Forms Data Controls :: Update FormView By Select Data On GridView
Feb 9, 2010Protected
Sub CompanyGridView_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)
Sub CompanyGridView_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)
I have a gridview linked to a formview both in an update panel, my triggers are GridView SelectedIndex, and FormView ItemDeleted, ItemUpdated, ItemInserted, and ModeChanged;however, when I insert, or delete in the Formview the Gridview does not update, even though the update panel shows the progress update, and now shows the new record. How do I get the Gridview to update when the panel is updated?
i have a formview1 in edit mode within a modal pop up extender and Update Panel
The update statement works but on the page is a gridview1 where I want
to display the new values.
I have added the below in page code but it still does not bind
the Gridview with new values when after I click UpdateButton in Formview - Only when I refresh the page.
protected void FormView2_ItemUpdated(object sender, FormViewUpdatedEventArgs e)
i want my gridView to be refreshed so i can vies the new records when i insert to formview.
Now i have to go to another address and back to se the updated record.
i cant even press f5 because then it just duplicates the record with the same text from the formview even if the fields in the formview are empty.
There is got to be a code for this!?
I am using button field in gridview after user clicking a button data in the row want to add in my database table. i am using a storedprocedure to fill a data in grid achieve . i didnt know how to add a row field in database .
View 7 RepliesI have a gridview with edit,update and delete options..Using a radiobutton,how it is possible to select a particular row of gridview and update or delete that particular row?
View 3 RepliesI have a GridView and a FormView on the same page. They both have separate DataSources. This is a simple Master Details configuration, when a someone clicks on the Select link in the GridView, the FormView brings up the Details data. But for some reason the FormView's DataSource is trying to retrieve data when I load the page. This is causing an error because no ID is passed from the GridView.
View 16 RepliesI have the follow form view:
Text='<%#Bind("PrimerNombre") %>'></asp:TextBox>
Text='<%#Bind("SegundoNombre") %>'></asp:TextBox>
This formview is bound in this way:
protected void Page_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e)
Persona _persona =
List<SILPA.AccesoDatos.Generico.PersonaIdentity> persona =
FormView1.DataSource = persona;
When the page is shown, the textbox are filled correctly, this textbox are filled with the "primernombre" and "segundonombre" properties from the persona class. After this, If I change the textbox, and after click the update button, I need to update the persona class with the changes from the textboxes, then I call a ActualizarPersona method for updating the database. How can I do for update the persona class when I change the textboxes and click the update button? I try this method protected void FormView1_ItemUpdating(object sender, FormViewUpdateEventArgs
I haveĀ a student data, when I put the student id in textbox, it show the students mark in gridview like
1st semester marks in first row , 2nd semester marks in second row ,etc
and i want insert 3rd semester marks , 4th semester marks for the particular student , and also , delete , update in gridview....
I am doing a library application. I am using a formview control to display and edit the details of an existing borrower.
What I wish to do is to allow the user to enter the borrower barcode into a textbox and select the details of the borrower corresponding to the barcode.
At present I have kept the textbox and a button outside the formview. Once the user enters the barcode in the texbox and clicks the button, the data is displayed in the formview control.
Now, my doubt is that is there a way to keep the textbox inside the formview control itself and use the value(Which should be user input) for selecting the details?
I have a formview, selecting * from friends, where [date] = getdate()
The problem is the friends table date columns datatype is datetime, i cannot make it just date.
I only want to display data if the date is the actual date, i.e. between 00:00:01 and 23:59:59
How do i select only the date for both getdate and my date column?
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [friends] WHERE ([date] = getDate())">
I have been trying for a while to populate a formview when I select an item from the dropdownlist. The dropdownlist is outside of the formview. For some reason, when I select a different item it does not change in the formview. Only the first item of the list shows up. I don't know where I'm doing wrong. I tried many things and suggested informatioin and I still could not get it to work. When I do try to switch I get this error message:
Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Source Error:
Have a Formview set up to edit a single record in an SQL table. It displays the record fine, but when you click the "update" link it just appears to do a postback and nothing else.After the postback you're looking at the original record without any of the changes you just tried to make.I went to my Dataset TableAdapter and checked the UDATE query works fine, I was able to change a record.My ObjectDataSource is correctly configured to use the UDATE query--I triple checked all that.
