Forms Data Controls :: Change Height,width,color In Boundfield Of Gridview On Markup?

Mar 11, 2010

I was hoping this is simple but i have problems.

Basically i was only able to set the string color with itemstyle-Forecolor.

But how do i set the background of a column and also set height,width.Ok height may not work because i have an itemtemplate with predefined height.

Can this be done in a simple boundfield or must i have all my datafields in itemtemplates?

What i do for one column:


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Data Controls :: Change GridView Row Color Based On Date In BoundField?

Mar 7, 2013

In my we+access DB. i have a field named DOB which is date of birth. i displays the data in grid view whose DOB+90 is less than ot equl to current date


and it works currect. but when i try to used vb code to change the row colour as per data it works for this one.

Protected Sub GridView1_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowDataBound
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
If (e.Row.DataItem("DOR") <= Now()) Then
e.Row.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Red
End If

But i want three diffrent conditions

1.  whose DOB=current month

2.  whose DOB comes in next month

3. whose DOB comes in month after next month

The font colour should be diffrent

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I've been working with this tutorial:


It's basically how to create an editable gridview.

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Jun 3, 2010

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But whenever I m clicking on Gridview row, its hieght get increased and color of the row become red while clicking on edit button. But this problem is occuring in Mozilla,IE7 not in IE6. Project is running good in IE6. What could be the solution for this.

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I would like to change DataField="From" to DataField="To" before I call the GridView.DataBind.Please let me know if this is possible and if so how can I do it.

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Anyone have a clean Javascript that will change the width and height dynamically as I am moving a dragpanel.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Change Row Color In GridView

Feb 25, 2010

I am developing a scheduling system in which customers are alloted 15 minute timeslots (see example below). During rowdatabound event I know how to change the value of Cell(1) to NULL by using e.Row.Cells(1).Text = "" so Select option is not available for that timeslot. This works fine for someone who has taken only 1 timeslot.

Question is, when a Customer has for example 1:00 hour appointment (which is 4 x 15 minute time slots), how do I make the next 3 rows Cell(1) value NULL?

Is there anything like e.Row+1.Cells(1).Text = "" or some loop that I can run to take care of next few rows?


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Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.

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<asp:GridView ID="GridView1"

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For example: if "Lesson" =0, change the row color to RED.


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if the ABOVE pic is not visible CLICK HERE to view

I want to change the colors of the values from the table SALARY

if the salary is > 20,000 i want to change it to GREEN color

if < 20,000 then it should show RED color

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<asp:BoundField DataField="Address" HeaderText="Address" SortExpression="Address">
<ItemStyle Width="500px" />

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<asp:BoundField DataField="MAIL_READ" HeaderText="VIEW" >

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