Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind A Particular Directory's Files To A Data Grid Control
Nov 30, 2010
wanted to bind all the files of a directory named "ABC" to a data grid and show them in a .aspx file as downloadable contents. When the user clicks a certain file link, here, the download starts immediately.
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Jun 12, 2010
how can we write a code for displaying a files and folders of server directory using Grid View in
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Nov 24, 2010
My requirement is i want to bind data to gridview2 which is placed in gridview1..Iam using EDM objects to refer database...So for Gridview1 Iam getting out how to bind to gridview2...For gridview1 I binded the data which is in onetable...And for gridview2 i want to bind MENU table how can i bind the data...
this is the gridview1 row.
I also tried using FindControl() but iam not able to proceed further.
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Mar 15, 2011
I can't seem to bind a grid with my custom table. When I do a straight select statement it works, but it won't work when I try to set the data source to my custom table. Here is my vb, can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? The commented code works fine to databind the table
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Nov 9, 2010
how to bind video object to gridview.
i have tried this
<asp:Label ID="lblAns" runat="server" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Answer")%>'></asp:Label>
but it is not working.
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Jan 20, 2011
I dont understand how to bind grid view fields dynamically..
whenever user send question then i directly bind that
but whenever same user share their images then i want to bind that images into same grid...
so what can i do for that...??
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Sep 6, 2010
I am trying to bind a table to my grid view. This grid view has an extra column Serial Number where I want to show numbers starting from 1 till the last entry.
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Feb 9, 2010
I am developing an application using ASP.NET with my application i have a gridview control and radobutton list having the values as Manufacturer and Distributor. based on the radiobutton selected value,the gridview will bindedup.
i am using SQL SERVER 2005 as backend server. in my database i have one table with columns as
My gridview has 3 columns as Opendate,closedate,awarddate.
if user select the radiobutton as manufacturer,only mfropendate,mfrclosedate,mfrawarddate have to bind. and if user select the distributor the remaining 3 fields will have to bind. for that i had write a storedproc as create procedure sp_GetDraftBids as begin select mfropendate as opendate,mfrclosedate as closedate,mfrawarddate as awarddate, distopendate as opendate,distclosedate closedate,distawarddate awarddate from draftbids end GO
i.e i had taken the alias names for that fields so that i will bind the only 3 columns to grid view as opendate,closedate,awarddate.
My gridview code is
here i had taken the same alias names as i have to bind only 3 columns to gridview.when i run my application i am getting the records in data table with column names as opendate,closedate,awarddate,opendate1,closedate1,awarddate1.i.e it does not allow the same alias name.
for two radio button conditions i.e for manufacturer and distributor the gridview binded with opendate,closedate and awarddate columns as i had binded the gridview boundfields withat names.
but when user select the distributor radiobutton i have to bind the opendate1,closedate1 and awarddate1 to the gridview. for that should i can i change the storedproc are any other solution is there?
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Dec 8, 2010
I retrieving user selected values from my first page with session.
I need to list product details whcih user selected separately. I mean if user selected
Products 1,5,7 Second page listing product details separately 1,5,7 in gridview1, gridview2, gridview3.
View 6 Replies
Mar 23, 2011
Problem is when ever i try to bind the gridview using the Sql data source and calling SP.
Its not displaying anything on the screen, where as i tested the SP, its working fine.
But when i write the Select statement in Sql data source... Its working fine.
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Jul 7, 2010
i m trying to bind my both grid with two tables which are in dataset i m trying but when i m binding my gridview it's always binding the second table see code
i already tried to bind both the gv1 and gv2 they both are displaying same table i.e department
View 3 Replies
Jan 11, 2011
I am looking to have 1 Gridview/Datagrid (which ever is now more appropriate) on my code in front,
the columns will need to be dynamically generated, with a "Always present" checkbox control with the default being checked
Each column will be a Label type - so not editable
The Idea is the user will tick or until each item that they wish to submit to the database.
I am able to dynamically populate the control - using new bouncontol, but I have been unable to then obtain the selected data.
My codebehind is below
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Dec 17, 2010
I want to bind a grid view by code not by wizard.
View 2 Replies
Mar 25, 2011
I get this error when run the page
DataBinding: 'System.Int32' does not contain a property with the name 'item'.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<int> item = new List<int>();
GridView1.DataSource = item;
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" ShowFooter="true">
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Sub total">
<asp:Label ID="subTotalLabel" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("item")%>' />
<asp:Label ID="grandTotalLabel" runat="server" />
View 5 Replies
Jan 26, 2011
I have a GridView control that has a SQLDataSource.
