Forms Data Controls :: How To Change Header Css In Gridview

Feb 27, 2011

I used css for one header column in my gridview and how can change this css when user click in this column on header?

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: GridView Header / Change The Header Based On The Session Variable

Feb 16, 2011

I am using the following code to change the header based on the session variable


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Forms Data Controls :: Change The Header Text Of A Merged Gridview Column?

Jan 9, 2010

I have a merged column of firstname and lastname by "Select firstname + lastname from table" but when it appears in the gridview the header text of the column is "Expr1000". How can I change the header text of that merged column?, and I want to change its text into "NAME".

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Data Controls :: Change Header Text In GridView Dynamically

May 7, 2015

Let's say I have unsorted 2 types of data.2 list box contains. 1,2,15,6,4 and apple, banana, carrot, dove, eggplant. . How can I sort it then make it as my HeaderText for GridView Column after a button is clicked?.

Data in GridView(headertext column)

apple banana eggplant dove carrot

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Data Controls :: Change Header Text Color Of GridView When Exporting To PDF

May 7, 2015

How to change header text font colour when  exporting gridview data to pdf.

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Data Controls :: Access And Change GridView BoundField Header Text Programmatically

Aug 16, 2013

I want to access the header text of bound fields programatically. suppose i have GridView1 with following bound fields:

<asp:BoundField Visible="false" DataField="ID" HeaderText="ID" />              <asp:BoundField DataField="Title" HeaderText="Title" />              <asp:BoundField Visible="false" DataField="Description" HeaderText="Description" />

how can I access their header text programmatically ( display it(either using response.write or any label)

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display A Header Of Gridview As A 3D View Color Header

Jan 4, 2010

how to display a header of gridvew as a 3D view color Header?

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding The Custom Header Control To The GridView Header?

Jan 21, 2010

I have a Gridview where I want to handle the Sorting in a custom control that I've added to the header.
I've added this control to my GridView's Header via OnRowCreate event handling. I want the Sort Expressions to persist session to session (via Webparts Personalization)

Here is what I have for adding the custom header control to the GridView Header


This works out well for adding the control, but I can't get anything to persist because these controls are creating initially via postback (per the event) and re-created on all subsequent postbacks. I can't add an If(!IsPostback) because the controls are initially created on the gridview's postback (well at least thats how it's acting when I put it in there) If I were to add this control via the ASP page, not via the Codebehind, I would be able to persist the control. If I try to treat it as though everything is setup correctly, and assign my custom control's controls to [Personalizable], I get a runtime error telling me that I can only have webpartzones in or before Page_init (I'm guessing this is due to when/where the
gridview hits the OnRowCreate event). If there is some fundimental logic I'm missing, or best practices that I'm moving away from,

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Column Header Button Instead Of Header Name?

Nov 28, 2010

is there anyway i can add in the gridview in header column name a button instead of label ?

column name 1 column name 2 column name 3 button

i am using checkbox column in item template for the button ,i wish after selecting checkbox for some row to click on the button on the header !!

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Change The Column Header From A DataSet

Feb 21, 2011

The following query returns me the column name from the table in the database, and stores the column name in the grid. How can I change the column name in the grid using following code, if its possible?

DataSet p_dsInformixDataDs = new DataSet();
string cmd = "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMERS";
using (IfxDataAdapter da = new IfxDataAdapter(cmd, m_InformixDBConn))
DataView myDataView = new DataView(m_dsInformixDataDs.Tables[0]);
if (myDataView .Count > 0)
GridView1.DataSource = m_dsInformixDataDs;

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Forms Data Controls :: Change The Header Text To Mem No Instead Of MembershipNumber?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a gridview which is binded to a table at runtime.So when the gridview displays the header text is exactly same as table field text which I want to change ,How can I accomplish thisFor example my table field name is MembershipNumber, so my gridview header also displays the same name. What I want is I want to change the header text to Mem No instead of MembershipNumber

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Data Controls :: Pass GridView Column Header Values To Another Pages Table Header

May 7, 2015

How to pass gridview particular column values to another page's table header...

