Forms Data Controls :: How To Display A Multiline Text In A Datagrid
Feb 20, 2010
i want to display a multiline text in a datagrid i insert the text in a textbox outside the datagrid.
the textbox wraps the text if it doesnt fit to the textbox length.then i push a button and insert that text in a database. then i want to display this text in a datagrid.i use two options in a label or in a textbox in a templatecolumn but with the textbox <asp:textbox ID="textbox1" runat="server" style="overflow:hidden" Font-Size="15px" BackColor="#FFFFC0" TextMode="multiline" Width="750px" Wrap="true" borderstyle="None" BorderWidth="0" Text='<%# Databinder.Eval(Container.Dataitem,"text_caption") %>'></asp:textbox>
i receive only the first two lines
and with the label
<asp:Label ID="Label112" runat="server" BorderStyle="None" Width="750px" BorderWidth="0" Text=' <%# Databinder.Eval(Container.Dataitem,"text_caption") .ToString.Replace(chr(13),"<br />") & "<br/>" & "<br/>" %>' ></asp:Label>
if the text is too big without an enter(that text wraps in the outside inserting textbox) then the datagrid width becomes too big although the text is diplayed normal with new lines so in the datagrid i have much space without characters the textbox that i use to insert new text is here <asp:TextBox D="tbox_text_caption" runat="server" Height="232px"
Style="left: 400px; position: absolute; top: 8px" MaxLength="750" TextMode="MultiLine" Width="752px"
Wrap="true" TabIndex="5" BackColor="#FFE0C0"></asp:TextBox>
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Feb 20, 2010
i want to display a multiline text in a datagrid
i try with a textbox and with a label but with the textbox
<asp:textbox ID="textbox1" runat="server" style="overflow:hidden" Font-Size="15px" BackColor="#FFFFC0" TextMode="multiline" Width="750px" Wrap="true" borderstyle="None" BorderWidth="0" Text='<%# Databinder.Eval(Container.Dataitem,"text_caption") %>'></asp:textbox>
i receive only the first two lines
and with the label
<asp:Label ID="Label112" runat="server" BorderStyle="None" Width="750px" BorderWidth="0" Text=' <%# Databinder.Eval(Container.Dataitem,"text_caption") .ToString.Replace(chr(13),"<br />") & "<br/>" & "<br/>" %>' ></asp:Label>
if the text is too big without an enter then the datagrid width becomes too big although the text is diplayed normal with new lines
the textbox that i use to insert new text is here
<asp:TextBox ID="tbox_text_caption" runat="server" Height="232px"
Style="left: 400px; position: absolute; top: 8px" MaxLength="750" TextMode="MultiLine" Width="752px"
Wrap="true" TabIndex="5" BackColor="#FFE0C0"></asp:TextBox>
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
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1. - test1
2. - test2
3. - test3
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How to write so label1:
1. - test1
2. - test2
3. - test3
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Test Criteria:<data>
Test Results:<data>
Tested by:<data>
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Last Name Smith Jones
Middle Initial A C
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Mar 26, 2010
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The SP retreives Data in nearly 0.01 seconds.
I have been displaying the records by looping each Datatable and each record in DataGrid Template Control, this way the page loads very slowly.
Can some one please suggest me on how to display/Load the data more efficiently and faster in front end ASP.NET 2.0?
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