Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind A Textbox In A Template Fields Programmatically
Feb 6, 2010
I have a gridview to which I'm adding template fields programmatically. Each of the template fields have a textbox. I would like to make this text box have 2-way binding to a database column. see below code.
I'm calling the above class as follows
How can I make the text box such that when I edit the text, this change is reflected in the database as well?
I have a sql data souce that returns several columns of data, and they are displayed in a DetailsView on a pretty simple page. I'm stuggling with one field though for the details view.
It's a template field, and if ClientType=1 (this value is determined else where on the page), then the label in the template field should have Text='<%# Bind("ClientName") %>', but if the ClientType = 0, then the label in the template field should have Text='<%# Bind("ClientTemporaryName") %>'
How do I tell the details view to set the text for ClientName to one or the other?
I have a formview with various templates set up for a database that has 255 columns. I need the insertitemtemplate to pre-fill values based upon a specific selection by the user (just like the edit item template) but when the template is switched to insertitemtemplate every text box is cleared. The idea is that a new entry is usually made by making minor changes to an existing entry. With 255 fields I don't want to require the user to enter every field when only three or four need to change.
i want to write a page contain an datalist and several ObjectDataSource. The datalist will chose ObjectDataSource according to QuerryString passed to that page.
Binding: the problem is my name expression is - au_fname+ au_lname-> differnt fields. I want to bind two fields to same control is that possible if not any another alternative.
I'm trying to display data from this table in a gridview using template fields. Here's an example of a label in my item template
When i bind data to this grid view, i get an error saying column "PM 2" was not found. For some reason, the program is dropping the .5 from the column name. I am exploring the possibility of replacing the number with alphabets only but this may not be possible as the end user may not find it user friendly. Is there a way for me to get around this problem? I get a similar problem with B(a)p, it drops everything after the B. Any ideas on how to get the gridview to bind column names with special chars in it?
I have an application that I would like to be able to allow the user to modify multiple characteristics of each record within a datagrid.
Most characteristics require data to be entered in a text box but some a check box would be more appropriate.
My question is does a gridview column need to have all the same item template controls? or could I read from the database the control type and dynamically alter the template control for each row as it loads?
I have visual 2010 with net 3.5 web app. I was implementing EntityFramework in my project and added a gridview to a entity source control. It worked ok, with select, update, and delete buttons enabled on the grid. But then, i needed to add a template field bound to a Foreign table, so my users select value from a list instead of writing the code. After that, my app fires error when i delete. I tried everything, inclue dakeyNames, write code on my RowDeleting, RowDeleted, RowCommand, but error persists.
Now, i can delete the row, but it then i get the error Object reference not set to an instance of an object If i implemente delete code on RowCommand i get the error: Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0). Entities may have been modified or deleted since entities were loaded. Refresh ObjectStateManager entries.
I am trying to do this with many issues of data binding doubling the amount and not setting selectedValue on dropdownlist. I have read some posts and they help but I am missing a crucial piece. My problem is that my dropdownlist is doubling the amount of records for the dropdownlist. Instead of "YES;NO;SELECT A VALUE", I am getting "YES;NO;SELECT A VALUE;YES;NO;YES;NO". My database is correct with the UPDATE part but the rebind after update is failing horribly.
I have a Formview residing inside am Item Template of a Gridview. The formview is not populating, and I am pretty convinced that I am not passing the parameter properly from the Gridview to the Formview. I have listed the relevant code only, so that you can scan though it easierGridview tag:
I need to generate a gridview with dynamic columns, on each cell I need a button that inserts-deletes a relationship in a database. The relationship is of course between what is represented by each column and row. I decided to use a gridview and create templatefields which I add programmatically to the table. I successfully got to that point but when i decided to raise a click event from the buttons or a rowcommand from the gridview I could not do it. I´m looking into doing this with button fields right now but I´m curious on how this can be accomplished?
Iam using the below code in ASPX for displaying images that are present inside my website project folder
<a href=""><%# Eval("Columnname","Foldername/{0}") %></a> eg: <%# Eval("Gallery","ImageFolder/{0}") %> Now my question is I want to call the foldername itself from database its column name is GalleryFolder <%#Eval("GalleryFolder")%>
How to use eval inside another eval or is there any other options??
I have seen a number of posts on this, but none that quite serve my needs. I have a GridView with template fields. I use postback because when a value is entered in one field a calculation is done to supply the value in another field. I simply loop through all the rows after each postback (there are not many so it is fast). I do not use a select command or button to select a row. After postback I do not know how to return the focus to the row that was being used. I can return the focus to the first row just by using gridview1.focus.
I am using the detailsview to build an insert with username and password field but the password field doesn't have the password mode. So I used the insert template field option on the detailsview control and place a textbox within the InsertItem template but I could not get it to work. The error "Could not find control 'txtPassword' in ControlParameter 'Password'.
I have a gridview that have 5 columns. The first column is the select button, 2nd to the 4th are just displaying of data which I have used HTMLdecode to set it to disable the htmlencode so that I could display 2 lines in the gridview. However, after enabling htmldecode. my 2 fields, the select button and the text box columns are not able to be displayed out.
Here is the code for the gridview:
Protected Sub gvTransaction_RowDataBound1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles gvTransaction.RowDataBound If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then Dim cells As TableCellCollection = e.Row.Cells ' cells For Each cell As TableCell In cells cell.Text = Server.HtmlDecode(cell.Text) Next End If End Sub
I have a gridview which sources information dynamically from database.Here when i go for the default "AllowSorting" flag equal to true, i am able to achieve sorting of all displayed columns except the textBox control column whose values refreshes to zero.
I have used TinyMCE Rich TextBox in my application but in my web form i have mulitple multi-line Text-Box. what i want that Rich TextBox should be bind to only one text box not all TextBoxes.