Forms Data Controls :: How Change HeaderText In DetailsView

Mar 22, 2010

I have a webform with a DetailsView control. In the DetailsView, I would like to update the headertext (showing field names) to a "friendly name"

I also have a cross-reference table which has a field name with a matching friendly name.

Is there some code to get my DetailsView control to look up the field name, and then display the friendly name on my form.

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Forms Data Controls :: Hide Detailsview Template Headertext Column?

Jan 26, 2011


when image display, there is a space where the template headertext resides.

how do i remove the header space (vertical line )completely to leave just the imagebutton.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Change HeaderText In GridView From Code Behind

May 4, 2010

I am using Templates in GridView, but now I have to change the "HeaderText" of each column from code behind. I don't have <HeaderTemplate> so therefore I cannot use FndControl() in header row.

Is there a way to change the HeaderText of each colum without using <HeaderTemplate>

Here are the templates of the GridView which I am using


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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Change Mode In DetailsView

Jan 13, 2010

I'm trying change mode in DetailsView but my program haven't running.

My code:

void DetailsView1_ItemInserting(object sender,
DetailsViewInsertEventArgs e)

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Forms Data Controls :: Change Nulls To 0 On Detailsview Insert?

Nov 19, 2010

I'm looking to find some command or control that will change fields in a detailsview insert a 0 if there was no data inserted into them. Some example code from my boundfield is:

<asp:BoundField DataField="Assignment_Travel_Time"

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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview Change To Edit Mode?

Mar 28, 2010

I am trying to handle the detailsview programmatically but I don't know what I am doing wrong. My details view control isn't going into edit mode. My code for my gridview's select button properly loads the data into the detailsview but once the detailsview renders clicking on "Edit" doesn't switch the detailsview contol into edit mode.

This code draws the information from my database and loads the information into the dataview:


This code is in my dvTeamDetails_ItemCommand sub and the beep works:


This code handles my mode changing event:


Here is some of the HTML code:


View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview Template Column Control Change

Dec 13, 2010

i have a detailsview with a dropdownlist. i would like to be able to select a value from this dropdownlist and depending on the selectedvalue display a specific control/header in another column.

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Forms Data Controls :: Find Control Name / Change Property In DetailsView

Jan 4, 2010

I can't seem to reference a control properly, so that I could then change its properties. I have 3 fckeditor controls specified in edittemplate fields, but i only want to diplay them all if the querystring equals 1. so i created in aspx.cs file: {

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView - Change Parameter List For Update

Jan 22, 2010

i'm beginning with a little question. So i have this scenario


So i have a Linq object named TCategory. When the user wants to edit this object he will have 2 fields id and categoryName and when he press update the UpdateCategory function will receive an already made object of TCategory type storing the data user has typed. The problem is that i also want to let the client to change the id of the object so i need to pass to the function the actual Id and the TCategory object. How can i do this?


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Forms Data Controls :: Change Textbox Control To Other Controls In Detailsview?

May 19, 2010

im using visual studio 2008, c#,, sqlserver to develop website. my problem is i want to change textbox control in detailsview when editing and inserting to other controls such as dropdownlist or radio button. is there any possible way to do it? i've try using edit item template, its work only to change it to other control but not working to bind it to database.

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView - Change Field Size For Easier Editing?

Oct 23, 2010

Very new to VS2010

I've got data in a DetailsView control which shows the data and expands the rows to suit the content.

However, when I click to edit the information, the editing area changes to just a few characters wide.

How do I change the size of the editing area to match the view data state?

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView - Change Cell Colour Dependent On Text Value?

Jun 9, 2010

I am trying to highlight a cell in a DetailsView if the value displayed is either "Desktop Computer" or "Laptop Computer" say red, I seem to be able to find examples for gridview but I don't seem to be able to apply this to a DetailsView.

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How To Programmatically Change The 'headerText' Property Of A GridView Boundfield.

Dec 21, 2010

I'm trying to programaticaly change the 'headerText' property of a GridView boundfield.


Apparently all goes weel, because i ca see, in a a debug session, the control initial value, and after i change it, the value changes.

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting Headertext Of Gridview Dynamically

Jul 22, 2010

Is tehre anyway to set the HeaderText dynamically on a gridview? I'm trying the below, it kind of works, but the problem is on the initial load nothing shows up, but when I postback then the new text populates:
grdvMyTest.HeaderRow.Cells[5].Text = GetTheCalculatedDate();

I've tried that in both Page_Load and grdMyTest_Load, but same thing happens in both. When the page initial loads the column header text is blank, when I click something causing a postback it pops up. I don't have a IsPostBack check around that line, so it should be running regradless. I'm guessing I'm doing it at the wrong event, either too eariler or too late.

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Forms Data Controls :: DataGrid Columns HeaderText Modification?

Jun 29, 2010

I'm trying dynamically to change the HeaderText of one of my DataGrid's columns but have some problem.

I'm making the change on button click event.

At the first click nothing happened, but at the second click the change is made correctly.

Why only at the second click the change is made?

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Forms Data Controls :: Hide TemplateColumn HeaderText Programatically With C#?

