Forms Data Controls :: How To Highlight Words In A Repeater When Match The Searched Words

Nov 17, 2010

I have a pretty basic search feature on a site that queries a sqldb with a sqldarasource, and then displays the results on a page, in a panel within a Repeater. I'd like to figure out if it's possible to somehow highlight the words the user searched on as they are displayed in the search results. The code below is my repeater. Do you know of any way to manipulate the Title or Description if the words in it's body match the words searched?


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Data Controls :: Highlight Searched Words In GridView

Apr 27, 2016

How to highlight searched words in gridview when serach performed on multiple column, i have 5 column in gridview and i perform search through text box and a button and bind gridview with searched record on all 5 column...

How to highlight searched keyword on all 5 column...

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Forms Data Controls :: Highlight Key Words In A Datagrid From A Search Box?

Nov 4, 2010

Is there a way to highlight key words in a datagrid from a search box?

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Regular Expression To Match Maximum Of Five Words?

Apr 9, 2010

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which validates that the word contains alpha-numeric characters and few special characters and length should not be more than 5 characters.

How do I make this regular expression to accept a maximum of five words matching the above regular expression.

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Web Forms :: Highlight And Replace Words In After Search (but Not In Html Sytax)?

Nov 18, 2010

I have everything working as I wanted except that when I search for the keyword and if the keyword is in an URL, it messes up the link. For instance if I search for music, the keyword in the URL is replaced by


so in the end the URL is like this:


How do I avoid replacing the keyword if the keyword is an URL? Someone mentioned using IndexOf but I'm not sure.


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Regular Expression Word Matching - How To Match Three Words

Aug 19, 2010

I am writing a Regular Expression in IIS Rewrite Module 2.0. I would like to check for 3 words if this is true then i have a redirect action in place.

My Reg Ex is :-


When i run a test and i put in my string it matches but it doesn't appear to work in the browser?

how i can match 3 word :- Http , SomeWord1 , SomeWord2

I have googled but i can't seem to find anything that works.

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C# - How To Highlight Complete Words With Keywords With Regexp

Feb 26, 2010

I have a longer text and some keywords. I want to highlight these keywords in my text. That is no problem with this code:

private static string HighlightKeywords2(string keywords, string text)
// Swap out the ,<space> for pipes and add the braces
Regex r = new Regex(@", ?");
keywords = "(" + r.Replace(keywords, @"|") + ")";
// Get ready to replace the keywords
r = new Regex(keywords, RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
// Do the replace
return r.Replace(text, new MatchEvaluator(MatchEval2));
private static string MatchEval2(Match match)
if (match.Groups[1].Success)
return "<b>" + match.ToString() + "</b>";
return ""; //no match

But when the word"tournament" is in the text and the keyword "tour" it becomes <b>tour</b>nament. I want to it to highlight the complete word: <b>tournament</b>.

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Data Controls :: Highlight Searched Text In Color In DataList Items

May 15, 2013

I have 1 Datalist and BTNsearch in my page below is SP

ALTER procedure [dbo].[AdminSearchP]
SELECT * FROM House_p WHERE ID IN( SELECT DISTINCT houseP.ID FROM House_p houseP,SearchTerm WHERE [Description] LIKE '%' + SearchTerm.Name + '%')

this SP show in dataList  data that contain some words that I define in SerachTerm table



Now I want when I click on button and it show data in datalist it highlight the words in datalist that I define in SearchTerm Table i.e in serchTerm table i define below words


when I click on button it search in House_p table in Description Column and if in this column be above words show it in datalist

Like below

She is from India

Now I want when show data in datalist it bold or Highlight the words that I define in SearchTerm table Like below

She is from India
How I can do it? 

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Forms Data Controls :: Validation For Number Of Words In A Text Box

Mar 8, 2010

I am having some text boxes in my webform. I need to set numbers of words for each textbox. if i put more than defined no of words it should show msgs or popup msgs whatever it may be.

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Forms Data Controls :: Filter Gridview With Multiple Words From Textbox

May 27, 2010

I have been stuck on an issue that is driving me mad and I bet its simple. I have a Textbox with a gridview and a LINQ statement in code behind that populates the data source of the gridview at page load.

The Textbox is used as a filter for the where clause in the Linq statement. All works as expected however I want to be able to use more than one word as a filter. This is the problem. I take the textbox string and convert to an array

Dim aryTextFile() As String = SearchString.Split(",")

But I need to figure how to pass the values of the array as parameters for the Linq Statement. I need to return all rows that have either a match for LocationName AND/OR Address AND/OR City. I thought of something like this but it fails.

Dim db As New DCLocationsDataContext
Dim q = From t In db.Locations _
Where t.City AndAlso t.LocationName AndAlso t.Address Like aryTextFile _
Select t
GridView1.DataSource = q

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Best Way To Display With Lots Of Words In A Column?

