Forms Data Controls :: GridView Sort Column Header Underline?

Feb 17, 2011

AllowSoting is true on every column of my gridvieww.

i want to remove those underlines in everycolumn ...

how can i do that?

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: How To Change Sort Column Header Text And Retain The Sort Link

Jun 3, 2010

I have a simple dynamic gridview with following code -

GV = new GridView();

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Disappears When Click A Column Header To Sort?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a page with a TextBox, a Button, a GridView, and a SqlDataSource. I click the Button to execute the SQL in the TextBox using the SqlDataSource. The SqlDataSource populates the GridView. Everything works as expected until I click a column heading to sort.

When I click a column heading, the GridView disappears and I have to click the Button to display the grid again. When I do, the grid is displayed in the order of the column I clicked.

I don't understand why the GridView is disappearing when I click a column header.

Does anyone know how to fix this so the GridView is sorted and displayed only by clicking the column header?



Code behind:


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Forms Data Controls :: Div Collapses Every Time Click On GridView's Sort Column Header?

Feb 8, 2010

I have several grid views indide div's, and when I click the Sort header on an open div the div collapses and no sort happens. I believe it is just reloading the entire page but when I surround PageLoad with !ISPostBack then the page redraws as blank. Since the sort script is generated by the GV, I don't know how to stop it from creating side effects.

Here's my code:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function toggleDisplay(id) {
var obj = document.getElementById(id); = ( == "none") ? "" : "none";
return false; // cancel the href


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Use Gridview RowDataBound Just Underline For The First Column

Feb 3, 2010

I would like to ask how can i make the gridview just underline the first column by using the rowdatabound.

Currently my code using as below:

protected void gvResult_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)

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VS 2013 Gridview - Sort By Clicking Column Header

Jan 26, 2015

I have a gridview which I am trying to be able to sort by clicking the column header. Currently, I have the column header underlined by turning the 'allow sorting' function to TRUE, but when I click the column header, it does nothing.

here is the code for the page:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Partial Class Dashboard
Inherits SmartSessionPage

[Code] ....

View 1 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Sort Icon Next To Gridview Header?

Mar 22, 2010

Is this a good method for displaying a soricon? or are there better ways of doing it;


Also when the gridview is first loaded its sorted by a "Date Submitted" field which is sorted on the data source (stored procedure) is there any way of showing the icon then so people know that it is sorted by "Date Submitted" at the moment the icon only shows when someone re-sorts the grid.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Column Header Button Instead Of Header Name?

Nov 28, 2010

is there anyway i can add in the gridview in header column name a button instead of label ?

column name 1 column name 2 column name 3 button

i am using checkbox column in item template for the button ,i wish after selecting checkbox for some row to click on the button on the header !!

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Forms Data Controls :: When Click On Title Header To Sort A GridView Some Data Disappear

Oct 25, 2010

When I click on my GridView header "End Time" all the rows which contain the string "N/A" disappear.
Here is my code:


Note: GetSortDirection returns "endTime ASC" or "endTime DESC" and save in ViewState:


Then I fill the DataAdapter and use the ViewState info to sort it:


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Data Controls :: Pass GridView Column Header Values To Another Pages Table Header

May 7, 2015

How to pass gridview particular column values to another page's table header...

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MVC :: Sortable Table / User Click On The Column Header And Sort The Column They Want?

Mar 25, 2011

i have a table which showing the food data from my Model, including Name, Amount, Storage and Expiry Date. I wish to either:

1. Let user click on the column header and sort the column they want

2. Or default showing the food which almost expired on the top of the table

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Sort A Gridview By A Calculated Column

May 25, 2010

Is there a way to Sort a Gridview by a Calculated Column? I have a gridview with template fields using lablels and a linq datasource. Those columns sort just fine. I can not get the Calculated column to sort, because there is no sort expression to use...

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Sort A Gridview Column By Last 4 Digits

Jan 6, 2011

I have a gridview column named "Job Number" and the number is in this format: 01-04-11-3215, 01-04-11-3216 and so on...

Since the first few characters represent the date I need to sort on the last 4 digits.

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Forms Data Controls :: Sort A Gridview By A Column That's Not Displayed

Mar 22, 2010

I have a datatable as a datasource to a grid view, it has a column amtDue, i would like to be able to sort by this column,, while not displaying it.

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Forms Data Controls :: Sort Gridview Column Without Going Back To First Page?

Mar 26, 2010

i have a gridview that has the ability to sort by each of the columns, but suppose if i'm on page 2 of the results and sort any of the columns, it jumps back to page 1. is there a way to keep it on page 2, still have the sorted date work?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Doesn't Sort On A Specific Column After Updating

May 10, 2010

I have been struggling with this problem for a long time. Does anyone have any clue about this problem? I created a gridview and set the allowsorting to true. This gridview has four columns: Name, Position, StartDate, and EndDate. I want the gridview to be sorted on the EndDate.

