Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Refresh Schema At Runtime
Mar 17, 2010
I have a Gridview connected to an Access database using a Datasource and a query SELECT * FROM [Staff]. In order to update the grid view I have to do it in the IDE and click Refresh Schema. I have tried:
StaffList.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM [Staff]"
StaffList.UpdateCommand = "SELECT * FROM [Staff]"
At runtime I want it to update the Gridview.
StaffList.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM [Staff]"
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Jan 22, 2011
I'm having a problem with a FormView control that I have bound to an ObjectDataSource. The problem is that the FormView control is not automatically filled in with the public properties of the object linked by an ObjectDataSource control when I select refresh schema. Everything compiles and I can add fields manually, but there are a lot of properties in the class and I do not want to deal with adding all the fields by hand. It's not the end of the world of course if I have to add them manually, but I'm bothered more by the fact that it doesn't act the other formviews.
Has anyone ever experienced a problem like this? I have other objectdatasource controls with other formviews that properly refresh their schemas. I noticed that in the objectdatasource control that is giving me problems, the DataObjectTypeName field is not automatically set as it is in the others. However, after adding it manually it still doesn't refresh the schema. I'm using Visual Studio 2010. Defined in .aspx page:
The SPFModuleBLL class contains the GetModule2() method which is shown here:
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Mar 23, 2011
I am not sure why this is happening, but when I drop a GridView on the page and set up the SqlDataSource to point to a stored procedure - when I go to refresh the schema and add my session variable, I get an "Invalid object name #temp_table_Name" I have the appropriate read permissions on the tempdb. The user and password info are correct. The temp table is created in the stored procedure before executing the query.
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Jan 19, 2010
I have a sql database in which table may varies runtime some time there 3 tables, some time more then 3, means there is no fix no of tables. These database updated from different program.
Now I want to populate each table in gridview using (C#) page. Some time in pae it will display 3 grid, some time it will be 4 or more or less.
How can I add gridview runtime for each tables in page?
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Oct 6, 2010
I have to develop web page, page have gridview with some controls, intially only one row is there with controls like textbox and dropdownlis on specific colum, while user enter text to textbox and select value from dropdown now user want to add new row to gridview than how can i append new row to gridview with textbox and dropdown control same as first row.and data of the first row should be keep as it is as user input or user select any value from dropdown.
First Column Second Column
Row1 TextBox Dropdown Here user can able to enter value for textbox and select item from dropdown
Row2 TextBox Dropdown Dynamic new row and first row shold be keep as user selected.
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Jan 12, 2011
I have a gridview in a web page that shows some data from a table; in the same page I have a button that onClick executes a SQL Server job (the job has 9 steps and it takes around 20 seconds to execute).
How do I modify my code so that the page is smart enough to wait until the job is executed and refresh the gridview with the new data? Currently this is what I have:
The last method (GridView1_RowDataBound ...) is for having the background to red if some condition occurs.
Right now, after clicking ImageButton0, there is an instant postback and the gridview is not updated
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Feb 1, 2011
I have a gridview control in my page.
now I want to move this control to another location in my page,
based on some conditions.
below given is how i have defined my gridview.
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Jan 5, 2011
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Oct 13, 2010
I have a gridview and a formview on one page.When a row of the gridview is selected, the details will load in the formview.When i edit the details (f.e. change a name) in that formview and save them, the gridview will just show the old data (=old name).I have to reload/F5 the page to see the changes in the gridview. Why isn't the GV updated when i do a databind() in the onclick-event of the update-button in the edittemplate of the formview?This example is using the northwind database:
Code behind:
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Dec 10, 2010
I am creating a web application that displays URL to users in a GridView. The application has a code behind that will be doing the processing before it can return me a URL. This is done in a loop. So it looks something like :
What I wanted is to make the Gridview always update the rows everytime an item in the loop is done instead of waiting for the loop to finish.
For now, the application will only display the whole table until the code/loop finishes. I'm very much aware that this will happen because the web page is static in the first place. Does anybody know how to do this?
I have tried of using iframes(I thought of reloading the frame so the whole page wont reload again and a new GridView table would appear because of the code in Page_Load event because I tried placing the data in a separate static class and the GridView.aspx page will just retrieve the values upon every reload)
and I'm not sure how to implement AJAX/Javascript with this. Is Animation involved in this kind of situations?
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Jan 11, 2010
I have created a gridview at runtime. its working fine when i load the grid first time. after when i am selecting next value from ddl to load grid according to that option(selecting from dropdown list and coresponding values showing in grid) showing error that "A field or property with the name 'datafield name' was not found on the selected data source."
might be i am getting this error becuze the privious value is not being cleared"
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Mar 3, 2010
I have a problem when I try to pass in paramaters for a report in my report viewer. I have set up the ObjectDataSource and set the paramaters for 3 text boxes that are on the page. The only way I have found to set the paramaters for the report is the user must fill in the paramaters and hit the refresh button on the Report Viewer toolbar ,but I would like to have the user click a button insted. Is there anyway to call the refresh method from codebehind?
