Forms Data Controls :: How To Save And Retrieve Multiple Gridview Rows
May 13, 2010
I want to be able to select rows and save them for later display. I wish to store the data in a session object for viewing before i decide to save permanent in database.
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Similar Messages:
Jan 5, 2011
I want to bind gridview with datatable in this dt ihave 4 columns , dt
Id Name isdelete value
1 xyz true
2 uio false
3 bbb true
4 ccc false
this is gridview
but i want not bind those rows whose isdelete coumn value is false and i want to show 4 th column as textbox and user will enter some text or number and if he click save button outside of gridview one record shld save in database
View 2 Replies
Jan 19, 2010
I have a gridview that contains template fields with textboxes that is used to look up inventory items. The page loads using an arraylist to display a gridview control with a predetermined number of rows. There is also drop down control that allows the user to add additional rows to the gridview if needed.
Currently when a user has already entered some data if you use the drop down to add more empty rows all the original entrys are removed. I want to save the original data and then add empty rows at the end.
Private Sub LoadDataGrid(ByVal numberOfRows As Integer)
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim GridList As New ArrayList
For Counter = 0 To numberOfRows
GridList.Add(New LibVB.Form2VB(Counter))
gvEnterParts.DataSource = GridList
End Sub
I'm lost, kind of a newbie to .net, have been working on this for 2 days! d.
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Feb 3, 2011
Type: 28978 into this site: [URL]
Students have to chose a subject in a row. This will be updated in the table above.
I use this Stored procedure:
I would like my button to Insert/Delete records in the table. How can a button in a GridView row choose parametres form the right row?
My code...
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Oct 29, 2010
I have changed the look and feel of the grid by modifying the cols, rows in the gridview. I need to save this in the gridview viewsate, so that it load the modified look and feel next time it loads from the viewsate.
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Sep 10, 2013
How can i save selected rows of a gridview (appearing inside javascript pop up page) into another gridiew (appearing inside "other" java script pop up page) on SAVE button click??
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Oct 22, 2010
I'm having difficulty adding a repeating header row, every x rows, to a gridview. I'm able to add the header only once with the below code. For some reason it will only add it during the last iteration through the for/next statement. I tried manually adding three separate .addat statements to different rows and it only executed the last .addat statement. I couldn't find any information on why it's only working the one time and I hope someone has a fix or better solution.
Code snippet (Note the IsWhole() function verifies that the rownumber divided into a whole number):
Protected Sub Gridview1_DataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Gridview.DataBound
Dim grid As GridView = TryCast(sender, GridView)
If grid IsNot Nothing Then
Dim row As New GridViewRow(0, -1, DataControlRowType.Header, DataControlRowState.Normal)
Dim header As GridViewRow = POSTURE_RESULT.HeaderRow
For i As Integer = 0 To POSTURE_RESULT.Columns.Count - 1
Dim TableCell As New TableHeaderCell()
TableCell.Text = header.Cells(i).Text
Dim t As Table = TryCast(grid.Controls(0), Table)
If t IsNot Nothing Then
For i As Integer = 0 To Gridview1.Rows.Count - 1
If IsWhole(i / 5) Then
t.Rows.AddAt(i, row)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
View 4 Replies
Nov 6, 2010
i'm using the code below to select multiple rows in a gridview using a checkbox, how do I modify the code in a "select all" button click event to select all the rows by checking the checkboxes in all the rows? How do I also clear all the checkboxes using sa "Clear" button click event?
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Apr 9, 2010
iam using asp.net2.0 with c#
in my gridview iam at page load event iam displaying data from 1st column in the gridview is checkbox, when user selects the checkbox and iam using paging in gridview, when user selects the checkbox and selects the rows from first page or from any page, that have to be stored in database.
in my database the table contains
orderid int primary key autoincrement
productname nvarchar
price nvarchar
quantity nvarchar
total nvarchar
when user selects the rows then in database how to store multiple rows in that table field
View 7 Replies
Jul 18, 2010
I am trying to delete multiple rows using a checkbox in a Gridview. When someone checks the checkbox and then click on button Delete that the rows is chosen will be deleting.
when i click on button Delete : Error: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index
View 5 Replies
Apr 9, 2010
iam using asp.net2.0 with c#
in my gridview iam at page load event iam displaying data from 1st column in the gridview is checkbox, when user selects the checkbox and iam using paging in gridview, when user selects the checkbox and selects the rows from first page or from any page, that have to be stored in database.
in my database the table contains
orderid int primary key autoincrement
productname nvarchar
price nvarchar
quantity nvarchar
total nvarchar
when user selects the rows then in database how to store multiple rows in that table field
View 3 Replies
Nov 11, 2013
I have made a call logging application in which i have authorised a normal user to edit update and delete from the gridview.But i want to give the admin person rights to see all the complaints deleted updated edited..i have thought a lot but all in vain havent found.
View 1 Replies
Oct 17, 2012
I have check box field in grid view and I want to save checked row in sql server i can save.