Inside of the save event, I called the BindGrid() function to rebind the datasource to the gridview. The changes will shown immediately, but the problem is that the records are not sorting on EndDate. I have to refresh the page manually to get the view sorted.

<asp:GridView ID="gvInfos" runat="server"
CheckBoxEnabled = "true"
ShowEmptyTable = "true"
AutoGenerateColumns = "False"
CssClass = "gv_white"
DataKeyNames = "Id"
GridLines = "None"
Width = "100%"
AllowSorting = "true"
<asp:ButtonField CommandName="Select" DataTextField="Name" HeaderText="Name" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Position" HeaderText="Position" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="StartDate" HeaderText="Start Date"
DataFormatString="{0:Y}" />
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="End Date" SortExpression="EndDate">
<%# (((DateTime)Eval("EndDate")).Year == (DateTime.MaxValue.Year) || (DateTime)Eval("EndDate") == null) ? "Present" : ((DateTime)Eval("EndDate")).ToString("y")%>

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Tell If The Event That Fired A Post Back Is The Gridview Column Click (to Sort The Grid)

Nov 17, 2010

If the grid column is clicked to sort i dont want to retireve data agian, i can get it from viewstate, but i dont know if that triggered the post back or if the ImageButton on the page triggered it

View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Sorting Using The Column Header Of A Gridview?

Jul 7, 2010

Dear all; I have the following gridview

Type Cost

BENZ 40,000

TOYOTA 20,000

Now, I would like a situation if either TYPE or Cost is clicked on, it would sort things in ascending order. see example below.

if Cost is clicked on, we will have the following sorting order.

Type Cost

TOYOTA 20,000

BENZ 40,000

I am still new to visual

View 13 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Sort Expression - How To Reset A Gridview Or Prevent It From Doing A Sort

Sep 23, 2010

Just spent about 8 hours googling and looking through this forum for a solution on how to make sure that I can dynamically sort. Here is the situation.

I have 1 Gridview that displays 10 different scenarios based on what button is clicked.

I am also returning only top 10 records. I am doing all of the data binding pragmatically. So I have BoundFields, HyperLinkFields etc.

I also want to sort some records. When I change DataSource SQL statement the gridview somehow remembers what the last sort value was and it errors out saying that value "x" cannot be sorted because it does not exists.

I tried this:

Tried setting gridview1.sqldatasourceid = null; gridview1.allowsorting = false; gridview1.databind();

Here I get an error that says that the data source does not support sorting? Doesnt it say gridview1.allowsorting = false;

I also tried gridview1.sort("", SortDirection.Ascending); This does nothin... except query my database one more time because i have a onSorting event that looks like this:


Here is an example of just one of those SLQ statements inside GetSQLQuery:


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Forms Data Controls :: Change The Header Text Of A Merged Gridview Column?

Jan 9, 2010

I have a merged column of firstname and lastname by "Select firstname + lastname from table" but when it appears in the gridview the header text of the column is "Expr1000". How can I change the header text of that merged column?, and I want to change its text into "NAME".

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Column Formatting Depending On Text In Header?

Mar 30, 2010

I want if the header of a particular column contains a word "S", the header and row turns red. I used following code to make header red and it works fine. How to make it such that the rows also turn red if condition is met ? I cannot hardcode in columns since the Gridview is autogenerate colums as data structure keeps changing.

Protected Sub GridView1_DataBound(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)Dim HeaderRow
As GridViewRow = GridView1.HeaderRowFor
Each c
As TableCell
In HeaderRow.CellsIf c.Text.EndsWith("S")
c.BackColor = Drawing.Color.OrangeRed

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Data Controls :: Sort GridView Based On Column Name Specified In Selected Radio Button

Jan 4, 2013

i need to sort the gridview based on the radiobuttons. and i have 3 radiobuttons like dept,empcode,reporter..

if i click on any of radiobutton i need to show the gridview by sorting order..

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Forms Data Controls :: ListView Column Header / How To Show Header

Mar 11, 2010

i have a problem with ListView control,when i bind data to it, it shows the heder of it also.

i don't want to show me the hedear, what should i do?


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Create Rows And Column Using Datatable Gridview Itemtemplate With Multi Header

Feb 23, 2010

How to create Rows and Column using Datatable Gridview Itemtemplate with multi header I need to create Datatable Gridview Itemtemplate fixed rows and column such as 7 rows and 7 columns


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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Header Column Merge Is Not Working / Fire Row Command Event

Mar 10, 2011

I have made Gridview and it has 5 columns.

Col1 Col 2 Col3 Col4 Col5

I try to make like below:

Col1 Col2
col2 col3 col4 col5

First column is as it is. But next 4 columns I try to make merge from Gridview Row Databound Event. It's working.

I have a link button in column1 and when I click on it, Row Command is fire and at that time the merge is gone. And Last row comes in footer row.

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