The GridView provides me with a list of musical artists (from the tblArtists)
In the Grid, I have a field, FKGenreID, that is a Foreign Key value for music Genres.
(An example of the data in that field would be "7", which upon lookup would mean Classical in the
tblGenreList table.)
What I'd like to do is add a DropDownList control that looks up the tblGenreList table and populates the DropDownList with the ID and Description from the tblGenreList Lookup table.
Now the tricky part is that if the GridView field (FKGenreID) has a value, then I'd like the corresponding Genre Description to be displayed in the DropDownList
Alternately, if there is no value for FKGenreID in the GridView, then I'd like the DropDownList to show that nothing was selected, but have the list of Genres available.
Most importantly here, when the user makes a selection, I'd like the GenreID (from the DropDownList) to be entered into the FKGenreID field in the GridView field.
My thought is that a gridview record may or may not have a value in the FKGenreID field. Either way, the DropDownList is bound to that field. The DropDownList would display a list ofGenre Descriptions for the user to select from. Upon selection, the GenreID column of the DropDownList becomes the value in for the FKGenreID field in the GridView.
Is this possible?
In case it matters, I'm using ASP.NET 4, Visual Studio 2010, and coding in VB
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Feb 26, 2010
COMPLETE NOOB, dont know anything.. I have a Virtual directory ~/ClubInfoFiles that i upload some files too using a uploader i made. I might want to change the uploader i made to be able to change to a subdirectory or something so i can upload all files into one folder but different subdirectorys. the uploader i would like to be able to have a dropdown menu of all the subdirectorys within "ClubInfoFiles" say i has subfolders : Minutes, Flight Plans, Maintence Records, etc... but i would also like a field to where i can create a new subdirectory and have it automaticly update the dropdown. i want to list those files in gridview and have a link to dowload/open and dellete the files. i have found some code that gets close but it uses Auto Generate columns. really i dont need all that jazz, just the Name, File extention, and hyperlink the file for download/view. i would like to be able to delete and possible upload using the gridview... is this to much for a noob?
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Jan 16, 2010
I am having trouble populating two dropdownlist controls with a list of files.The controls should be loaded with a list of images and paths that are held in the IDictionary object.The dropdown controls are nested in a Formview Control under the currentmode of insert or edit.Here's a clip of my form code:
Here's the code behind
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Nov 10, 2010
I have 50000 record in two tables which need to show in grid? and the records in the table use to insert , update and delete frequently. I need to load fast all the records. which method i should bind to get as quick as early as possible. Which z best method to bind whether using SQL datasource, creating views, using datatable, creating stored procedure etc?
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Aug 16, 2010
I have a datagrid view, in that I have a templete column ,inside that I have Image control and label control.
Based on the Data from one column in database, i have to show Label and Image control,in template column.
How can i do that?
I am using 2005 and dev language is C#.
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Nov 10, 2010
I have a grid view that I made dynamically based on a data table. The fields that are displayed on the grid view are as follows:
File Name
File TyPe
Uploaded On
Where as the data table on which this grid is based contains one extra filed that is
This filed contains the contents of the file in binary format retrieved from the data base.
Now I wanted to download the file say by clicking on the file name on the grid or even I an agree to add a Download button to the grid that will download the relevant file.
View 2 Replies
Aug 10, 2013
I've been following tutorials. I got a problem while attempting to try your sample,
Here is the sql syntax that i emulated from one of your tutorials
USE [arrestedpersonsdb]GO/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[stnencodedtodisplay]
Script Date: 08/10/2013 15:57:50 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGO-- =============================================--
Author: <Author,,Name>-- Create date: <Create Date,,>--
Description: <Description,,>-- =============================================
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[stnencodedtodisplay]
( @PageIndex INT = 1 ,@PageSize INT = 10 ,@RecordCount INT OUTPUT ,@id int ,
[Code] ....
If I use the first two parameter namely stnid and type it returns as expexted but when i try to add another parameter sample below:
USE [arrestedpersonsdb]GO
DECLARE @return_value int, @RecordCount int
EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[stnencodedtodisplay] @PageIndex = 1, @PageSize = 10, @RecordCount = @RecordCount OUTPUT, @id = 1599, @fname = 'ALDRIN', @lname = ''
SELECT @RecordCount as N'@RecordCount'
SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value
it doesn't return anything is it because the data being returned is a single row or this type of query doesn't allow multiple parameters...
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Mar 14, 2013
I have a web in ASP.NET+VB code and there is a folder named POLICY and there are pdf files in it. i want to display the list of files in a aspx file with hyperlink so that the files listed can be opened...
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