Nov 24, 2010


hide TemplateColumn HeaderText programatically with c#?

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Forms Data Controls :: Access The HeaderText Of A ListView Control

Jan 23, 2011

How to access the HeaderText of a listView control ?

I want to fill the headerText of a listview dynamically.

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting The Headertext Of A Selected Column When Autopostback?

Sep 23, 2010

I have a grid which is getting bound from a dataset and the autogeneratecolumns prperty is set to true.

Now i have a menu control. And when i select a particular cell, I want to headertext of the cell selected should appear as the text of the menu item.

But because autogeneratecolumns = true, so i gridview.columns.count=0. So not able to get the header text.

The code goes as follows.


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Programmatically Set The HeaderText Of A GridView BoundField

Jan 8, 2010

I need to set the HeaderText of GridView BoundField in codebehind file based on a flag at runtime.

I tried setting the column name as

e.Row.Cells[0].Text = "XXXX";

It is worked out but not able to sort that column.

here my requirement is to set the HeaderText programmatically in codebehind and able to sort the column.

View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Assign HeaderText Of Gridview Columns From Datatable

Jan 7, 2010

Actually i want that HeaderText of gridview should be as column name of datatable, which i assign to that perticular column of gridview.

I have templatefield in that column and AutoGeneratedColumn is false

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Getting Headertext From Underlying Datasource Column Name?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a GridView whose AutoGenerateColumns="False". However, I don't want to statically specify the HeaderText for the columns in HTML markup. Rather I'd like to set the HeaderText to be the name of the underlying SQLDataSource column name. How can I do this?


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Forms Data Controls :: Sorting Item Template When Programmatically Add HeaderText?

Nov 12, 2010

I have datagrid and inside this grid have template field. I add Header text progr. like this

gvData.HeaderRow.Cells(8).Text = "Hi"

But when I do this I can not sort this column when add SortExpression="Hi"

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Forms Data Controls :: Link Multiple Detailsview To Page From One Master Detailsview?

Sep 3, 2010

I am trying to arrange the information from a SQL record into a 3 column by 3 row table to fit the form presentation that I want. I have placed on the page 3X3 table and then tried to place a detailsview in the first cell for the first picture called P1dv.

I have place a detailsview in the last cell that would control the paging of information called Controldv. I need to fiqure out how to link P1dv paging to Controldv page action. I am using visual web dev. 2005. I am not updating or editing these are read only views.

example of what i need the form output to look like:

picture1 picture2 picture3

name1 name2 name3

Contact1 contact2 contact3

what i ave coded as of now:


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Forms Data Controls :: Show - Hide Template Headertext In Gridview Based On Requirement

Mar 30, 2010

I am using VS2008.I am binding dynamic datatable to gridview. I have few dropdowns and textboxes in gridview.
I have dropdownlist(ddlTrCodeNw_)in gridview foooter template. Based on the selection of Trcode value few controls will be enabled,disabled,visible,hide. in gridview.

<asp:GridView ID="gvAPPost" runat="server" Width="100%" ShowFooter="true"
AllowPaging="true" AutoGenerateColumns="false"
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Discount %" Visible="false">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtDiscountPerNw" runat="server" Width="40px" Enabled="false" Visible="false" ></asp:TextBox >
<asp:TextBox ID="txtDiscountPer" runat="server" Width="40px" Enabled="false" Visible="false"></asp:TextBox >
Intially I set TemplateField HeaderText also Visible="false".
so i have written the condition in ddlTrCodeNw_SelectedIndexChanged.
Now when
txtDepstNw.Enabled = true;
txtDepstIncNw.Enabled = true;
txtCrdtNw.Enabled = false;
txtCrdtIncNw.Enabled = false;
lblDiscTrcodeNw.Visible = true; // I want to show this TemplateField HeaderText also when i need.

I can I show TemplateField HeaderText also whenever i need.

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Forms Data Controls :: Taking Attributes From Gridview1 And Inserting It Into GridView2 As Column HeaderText?

Apr 8, 2010

I have a problem here.

I have a Gridview, lets call it GVDistinctDate which displays Distinct Date in one column only. For example: I got 5 rows, and 1 column where the column only display distinct dates such as 02/04/2010 | 03/04/2010 | 04/04/2010 | 05/04/2010 | 06/04/2010 where obviously this dates come from a table in the database.

Now i want to take those dates in GVDistinctDate and assign it to another gridview, lets call it GVReport, as column Header Text. For this GVReport, the first column would be StudentID where a list of studentid will be displayed, and then starting from the second column onwards, where the Header Text would be the dates from GVDistinctDate, will display a Status of absent or present according to the studentID and the corresponding date. How do it get the dates from GVDistinctDate into the column Header Text of GVReport?

AND how do it display the Present or Absent status based on the studentID in column 1 GVReport and the dates on the Header Text? Below are the codes of how i got the distinct date into GVDistinctDate


The code below is for GVReport and the comments are where i tried to put in the dates into the column header text.


There is a problem here: GVReport.Columns(k).HeaderText = headerText
Error:Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index

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