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Jan 17, 2011
I'm trying to update my gridview after inserting data but insert function cannot handle. I don't know what i am doing wrong. Functions are below. waiting for your comments.
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Jan 23, 2010
I have a gridview and which contain checkbox field too.If the checkbox is clicked and then delete button click, relevent record is deleted.This delete function is working properly.
problem Even though record is deleted,it does not affected in gridview.Deleted record is still remaining in the gridview.What will be the way that should I follow solve this problem?
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Mar 11, 2010
can i add new records in gridview by entering value in textbox in runtime?suppose a value is entered in textbox and concerned record is displayed in gridview again if i want to add a new record in gridview along with the old record how can i add?
View 7 Replies
Sep 22, 2010
I have creted a checkbox for each column of grid at the top of the header in row created event. I need to check wheather checkbox is checked after button click event.
//Build custom header.
GridView oGridView = (GridView)sender;
GridViewRow oGridViewRow = new GridViewRow(0, 0, DataControlRowType.Header, DataControlRowState.Insert);
TableCell oTableCell = new TableCell();
//Add Staff_ID
CheckBox chkStaffID = new CheckBox();
chkStaffID.ID = "chkStaff_ID";
chkStaffID.Text = "Hide";
chkStaffID.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(chkStaffID_CheckedChanged);
chkStaffID.AutoPostBack = true;
oTableCell.ColumnSpan = 1;
Once i select the checkbox on different columns then after firing the button click event i want to get which checkbox is check and unchecked.
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Dec 5, 2010
im showing 3 rows and 2 columns in a Gridview...I want to generate a 3rd column at runtime in a Gridview ....
only 1 LinkButton in Gridview at position row1 and column 3
only 2 LinkButton in Gridview at position row2 and column 3
only 3 LinkButton in Gridview at position row3 and column 3
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Jan 14, 2011
My issue is that , need to change the column name(following some format) of the gridview (which is binded with XMLTextReader). Without changing directly XML file, Required to change the column name dynamically at runtime .
Heading S0015 S0020 S0025 S0030 S0035
FS 1 2 4 5 6
BS 0 3 5 1 3
Required Format:
Heading 00:15 00:20 00:25 00:30 00:35
FS 1 2 4 5 6
BS 0 3 5 1 3
View 6 Replies
Jan 25, 2011
How can i put and populate the textbox inside the gridview during runtime? i mean the number textbox depends on the number of data from the database.
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Feb 15, 2011
I have a gridview that has allowPaging and AllowSorting set to true. It is bound to a sqldatasource with the selectCommand firing a sql query. The sqldatasource has EnableCaching = true, and caching duration = "60". The idea is to run the paging, sorting, etc from the cache.
A separate dataUpdate event updates the data that is being loaded in the grid view, but I am not able to see the change in the gridview data till 30 seconds (caching duration) .
What is the best way to force refresh the gridview data by the dataUpdate event?
I came across this artice that tells to use CacheKeyDependency, but when I implemented it, the gridview gets refreshed at every dataUpdate event, but also the paging and sorting fires the sqldatasource Selectcommand sql query. I want this query to be fired only on dataUpdate.
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Jan 3, 2011
I'm coding with VB.NET and have a webform that includes gridview. The gridview captures data via a db view. Also the view includes all the parameters of the tables.
The problem is: when start program, there is only 2 rows seen on gridview. then i can insert something successfully. And when i checked from db i can see the new data. But in my form, newly inserted data doesn't seen. Even i restart the whole program, gridview always shows only 2 entries.
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Aug 4, 2010
Before I begin, I would like to acknowledge that I might be using incorrect terms below due to my lack of experience.
I have a GridView bound to an ArrayList of Custom Objects. I have a button as part of each row, which when clicked, I delete the row from the Arraylist, and re DataBind() the GridView. While this deletes the Row, it causes the Page to be refreshed that takes the User back to the top of the Page.
E.g. If the User clicks on the button of a row at the bottom of the Page, after the deletion, the Page gets refreshed and the User is now taken to the top of the Page.
This is irritating especially in long lists i.e. GridView with many rows. (I don't want to use paging here.) Is there any way to avoid this, or mitigate this problem.
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Oct 21, 2010
i am facing a problem to get a correct row index after i filter the data in table, it always keep the history row index in the table before i filter. i had a search button to filter the data in gridview,
below is my coding:
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Aug 22, 2010
I have the following gridview inside an updatepanel that makes the bind from a datatable:
What I intend to do and I'm not getting is the following: When i edit a textbox in a row with a new value, like Desconto textbox, i want that when that textbox looses the focus, to refresh the gridview with new values that result from changes in the value of the textbox. It's a new bind as i know, the problem is how to find the correct way to trigger the textbox textchanged event, at the moment nothing is happening. I created the Desconto_TextChanged event but when compiling, i receive a compilation error:
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: BC30456: 'Desconto_TextChanged' is not a member of 'ASP.index_aspx'.
Source Error:
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Mar 30, 2011
I have a gridview with four columns, all sortable.
I need to refresh grdiview onbutton click.So if user sorted data by column1 then on button click gridview will be refreshed without sorting (as data comes from database).
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