Trying to update a .NET .20 datagridview in the following scenario. A page contains a formview. The formview contains a datagridview and some other fields not in the grid. The formview has its own ObjectDataSource and the datagridview has a separate ObjectDataSource. Each ObjectDataSource has an OnUpdating event. Clicking a Save button triggers the formview update event and the "non-grid" ObjectDataSource updates without a problem. In that same event, I also want to update the grid's ObjectDataSource. Because it's a grid, this OnUpdating event has to loop through each row, get the data for that row and set the UpdateParameter values. A foreach loop can get the values, but how do I trigger the update before looping to the next row?
Should I try calling a different kind of event for the DataGridView's ObjectDataSource? Or is there a way to get all the grid's new data at once as a dataset or datatable and do one bulk update? The datagridview does not have row-level edit/update buttons. It is meant to be an all-or-nothing kind of update.
I have a FormView that that implements all templates (Insert / Edit / Item). When a user updates the form and the operation completes successfully, I want the form to be closed.
I understand that the default behaviour of the FormView is that it returns to ReadOnly mode. I also understand that I can change the default mode so the view will not be ReadOnly, but Insert or Edit. However, I want a much simpler thing - just close the view alltogether (as if it was unbounded).
I tried to change the Visible attribute of the form to False (=Not Visible) at the OnItemUpdated event, but that created consequences errors (something about viewState.... don't want to go there...)
am working with form view for the first time.My issue here is i have an insert item template and edititem template where i have dropdownlist to insert and edit data in to databasemy code below
<asp:FormView ID="fv_ChildPhysicalActivites" runat="server"
I'm having a problem with a formview i've created. The formview itself uses a costum template to perform updates to the database. Its a form to edit Car details. One of the details is the brand. I use a dropdownlist control to let them select the name of a brand thats in our database, this passes an ID to BLL's update so the car gets updated with a brandID. My update query works perfectly when i try it directly on the database, however, when i use the formview it updates everything except the brand.
When I debug and watch the NewValues object he passes, it does contain the new value for the brandID.
btw, brand is 'merk' in dutch, so brandID is called 'MerkID', and the brandname is called 'Naam'
Update query used in DAL(-->VoertuigAlgemeenTableAdapter.UpdateVoertuigAlgemeen)
I have a typical gridview/formview master control setup. When I try to update or insert I don't get any errors but it also doesn't work. When I try to insert data all I get are null values and when I update, none of the values are updated. The formview looks like its working, but just doesn't. The primary key is an identity and it auto-increments by one.
I have a formview and data source that opens in the edit template and allows the user to update a few free form text fields. I also have some drop down boxes that allow a DOB to be built and populate another text box. All of this was working fine yesterday, and today somehow I hosed it and can not find the cause. I have rebuilt this page three times to get it working again, but I can't figure out what I am doing wrong to break it.
Here is the DataSource....
I have a FormView with default mode set to "Edit". When I click the Update after making changes the form reopens in the Insert mode.
onitemupdated="FormView2_ItemUpdated"> What am I doing wrong
In FormView EditTemplate I am trying to update record. All records are perfectly updating except one i.e. want to put CurrentDateTime (17/05/2010 10:23:00 AM). Secondly the updated Current DateTime should display in the DateTime Textbox("ClrDateTimeTextBox") in formview.
The code which I used is :
But I am getting following runtime error in above highlighted code:
Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.
Is it possible to update and edit a record in Formview at the same time. Currently, the formview's default mode is set to Insert where users can add a new record to an SQL database, however, when that record is added I need that information to update another table all on one click. Is this possible with a stored procedure or a button that allows both?
View 4 RepliesI have a formview tied to a gridview. The formview shows the data for the row selected in the gridview. The formview is invisible by default , default mode is readonly and becomes visible only on Selecting a row in the gridview. I make it visible in the SelectedIndexchanged event of the gridview. There are Insert and update buttons present outside the formview which perform the insert and update using code-behind. The code is below.
AFter an insert or update, the formview makes invisible again. I want to show the formview with the newly inserted or updated row in Read-only mode. How do I do this?
void gvEvent_SelectedIndexChanged(object
sender, EventArgs
if (gvEvent.SelectedIndex
I have Gridview that opens in the Edit Template with UPDATE and CANCEL links at the bottom, so the users can modify records.
When the user clicks UPDATE there is no indication that the DB was updated. I don't want to redirect the user.
What is the easiest way to provide a confirmation that the DB was updated?
Im having a problem with a datetime conversion using a formview with a nested wizard. The senario is I the user can add to the database allowing for null datetime values. The code below work fine on an insert query, but when the formview is in update mode the conversion fails.