Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Boundfield Not Displaying Html Correctly?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a gridview with 1 field that is setup to display my clients content from the DB. Within their console, i have setup to allow them to enter that fields data with HTMLEditor.The field is setup with HTMLEncode = true but anything done to the text is being displayed as actual html code on the site, so all the html tags are shown and so on. Nothing has changed on the site now for about 2 months( with the actual .aspx pages ) they are only allowed to update the content. Can anyone tell me what i can check or change to insure that the content is displayed correctly to the browser?here is the aspx code for that field:


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In how can I get the value of a gridview's boundfield value? I'm basically putting a value in that boundfield that I need to access in the RowDeleting event so I can pass that into a stored procedure. I'd be open to also trying to get the value of a control from a template column too if that's a better method?

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GridView1.Rows[row].Cells[7].Text 'GridView1.Rows[row].Cells[7]' threw an exception of type 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' strin

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I tried setting the column name as

e.Row.Cells[0].Text = "XXXX";

It is worked out but not able to sort that column.

here my requirement is to set the HeaderText programmatically in codebehind and able to sort the column.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView BoundField Vs. TemplateField For Updating?

Feb 17, 2011

I have one two GridViews on a page. One Gridview uses BoundFields inside of the GridView and the Update statement works just fine. The other GridView utilizes TemplateFields due to the fact that Validation Expressions have to be used. I also want This GridView to be able to update the vlues when the user clicks on the Update link on the right side of the GridView. The GridView that uses the BoundFields updates just fine, but the GridView that uses TemplateFields will not update. I have checked and everything is correct other than this difference of BoundField and TemplateField.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView, BoundField, SqlDataSource And DeleteParameters?

Oct 29, 2010

I I have a GridView attached to a SqlDataSource and all is working well. I also have and edit and delete icon attached to each record in the GridView, and again, all is working well.My problem is when I add a BoundField named 'statusCode', the delete stored procedure fails with:"Procedure or function 'up_delReference' expects parameter '@statusCode', which was not supplied."When I remove the BoundField named 'statusCode' from the GridView list, the delete works fine. I need to show the status in the GridView as the user can chose to see Avtive, Inavtive or Both records and they need to see the status when in Both.Here is the Code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Change DataField Of The BoundField In Code Behind (GridView)?

Mar 20, 2011

I am wondering if its possibl to change the DataField value of the asp:BoundField in the code behind.aspx page:


I would like to change DataField="From" to DataField="To" before I call the GridView.DataBind.Please let me know if this is possible and if so how can I do it.

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I have an IP address stored in an oracle database as a Varchar2 20 bytes. When in a BoundField it displays as EST and it the BoundField value is "" or string.empty it only displays EST.

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If UserSelectedDisplay exists, I want to display that. Otherwise I want to display display_title. How would you do that?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview BoundField Or DataField Has To Be Filled With The Value That Comes From Column1 Or Column?

Feb 4, 2010

I'm using a DataSet to fill my gridview. The dataset contains several columns, like: direction - fromNumber - toNumberThe column direction can contain the values "incoming" or "outgoing". In my gridview, I would like to show only 2 columns, direction and from/to. If direction = "incoming", the values from fromNumber has to be inserted in "from/to". If direction = "outgoing", the values from toNumber has to be inserted in "from/to".I know I can use a TemplateField to show different text values in a column...But I have no idea how to do this when I want to show the values from a column...

<asp:BoundField DataField="direction" HeaderText="direction" HtmlEncode="false" />


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Forms Data Controls :: Change Height,width,color In Boundfield Of Gridview On Markup?

Mar 11, 2010

I was hoping this is simple but i have problems.

Basically i was only able to set the string color with itemstyle-Forecolor.

But how do i set the background of a column and also set height,width.Ok height may not work because i have an itemtemplate with predefined height.

Can this be done in a simple boundfield or must i have all my datafields in itemtemplates?

What i do for one column:


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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Not Updating Correctly?

May 14, 2010

I'm using a GridView to retrieve data from a stored procedure using a SQLDataSource (db is SQL Server 2008). When I compile my application and go to my website, all the data is loaded and shown fine. If I was to add a new entry to the table however (a seperate page on my website has a Wizard control to facilitate this) and then return to the page with the GridView, the new entry doesn't show up.

Looking from SQL Server, the data has been added, but the GridView isn't updating to show it. If I were to recompile the project with F6 and refresh the page, the new data will show up. I tried calling DataBind() on the GridView in the Page Load event, however the issue still remains.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Not Updating Value Correctly?

Feb 1, 2011

I have a GridView in ASP.NET. I have an Edit CommandButton for every line in the GridView to edit the data on that line. All of this works fine except for the fact that when the user clicks on Update, it does not update with the correct value that the user entered. I have this as a Template field with the textbox to edit bound to the field, so it updates when the user changed the value and clicks Update. However it does not work. I have tried almost everything and its very frustrating. Here is the code for the Data Source:

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="Table1DataSource" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString2 %>"
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO TABLE1(ProjectId, WBS, WBSTitle, VersionId) VALUES (@ProjectId, @WBS, @WBSTitle, @VersionId)"


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VS 2010 / StreamReader And TextBox Not Displaying Data Correctly

Jul 16, 2011

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The data appears to read just fine, but it doesn't display properly. The test file in the screenshot below, shows how the data should be displayed. When using a desktop app, the data displays just like this.

But on the web app, I get this:

Although the TextBox appears to be MultiLine, it only displays the data in the middle of the box and as one line. Am I missing something?

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How to disable editing the data in the cells of datagridview in c#?

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Forms Data Controls :: Date Not Showing Up Correctly In GridView?

May 19, 2010

Here are some snap shots.

First this is how the date is showing up in my gridview:


This is how it actually looks in my database:


And this is the data type it is set to:


I want to only show the date and not the time, I thought the data type date only showed the date?

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Forms Data Controls :: Checkbox In GridView Isn't Getting The Checked Value Correctly?

Jan 18, 2011

I have problems with GridView control which has template field with checkbox in it. My primary concern is that same code works for all the other GridView controls I have in different webforms, but not in this one.

This code is supposed to get the identities (ID column in GridView) and then get the values of first two selected and finally redirect them to another webform as querystrings. I double checked the GridView and they are identical (except they are binded to different datasource).

Here is the code that doesn't work:


Here is the one that works:


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Data Controls :: How To Set GridView BoundField Column Width

Dec 3, 2013

Hw cn v assign different width to columns in a datagridview vb when the autogenerate columns property ="false"

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Data Controls :: How To Set Session Value In GridView BoundField Column

Dec 9, 2013

i am trying to give a session value in Gridview databound field by using

<asp:BoundField DataField="Papercost" HeaderText="Paper Cost" DataFormatString='<%=Session["CurrencySymbol"]%>'"{0:0.0000}" />
But its a giving error like

Literal content ('<asp:BoundField DataField="Papercost" HeaderText="Paper Cost" DataFormatString="') is not allowed within a 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataControlFieldCollection'.

how can i give a session value here?

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Data Controls :: Format DateTime In BoundField Of GridView

Mar 12, 2014

In My SQl Database table column (named "Enterance_DateTime"), datetime is saved in below format:

2014-03-05 15:17:45 as yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss in ASP.Net

But when I fetch this column in Gridview it shows datetime as below format:

4/5/2013 9:04:06 AM

I want to fetch exact datetime in Gridview what is saved in DB table.I tried using DataFormatString="{0:dd-MM-yyyy}" but is showing only date not time with it. How to achieve it.

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