Forms Data Controls :: How To Get The Value Of GridView Caption In The Code Behind
Feb 26, 2010
I have a button_Click action and inside that I want to read the value of Caption of Gridview.
I am able to read the Cell values but how to read the caption value?
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (GridViewRow gvrow in GridView1.Rows)
string abc = gvrow.Cells[0].Text.ToString();
// This is how I am reading the cell values which works fine.
<GridView id="GridView1" runat="server caption="Want to Read this value in Code Behind">
// columns here.
I am able to change the girdview caption in code like this:GridView1.Caption = "New grid title"But I can not find how to change the background color where this caption (in the entire girdviews heading).
I am trying to change the gridview.caption title depending upon which radio button is selected.
GridView1.HeaderRow.Attributes.Add("style", "font-size:10px") If HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString("doc") = "SOL" And Pending.SelectedValue = "250" Then GridView1.Caption = "EST DDS Pending Claims Listings Over 250 Days" ElseIf HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString("doc") = "SOL" And Pending.SelectedValue = "300" Then GridView1.Caption = "EST DDS Pending Claims Listings Over 300 Days" End If
I'm getting 250 but when I click on another button in the radiobuttolist and export to excel it doesn't give me 300.
I have the gridview inside another gridview, i want to sort that both gridviews, I don't know how to achieve using 3.5 visual studio 2008 c# code behind. Following are my aspx page,
that aspx page contains gridview that contain one more gridview inside in it.Now i want to sort out both the grid i.e)claimgrid and Gdclmline1 i want code in c#.
By default the Caption is not styled (it's just black text on top of the gridview) Does anyone know how I can style the Caption Navy with white text? (similar to the way I have styled the header row maybe?) EDIT: I've done this before by using CSS, but I don't have the liberty of doing that as, this is a program that generates gridviews to send in an email. There is no aspx file or skin...
I am sure it must be a way to do this but I don't know how. I have a gridView2 that is called onto the page from a GridView1. I have enabled select on the GridView2 and need to get the values inside the cells. I thought about using SelectedDataKey but I need a way to select the row in the GridView using code.
The code inside the PostBackUrl=' and ImageUrl=' are working fine. I tried to do the same, with the code inside the DataNavigateUrlFormatString=' but it is giving me a hard time. It is not working.
I have a gridview in which i have a fileupload control with checkbox in its footer. Now initially fileupload control is disabled and it should be enabled on checking checkbox and disabled again on unchecking it. How can i get this working using javascript?
I now need to create a Gridview using C# code behind and using PlaceHolder to render in ASPX page. So far everything is Okey, pager and data inside database also can pull out to gridview. But the problem is no sorting function here, below is my code. GridViewTemplate .cs this class is for add data into Gridview ItemTemplate and HeaderTemplate, I modify from here
public class GridViewTemplate : ITemplate { private DataControlRowType templateType;
I am using ASP .NET 2.0 using C#. I am creating a GridView in the code behind and I can't get the date format to work in "MM/DD/YYYY". Here is my code:
I modified a GridView control to enable alphabetical paging, and in doing so had to bind the GridView manually in the code behind rather than using the ObjectDataSource I had used originally.
Now my "delete" command in the GridView isn't working. I get that I need to handle this in the code behind now that I'm no longer bound to the ObjectDataSource.
But I'm not sure how to do that in C# and am not finding any examples.
I am using Templates in GridView, but now I have to change the "HeaderText" of each column from code behind. I don't have <HeaderTemplate> so therefore I cannot use FndControl() in header row.
Is there a way to change the HeaderText of each colum without using <HeaderTemplate>
Here are the templates of the GridView which I am using