Dec 28, 2010

I like to use GridView because it is easy and flexible to work with. However, I found it quite frustration when it comes to display a column with a large chuck of words into the value of that particular column. Is there anyway to restrict how many words should only be display in a particular column rather than let it expands to cope up to display all the word. For example, I'm trying to display 20w and normally it would display


but I would like to limit to 5 words in a line so it's going to be


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Make Some Words Of A Cell In Gridview Bold Type

Aug 16, 2010

I'd like to make some words of a cell in gridview Bold. For example - "MRN No.: SI0021848 Name: Cherry" like my attachment. I could query this field value from database but don't know how to make some words Bold. How to do it?

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Forms Data Controls :: Shorting String To Maximum Length Without Cutting Words?

Dec 21, 2010

i need to cut the text from a box to a shorter version. what i'm using right now is :

CAST(DescriereNoutate AS nchar(200)) AS Descriere from the SqlDataSource, but im having problems because this cuts the words.

how can i do this without leaving the words cut in half.

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Forms Data Controls :: Search Multiple Words Into Textbox And Populate All Records In Gridview

Aug 24, 2010

I have a textbox and a gridview which is bound to a table what I want to achieve is a solution where lets say there are two records - e.g. "1. Book and 2. Red", i want a user to type in those words and the gridview shows the results as followed;

1. Book
2. Red

I have set up the sql data source and everything and my like operator is this.

LIKE '%' + @record + '%'

how can I solve this problem?

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Data Controls :: Display Total Currency In Words Inside GridView?

Dec 15, 2013

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calulate the Gross Total of Total Column in Gridview Footer.

Text format of amount in Gross Total into Label Text. with AddNewRow,Remove Options.

How i can calulate the Gross Total and text in Gross Total in gridview?

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Data Controls :: JQuery AutoComplete With Multiple Words Inside GridView Control

Feb 25, 2014

I found this usefull code in this website but i was wondering a way to select a multiple names in textbox inside GridView.  I have seen one exampe on this website but the example is not in GridView. Here is my code that works fine now but it does not let me select multiple names:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
function EndRequestHandler(sender, args) {


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DataSource Controls :: Dynamic Search With Key Words?

Feb 21, 2010

I need to implement a stored procedure for search with 1 fileldkeywords(jobtitle,skills,company name....etc) everything is in different tables?how i will query this?any samples using dynamic query or temporary tables

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DataSource Controls :: Linqtosql Contains Based Off Words In Textbox

Mar 22, 2010

I am probably doing this wrong but I want to take all words entered in to a text box and return all records that contain any or all of the words. Can any one point me in the right direction?

protected void ldsGvFaqs_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e)
if (txbSearch.Text.Length > 0)
string temp = string.Empty;
string[] words = txbSearch.Text.Split(' ');
int counter = words.Length;
foreach (var word in words)
temp += "Tags.Contains('" + word + "')";
counter -= 1;
if (counter > 0)
temp += " || ";
ldsGvFaqs.Where = temp;

But I get the following error, Character literal must contain exactly one character.

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I need to search some words or text in word document through programming.

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Web Forms :: How To Search Words From Xml File

Sep 11, 2010

i want to search the words and nearby words from the xml file.I dont know how to start this with I have a xml file i want to serialize it using xmlelement and xmlatrribute.but i don't know how to define it. and use it. I also want to use hash table that contain this xml file but how do i define keys and values with the xmlelement and attribute. I am new to this.

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Web Forms :: Convert Numbers To Words

Mar 11, 2013

i am having a webpage,in that webpage the total salary is 19563,but in words it shows "Twenty Thousands Six Hundreds Sixty Three",i dont no how to do this..what changes i want to do.this is my code

Dim num As Integer
num = lblnetsal.Text
Label2.Text = NumberToWords(num)
End Sub


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Web Forms :: Display BirthDate In Words

Jun 16, 2015

How i can count year from birthday people in mssql server? example: if day equal 11 month 29 day then less 1 year; if day equal 1 year 11 month 29 day then less 2 year.

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Web Forms :: Counting Repeated Words In A TextBox

Mar 26, 2013

How to counting the repeated words in a text box using with c#..

I want to display like this,

words             no.of occurrences

Rose                            5
india                            2
was                             1
select                          10

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Web Forms :: Convert The Currency Digits Into Words By Using C#

May 9, 2013

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Web Forms :: Convert Currency Amount In Words?

May 7, 2015

I want to convert amount in words (Indian currency only) using javascript/jquery.e.g. 765828.45 = Seven lakh sixty five thousand eight hundred twenty eight and fourty five paise only

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