View 1 Replies
Nov 12, 2010
I have a GridView with an extra checkbox column to select rows.
To select multiple rows, the user now has to click each separate checkbox, but I would like to offer the possibility to select multiple rows at once using Shift+click.
Thus the user would explicitly select the first row with a single click and the select the last row using Shift+click. And the checkboxes of the rows in between would then automatically be checked as well.
View 3 Replies
Mar 23, 2010
public void saveOptionalCourses( ArrayList coursesAdded, int studentID)
StudentOptionalCoursesXRef XRefObject = new StudentOptionalCoursesXRef();
using (var EntityObject = new SchoolProjectEntities2())
foreach ( string list in coursesAdded)
XRefObject.StudentDetails = EntityObject.StudentDetails.Where(c => c.StudentID == studentID).First();
XRefObject.OptionalCourses = EntityObject.OptionalCourses.Where(c => c.OptionalCourseName == list).FirstOrDefault();
with this above method and could save only last row that am returning remaining rows are iterated but are not saving on to database
View 2 Replies
Aug 11, 2010
I have a gridview object to which I added
<asp:TemplateField >
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkCopy"
runat="server" />
The page count is set to 10, when the user checks the checkbox(es), I will need to insert those records in a table. How will I know which row was selected? I found an example (untried) that is designed to loop through and insert the necessary records; but it does not address inserting records based on selecting rows via a checkbox. How do I put everything together.
// open connection
//enumerate the items in the list
foreach (SPListItem curItem in curItems)
string sql = "INSERT INTO ImportNotifications";
sql += "
sql += " VALUES
mySqlCommand.CommandText = sql;
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ID", SqlDbType.Float)).Value = curItem["ID"];
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Title", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200)).Value =
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@WorkOrderNum", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)).Value =
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Status", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)).Value =
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Department", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100)).Value =
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ClientName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255)).Value =
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@WorkOrderDue", SqlDbType.DateTime)).Value =
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Created", SqlDbType.DateTime)).Value = curItem["Created"];
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Author", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)).Value =
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Modified", SqlDbType.DateTime)).Value = curItem["Modified"];
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Editor", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)).Value = curItem["Editor"];
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Late", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)).Value = curItem["Late"];
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@LateReview", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)).Value =
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@TrueLate", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)).Value = curItem["TrueLate"];
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Body", SqlDbType.NVarChar, -1)).Value =
// execute the command
// close the connection
View 4 Replies
Feb 25, 2016
I came across the below article, I would like to know how to properly respond to the drop or stop event so that I can show the Save button only once someone changed the order. In other words, I would like the Save button hidden initially, only to make it visible once a drag and drop has occurred.
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Feb 18, 2010
I have another problem is that I have Placed a file upload control in Empty template of Gridview to have multiple record insert. I have used viewstate to save multiple record into database. But problem is that I am able to find the control but it not giving any value.I have following code.
in above code
View 2 Replies
Dec 4, 2010
I am designing my database and wanted to know the best way to handle this problem. I have tabs on a page that looks like this:
I can put this information in the database that will be stored in multiple rows like this
Or I can just put this in the database like so:
<tab name="MyTab">
<tab name="MySubTab">
If I pull just the xml from the database then I would not need to select multiple rows i just need to select one row then parse the xml into a class then pass that data to the controller. I just would like to know if this is a good idea? Will I be making a mistake if my site to scale in the future? Will this make more maintenance as the site gets bigger and want more features?
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Oct 21, 2015
I am new in Problem is i have 3 textboxes..
in first text box i enter A1,
Second Textbox i enter 3,
Third Textbox i enter 5
after button click i want to store
A1B1,A1B2,A1B3 as per second textbox i enter 3
A1C1,A1C2,A1C3,A1C4,A1C5 as per Third Textbox i enter 5
how to generate the above rows and how to save in database
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Jul 17, 2013
I have a save button outside the gridview and I want to save all the values/records of gridview at once or row by row in database(sql server) .
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Dec 4, 2012
I follow this code [URL] it works. But the example is show only for 1 row.. come to my case when user want 12 rows for the first time gridview row load. I manage to add it by using for loop. but i stuck at the how to set previous data when user add new row to 13th row. The gridview seems like refresh and the entered data is gone!
View 1 Replies
May 7, 2015
I have used Jquery Qucik serach Plugin and Its working fine for me. But I want to get the each record after filter when click on save button.
let's say gridview has total records are 4 then filtered records are 2.When click on Save button 4 records are getting.
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Aug 18, 2015
I have a string array that contains comma seperated values. I want these values to show into ListView using DataRow and DataTable.
For understanding purpose I have below sample code:
string[] cookie_IDs = ehscookieData.Split(',');
Now I have to show all the values of cookie_IDs[] into ListView using DataRow and DataTable.
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Sep 19, 2013
I want to send gridview multiple selected values (using Checkbox) to another page gridview..on click of a button.
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