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Forms Data Controls :: ASP Grid Won't Change Header Font Size

Mar 24, 2011

I am setting everything in a skin --- all the properties work -- expcept that I cannot change font size

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Header Css / Set The text Color To White For The Header Only The Non Bound Columns Go White

Aug 13, 2010

i have a gridview bound to sql datasource with template fields binding the columns. I have set the Header Style to a css class. I have 3 columns not bound to data as Add, Edit and Delete. When I set the text color to white for the header only the non bound columns go white. The bound columns are BLUE like hyperlink. Any one know a way round this. (If I set the style in the gridview the all columns are white. Want to set in external css file).


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Web Forms :: How To Change Gridview Header Column Names Dynamically

Apr 5, 2012

I want to change Gridview Header column names dynamically with if condition.

for example

IF condition 1 

UserID |   Full name | Transaction Amt |  Tancaction Date 

IF condition 2 

UserID | Full Name | DOB | Balnace | Date 

How to change Header column name for single Gridview dynamically ?  

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Controls :: Change Radgrid Header Text When Checked Change With JavaScript

Nov 20, 2012

i have radgrid in my web page with some columns and rows in each row i have some checkbox that they are in one column. so i have one checkbox in each row and column.

i want when the check box checked, write in header that checkbox(in that column) write the number and so in that row, write the diffrent number. i want it occure client-side.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Header And Footer Should Not Move While Scrolling Gridview

Sep 13, 2010

i am using Grid view. when ever bulk data is there in Gridview, Header and footer must not be move..

how can i do that.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Freeze GridView Header Using GridView Properties

Feb 14, 2010

I have GridViews in mostly all web-pages. If data rows are too much then by scrolling down the grid, header misses.

How to Freeze GridView Header like we do in MS Excel?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Change Sort Column Header Text And Retain The Sort Link

Jun 3, 2010

I have a simple dynamic gridview with following code -

GV = new GridView();

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Fix The Header Of A Gridview

Jan 20, 2010

I made a gridview in this way


now the problem is that when i scroll down the gridview the header disappers and so I could not remember what a number is refering can I fix the header so that I scroll down only the rows? is too much if I ask you for the code and where to put it? :P it is a home project for myself so I m not going to sell it or earn money form it.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Change The Values In Gridview On Text Change Of Templated Control Without Databind Again

Apr 20, 2010

How to change the values in gridview on text change of templated control without databind again?the value of templated text boxes should change If i change the value of one of the templated textbox then accordingly(By mathematical calculations) the vlaues of all tempated textboxes should also change.

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Forms Data Controls :: Test Mode Change In Gridview / Stating can't Change String To Decimal?

Sep 14, 2010

When i run the following code i get an error when gridview changes mode to Edit. stating that you can't change string to decimal!

To get around the occurance i want to disable code when in Edit mode or resolve another way?

For Each row As GridViewRow In GridView1.Rows
Dim cell As TableCell = row.Cells(7)
Dim invoicetotal As Decimal = CDec(cell.Text)

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Change One Field And Cause Change In Another?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a gridview in which I have several editable fields. The user wants a non-editable field to be modified if another field is modified in the same row. e.g. if Age>=65, Status should ="Retired"

I am using the following demo: [URL]

to create a bulk edit gridview so some columns are automatically editable and others aren't, with a single update button. I can set Status="Retired" in the xml generated, or as a rule in database table. But I'd like the status field in the gridview to change when Age is modified and to be shown to user before they press the single Update button. I'm using update panels and ajax on the page also.

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How To Change GridView Header Text Programmatically

Aug 14, 2010

I have wrote the below code to get and show data in GridView



Now i want to change the captions of each column programatically.

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Want To Change The Header Text Of The Gridview Using Design?

Mar 29, 2011

i want to change the header text of the gridview using Design.. from <TemplateField HeaderText="">

i created a variable in code behind which is public and set the value in that variable and then i tried to call that variable over here as below:

<TemplateField HeaderText = '<%= VariableCallHere %>'

but while running page i got <%= VariableCallHere %> as a header text

even i tried changing using gridView1.HeaderRow.Cells[0].Text = "text Here" (This Throws object reference error)

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