true and when I press the next index (2 or other) It appears a PageIndexChanging error. So the pagination isn't automatic and I have to code the PageIndexChanging event When I use a ObjectDataSource and I connect it with myGV the PageIndexChanging error dessapears and the pagination is automatic The problem is the ODS only have a one selectfunction (dt1 or dt2) but not both and the configuration is on design time

The same happen with the PageIndexChanging event where I fill myGV again (with dt1 or dt2) and set the new index (myGV.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex) and What is the problem?? ... the problem is, for example, when the user erase txtDNI and change index of pagination ... the PageIndexChanging event is fired and call the dt1 function but the txtDNI(parameter) is empty and occurs an error, the function returns an empty datatable and myGV is empty too for avoid this I create viewstates variables for each function, so I have a 2 viewstates and fill them when the user press b1 or b2 When user press the pagination, the PageIndexChanging event catch the viewstate variable and convert it into a datatable and the problem of the automatic pagination is controled The problem is I don't have 1GV in the webForm I have 5GV in some pages... and I try to avoid...

1. all the code in the PageIndexChanging events of each GV in the webform.
2. use the viewstate variables

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView Filling DropDownList?

Mar 13, 2010

I've got a DropDownList in my <EditTemplate> and i'd like to fill it by data from database

(I can't use SqlDatasSource).

How to do that?

i was trying something like that

((DropDownList)((DetailsView)sender).FindControl("autor")).DataSource = MethodIveCreate();

on DetailsViewChanging method nut i've got error :/

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Forms Data Controls :: Manually Filling A Gridview?

Sep 7, 2010

I don't want to databind a gridview, I want to be able to add rows myself within c# code. I can see there is a GridViewRow object and wondered if I can use this to add/remove rows as required?

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Forms Data Controls :: Update A Photo In Gridview?

Jul 26, 2010

I have a gridview with employees name, there is link to another page,with employee information,when the user click on the link, according to employee id get the employee information from database, in this page we can add photos or update them,which works fine,

the problem is when updating the photo, and click the link, I see the same photo not the updates one,until I refresh the browser,

View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Filling A GridView With HyperLinks?

Jan 20, 2011

I need a GridView with 6 columns, one of which ("ItemID") is a HyperLink who's URL and text is determined from the C# code as I will get that data from an SQL database

INITIALLY, what I wanted to do, which would have been easy as pie, is:


HOWEVER, this does not work because every row in the Item ID column is filled with "System.Web.UI.WebControls.HyperLink". Apparently, this is what the HyperLink's toString() method returns. Apparently, you can't just throw a HyperLink into a DataRow and call it a day. I need to know how to make this ItemID column into such a HyperLink. It doesn't necessarily HAVE to be a HyperLink control, it just has to be able to call my javascript function on the aspx page, "popUp(URL)"

To give you a visualization of what I'm trying to achieve: this is a change log for an inventory system. The ItemID column indicates what item was altered. However, simply just having a number there doesn't say much, so I'm trying to create a link with the text, for example, "42 (motherboard x)". In other words reader["ItemID"] + " (" + reader["Description"] + ")", and that link will run a javascript function I have called popUp(URL) which takes a URL and opens it in a new window of specific size and location, to view that item's details.

I've tried various other methods such as disabling AutoGenerateColumns and manually create a HyperLinkField, but to no avail, because I couldn't get it to run my javascript function that way.

View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Delete Photo File Using Reorder?

Feb 15, 2010

I have the reorderlist and a DELETE as link button. So far so good as far as I can tell that when I clicked on the delete link button, it deletes photo value from the database per the ID PK. However, I want to be able to delete the right photo file on the server/disk (jpg, gif..) but I could not figure out the logic to do so.

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Forms Data Controls :: Filling Web User Control From Web Form Page

Mar 4, 2011

I have a Web User Control that is sitting in a Tabcontainer on a web page. The user control is on tab 1 and has a listview control in it. In the listview control I have a textbox called txtWorkOrderID. In tab 2 I have a gridview with a button in one of the columns. When the button is clicked I want to grab the ID from the row I'm on and fill the txtWorkOrderID with it on tab 1. I've got things to work as far as grabing the ID and switching back to tab 1, but I keep getting a null reference when I try to put the value into the txtWorkOrderID which tells me its not finding the control. I am using .netVB in VS10. how to reference the textbox in the control on tab 1. here is what I have so far. [Code]....

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Filling FormView's Child Controls?

Oct 15, 2010

I need to programmatically fill DropDownList in FormView and can't find the proper event to do it. I keep getting "'GenreList' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items" or "Bind, Eval can only be used in databound control" depending on the event. Sample code follows (there's no attempts to bind a DropDownList there ):


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Forms Data Controls :: Put A Click Button To Pass The Id Of The Photo To The Other Page?

Jul 31, 2010

I'm making a phot album for my family websit I'v gotten almost every thing down except the display. I have gotten the pictures to display as thumbnails using a datalist (because I can get the layout how I want it) However I wanted to put a click button to pass the id of the photo to the other page.So this is my question is their any way to pass the id from in a datalist to another page.this is the code i'm tryin to use now


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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview Row Update / Creating Dataset, Getting Data From Sql With Adaptor And Filling Into Dataset Object

Dec 21, 2010

I have a detailsview, template as follows:


Codebehind: creating dataset, getting data from sql with adaptor and filling into dataset object, then setting detailsview's datasource.
I add 2 button to above template to able to edit data at asp page, and added event handlers:buttons:


My question is, what to do inside the detailsview update event function to able to edit and update data. My method can be wrong too.

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Data Controls :: Dataset Is Not Filling When Uploading On Windows 8 IIS

Apr 27, 2016

I have created a crystal report using dataset(.xsd) in,c#. It is working fine on local machines and my local machine IIS. on my local machine windows7 is installed. When I uploading it on on windows 8 IIS then data is not coming. Dataset is not filling on windows8 IIS.

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Data Controls :: Save Captured Photo From Webcam In Database As Binary Data

May 7, 2015

My Image is showing in Image Control from somewhere, now my question is that How to save that shown image from Image Control without Using FileUpload Control to Database in ASP.Net?

Actually i have got a task to implement web cam to grid from there user will click button, another window will pop up then he will capture that image, then that image will be shown in GridView, then when a user click Submit button all the images captured by the user got saved to database in the form of Image

I have referred the following article : [URL] .....

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DataSource Controls :: Resizing Two Dimensional Array - Filling Data In Loop

Mar 11, 2010

My original code was in classic vb. and could use redim array to resize them. I was porting the code to c# now and lately i have run into an issue to resize a 2 dimensional array. The thing here is I have a 2 dimensional array whose 2nd dimension needs to be increased dynamically as needed to accommodate the data. For say

String[,] ary1=new String[2,10];

I'm doing some operation in a loop and filling in the data in ary1. And if the loop still continues, on reaching the ary1 upper bound i need to increase the size further to accommodate 10 more rows. I tried couple of ways to copy it to a bigger array and assign it back to the current array. but somehow dint work.

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Web Forms :: Script Manager With Update Panel - Filling Data Through Text Box

Oct 26, 2010

In my application, i have a grid. I am fiilling the data from through the text box then when i click on the submit button. the data will go to grid . But there is post back (page refresh is happning). So i want to avoid that page refresh by using the script manager and updata panel. My doubt is where i place the bellow code.

Where the grid ,textboxs and submit button will place in side the bellow tag or grid is enough to place over there or button and grid . and also we nee to place the bellow tag as seperatly for grid and submit button button

Note. - I am not placed my text boxs and submit button in side the gridview. But one update button is available inside the grid.


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