I have a gridview linked to a formview both in an update panel, my triggers are GridView SelectedIndex, and FormView ItemDeleted, ItemUpdated, ItemInserted, and ModeChanged;however, when I insert, or delete in the Formview the Gridview does not update, even though the update panel shows the progress update, and now shows the new record. How do I get the Gridview to update when the panel is updated?
I have a typical gridview/formview master control setup. When I try to update or insert I don't get any errors but it also doesn't work. When I try to insert data all I get are null values and when I update, none of the values are updated. The formview looks like its working, but just doesn't. The primary key is an identity and it auto-increments by one.
Gridview binding data from database without doing postback on the select of item in dropdown.i know it is possible through ajax update panel but for some specific reason it can't use it.And i think that gridview is a server-side control and if i implement it by using table structure , jquery ajax and web service then it will loose all gridview properties of edit, update and paging etc.
I've been spending two days on this. My page formview is in a tab container and I need it to update, insert and display data. Insert and display are ok as long as the default mode is Insert. The problem here is edit mode, it's able to get values from the db(oracle) and display them in edit mode, but when I click save, any values I typed out on the textboxes do not get captured. When I call on my db update class, it just sends old db values. Here is the process: formview shows data selected from gridview, then an update button is clicked to edit the data. there is also a SAVE button to send updated data to db. Example: description textbox = "test", then I type out a different value, and in debug mode, the textbox.text still shows "test" after clicking save.
I have a listbox inside a formview in a details page(master/details). The values for the listbox will come from a lookup table and when the user select one or more values it should be inserted in a table. The process sould be like the following:
The user will select one or multiple values and click on a Select button. Then a label should show the selected values. Then the user will click on the Insert button in the formview to insert it in the database.
I have a Formview residing inside am Item Template of a Gridview. The formview is not populating, and I am pretty convinced that I am not passing the parameter properly from the Gridview to the Formview. I have listed the relevant code only, so that you can scan though it easierGridview tag:
I have a gridview to which I am binding a database values. My requirement is to bind the values to the gridview by sorting 3 columns as a default sorting with ASC order in one column and descending order in other two.. Can I do it in my .Net code or should I do that in Stored Procedure? If it can be done in .net code Can you tel me how it can be done.
I have used the update panel for gridview.but I want that on radiobutton event page will be refreshed.I cannot understane how to use trigger for that radio button .
I m having GridView with scroll bars. I keep those in Update panel to update without postback when I click on Previous and Next buttons outside the Grid. Now, I drag the scroll bar down and select a row. The row is getting highlighted and works fine but the Scroll bars Goes Up. If I remove the update panel, scroll bar is not going up but next and previous button events are not working
I have gridview and below that I m having previous, Next and Image Viewer.When I click on previous and Next, the image is getting displayed in a right way. When I select on the particular row, it is also working fine.Now, I m doing paging, If I click on Paging, The first row in the 2nd page is getting highlighted, the correct Image is getting in code behind, but the update panel is not working and the same old image is displaying..May I know, why the update panel is not working for that event.
I have a formview in Edit Mode, within an update Panel all and these arewithin a Modal Pop Up extender.On clicking Formview Update button, I want an image to appear within the pop up.I have put the image within another panel1 and runat server.For some reason the image is not showing on clicking update button.
Girdview has dropdownlist TemplateField called ddlSate, how to bind state field value in sql table to selected value of ddlState dropdownlist control? For example the sql table has AL value for state field, (Note by default ddlState lists all states options with sqldatasource), how AL is selected in ddlState when binding to ddlState?
Secondly, when user selects different state like GA, how below update stored precedure works? that means how to find ddl selected value in update procedure as shown below question mark line:
I have two gridviews tied to a SQL backend both being displayed within an update panel. Both the gridviews have a linkbutton connected to a rowcommand. When clicking on one of the rowcommand link buttons, the database is updated and the update panel is refreshed (moving the record to be displayed in the other gridview in the panel). However, when the rowcommand from the other gridview is clicked, the code is run and the database is updated, but the update panel is NOT refreshed.I have debugged it and have found that the code is running as expected. It fires off the function and updates the database. If I click away from the page and then go back, it does show the data in the proper gridviews, so I know that the code is working.
I am tring deleting the image in the gridview and in folder where it locate . My page in the update panel write a funtion to delete in the delete button event , it not working in update panel when i comment the update panel then it working properly.
how can i use findcontrol to bind dropdownlist whidch is placed in item templated in gridview . my gridview is in update panel and my page has master page too.i want to bind my drodownlist in codebehind page.
iuse this code: DropDownList DDL = this.Master.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1").FindControl("UpdatePanel1").FindControl("GVProduct").FindControl("DDLProductGroupGrid") as DropDownList; but not works.
I have a gridview where I am opening a popup page when user selects a row. If I am not using update panel then Select button is able to open popup page.
If I am adding Update panel, the popup page is unable to open. What could be the cause?
I want to export a gridview data to excel; however, my form contains an update panel. I am getting the error message below. Note: the function works without an update Panel.
RegisterForEventValidation can only be called during Render(); private { Response.ClearContent(); Response.AddHeader( Response.ContentType =
I would like to ask a question on the visual basic codes to loop the gridview to retrieve the values and based on the values, it will be provided as parameters to update to the database table using stored procedure.
Firstly, I have a gridview named grvProduct. The page (ui) will be loaded with data from the database with the use of stored procedures. And only certain values can be edited through the use of template in gridview. So based on those edited values, I'm supposed to pass these values as parameters to the stored procedure which will then update a database table.
Let say, I have 3 records retrieved from the database and displayed in the gridview. And I would like to edit a values in the 3 records, how do I do batch update and pass those parameters to the stored procedure? I went to debug and step through the visual basic codes and realised there were too many arguments specified because I actually loop the gridview.
Below is my visual basic codes:
Below is my Stored Procedure code: [Code]....
I believe it is the error in the looping of the gridview which results that I could not batch update the data/values.