Forms Data Controls :: How To Refresh Page Without Going To Top Of Page When Refresh Is Done
Nov 3, 2010
I have a table on my page. I need to scroll down a little to get to that table. In that table i have som data that i edit and save to database. When the save is done i need to refresh the page( Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl )) so it loads the new data to that table. When the refresh is done the page is on top again so that i need to scroll down again to see the table. This makes it very unusable for the user.
How can i refresh the page without it going back to top again? I tryed wrapping an updatepanel around the table but it didnt
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and passive image is not visible.
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Jul 29, 2010
i want my gridView to be refreshed so i can vies the new records when i insert to formview.
Now i have to go to another address and back to se the updated record.
i cant even press f5 because then it just duplicates the record with the same text from the formview even if the fields in the formview are empty.
There is got to be a code for this!?
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Jan 7, 2010
I have a GridView in an update panel that is bound (in code-behind) to a business layer object. The first time this page is accessed, Editing, Deleting, Updating, etc. work fine. However, if I click my browser's refresh button, the functionality of the edit, delete, etc link buttons is gone. They do nothing.
here's my code:
Here's the code-behind:
View 7 Replies
Sep 24, 2010
Dim objDatabase As New database
Dim objAdapter As SqlDataAdapter
Dim objDataset As New DataSet
Dim objAdapter1 As SqlDataAdapter
Dim objDataset1 As New DataSet
Dim objAdapter2 As SqlDataAdapter
Dim objDataset2 As New DataSet
i am using above code to generate dynamicaly textbox into grid view. I have 3 fix coloumns from database which i fetch at start of code.
Then i assigned it to datatable. in datatable according to Listbox item count i added more coloumn as per listbox items count.
then that datatable i i gave as datasourse to gridview. Now i inserted dynamicaly textbox to gridview in respective coloumn.
But after refreshing page all textboxes disappears....
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May 21, 2010
I have a strange issue with the FormView. After working through some issues getting the update to work (as this is my first experience with FormViews) I now have a new issue. After I perform an update, and the FormView updates and returns to read mode, if I hit F5 (refresh) the FormView performs another update to the datasource, despite the fact it is read-only mode and none of the fields on the screen are editable.
I would think that a refresh in read mode for the FormView after an edit would simply refresh the data from the database, not perform another update. Again, the FormView is in Read Only Mode, but a refresh is creating another Update event (which I can debug and see if I break in the ItemUpdating event). This only happens after I perform an edit, not when the page initially loads.
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Jun 15, 2010
I am using an ObjectDataSource in my FormView for INSERT.
Data inserts correctly to my backend SQL table, however as i am posting back a success/fail message to the same page, i have noticed that after a successful INSERT if it hit the Refresh button the INSERT is doubled up.
How can i stop a user pressing the Refresh button and doubling the INSERT?
Is there a setting somewhere or can i stop this programmatically within my ObjectDataSource_Inserting method perhaps?
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Feb 15, 2011
I have a gridview that has allowPaging and AllowSorting set to true. It is bound to a sqldatasource with the selectCommand firing a sql query. The sqldatasource has EnableCaching = true, and caching duration = "60". The idea is to run the paging, sorting, etc from the cache.
A separate dataUpdate event updates the data that is being loaded in the grid view, but I am not able to see the change in the gridview data till 30 seconds (caching duration) .
What is the best way to force refresh the gridview data by the dataUpdate event?
I came across this artice that tells to use CacheKeyDependency, but when I implemented it, the gridview gets refreshed at every dataUpdate event, but also the paging and sorting fires the sqldatasource Selectcommand sql query. I want this query to be fired only on dataUpdate.
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Jan 7, 2014
I have a gridview on which i have kept some search criteria and when i search something and edit it the page refreshes and edit is start from record 1
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Jan 29, 2011
i m using Parameters .AddWithValue("@ ", .text) method t insert data from textbox to my data base. i m using SQL data base. primary key is auto incremented. problem is that when i click on submit button to add the data in data base, all the code works fine, and my data get inserted in database table. but then if i click on refresh page, same data get inserted again in the table. and if i click twice or thrice on refresh button data get inserted again and again. i solved this problem by redirecting the page to same page. but then i lost my view state of data. i want to keep the view state and restrict this insertion of data on refreshin. how can i solve this problem by keeping the view state.
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Dec 27, 2010
I made a gallery with datareapeter the show only a picture.
i want with page refresh change picture.
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Apr 18, 2010
how to sitepath menu but no need refresh data on page ?
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May 10, 2010
I have a button that persist data in my database.
If I press button F5 to refresh my page, datas are duplicate.
How I can to fix this problem?
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Jun 14, 2010
I have created a simple dataset with my ObjcetDataSource to my SQL table named Invoices and a new FormView. My form inserts are working 100% correctly, however after some testing i noticed the insert happens again if i hit the refresh button on my browser after an initial insert. I am currently submitting the form back to itself with a success/fail message returned on the page so that the user can keep inserting more records if they choose. This is done in my Inserted behaviour.
In my ObjectDataSource_Inserting code i am setting the values of a date prior to my insert. How do i stop a second INSERT from happening when the user refreshes the browser? I thought it was what IsPostBack was used for? Here is my code:
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Feb 21, 2010
For some reason when the user click on the submit button and he re-fresh the page the same data get's uploaded again to my SQL Server 2005 database. I do not what this to happen........... Why is this happening? I am making use of a SQL Data Source!!
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Sep 30, 2010
I have a page that is opened in a popup window from the main page. Once i click insert it pops up a message that says you have successfully added blah blah. Then once you click ok it closes the popup page and goes back to the main page. I want to be able to refresh the main page back to how it was when you first land on the page. Here is the code for my insert button:
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Jun 24, 2010
I Am working on payment gateway integration, i am storing whole information about the transaction on page load event. so when i press refresh button then Duplicate data is again inserting in database So i want to stop this.
I want to do like
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
// Here I Am Using My Function For Insert Or Update Database
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