Forms Data Controls :: How To Set The TextBox.Text Property Of The Parent Page From The RowCommand Event
Mar 31, 2011
i have some textboxes in my parent page and a search button. when the search button is clicked, my modalpopup pops up. after chosing (clicking on the select button of the row) an entry from a gridview within my modalpopup (each row in the gridview has a buttonField), the rowCommand_Event fires... within this event i try to set the .Text property of some textboxes within the page containing my modalpopupExtender... i get no exceptions, but the textboxes are not set...
I have followed your Nested level gridview and found it working, but i want add a button in the child element(from your example i will have a btn in Product grid and it should get contact_id (parent datakey value as well) ),as i need to update in database.
I'm tyring to write a simple DetailsView only used for inserting new records that will pre-fill a textbox with a query string value. Here's the DetailsView:
All I want to do is set VenueID_FK.Text to = the "VenueID" querry string. I also want the user to be able to see the VenueID number as they are filling out GridView1.
I know this is probably a simple thing, but I am very new to I thought I could handle this in the page load event, but when I try something like this
And then follow by setting the Text property programitically. I've accomplished something similar to this on a different page using a FormView, but only for ReadOnly mode and it was handled in the databound event on that page.
I get the error "The name 'DetailsView1' doesn't exist in the current context." when trying to do the above mentioned. When trying the same line in the databound event here, I get the same error.
I am trying to access column value by using DataBinder.Eval on RowCommand event of Gridview. It always return NOT SET TO ANY INSTANCE error for eveytime. I know how to do this by employing a label control in ItemTemplate, but am trying to find a way to bypass.
Error returned by DataBinder.Eval(row.DataItem, "LinkToInvoice").ToString
I'm having a hard time figuring this one out, i got a gridview with a sqldatasource that is loading its content, to custom columns a ButtonField and a Boundfield, both are loading in page load event,When i click the ButtonField its trigerring the rowcommand event but i can't figure out how to read the value of the cells wich i need to get for the next step of the program.Here what i got so far :- The aspx
- the aspx.vb
I'm getting the correct index and command name but i cant get the button value or bound field value either.
i am using a grid view . i have added a linkbutton in cell[0]. when clicking on this butoon the below event is working.. actually i tried to get the cell[1].text... but not getting any cell values except cell[0].text... get the cell[1].text value.
Within the EditItemTemplate and InsertItemTemplate I have a cell that has a textbox and a button.
When the button is clicked a popup window is shown, where the user can upload a picture. The name of the uploaded picture is retrieved.
Now I want to send that picture name back to the textbox within the listviews EditItemTemplate or/and InsertItemTemplate (that is ofcourse one at a time depending on what the user is doing, inserting or editing a row).
The code I have written so far looks like this. The below code has been abbreviated
The code behind looks like this (also abbreviated). Actually I don't think the code behind is needed, since its mainly javascript from the popup window (child page), but nevertheless here it goes.
And at last the child page / popup page.
Well there is not anything to see here, cause I'm using the Telerik RAD upload control, which is doing everything for me.
However the line below may be of interest. Here I'm taking the name of the uploaded file (picture) and printing it to a label.
I'm trying to retreive values entered by users in the textboxes in the footer of the gridview and insert these values into another sql table.My code is as follows :-
protected void GridView2_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if(e.CommandName.Equals("addnew")) { TextBox t1 = (TextBox)GridView2.FooterRow.FindControl("tfrm"); string frm = t1.Text; TextBox t2 = (TextBox)GridView2.FooterRow.FindControl("tsub"); string sub = t2.Text; string cmd = "insert into suggestions values('" + frm + "','" + sub + "','c','c')"; con.Open(); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(cmd,con); int a = com.ExecuteNonQuery(); GridView2.DataBind(); con.Close(); } }
But the strings 'frm' and 'sub' returns null values.
I have a series of textboxes on a FormView. There is a textbox for entering a percent for a deposit amount and next to that a corresponding textbox for entering a dollar value for a deposit amount. There are 3 sets of these.
If a user changes a percent textbox, I update the dollar value textbox based on the percent times the project's total cost. If a user changes the dollar value textbox, the percent textbox gets updated as a percent of that dollar amount divided by the project's total cost.
I have the percent textboxes formatted as "{0:0%}" and the dollar value textboxes as "{0:C}".
When a user types into the textbox, the formatting goes away and we get raw numbers but I don't want those raw numbers to remain as such after they tab or click out of the field. I added a TextChanged event to reset the formatting. This works fine on reformatting the percent textbox but the currency one remains as just a raw numeric value.
Here is the markup (ignore the lack of validation for numeric input will be added):
need to add textbox in gridview and write code in textchange event in show the data in gridview if i click the button i show the textboxes but i need to write the code in that textchange event in that
I have a page books.aspx that has a control named authors.ascx.
Inside the authors control there is a "select" button I want to add some kind of listener or event handler (not sure of the correct terminology) so on the parent page (books.aspx) I can respond to the "select" button being clicked.
I have to pass the authorID from the user control to the parent page.
In my authors.ascx control I just created this event:
Now I need to write the function for SelectAuthorBtnClick and I think add some kind of listener in the parent page to listen and handle the event.
Am using datalist to create a kinsd of message board, in the back end am having two tables one for the parent comment , and other for the child comments
The data source is extracted by LINQ to SQL with the load option , so I get everthing when I debug on the code behind , and I can see all the fields each parent comment and the child comments.
the problem is with binding the data on the disply for example all the parent table fildes can be rendred without any problems:
<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "comment1Parent") %>; "showing me the orginal post"
Problem here:
<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Childcomment") %> is not rendred and I got this error msg:
DataBinding: 'DataAccessLayer.Comment' does not contain a property with the name 'childComment'. In the debug I navigate to the childComment and this is its HTML visualisar:
new System.Linq.SystemCore_EnumerableDebugView<DataAccessLayer.Comment>(((ASP.usercontrols_comments_ascx)this).Comments)).Items[0]._comments_Replies.entities.items[0].childComment
Can anyone add a complete input about how to create Parent Property with multiple child properties or in short nested properties.
Example: Style tag: which has properties like font, color, display... etc? which accept objects and its value.
As soon as Rainbow property is typed, user should get intellisense for list of number of colors. Then accordingly user can select list of those colors and assign a value to them.
well i have a main page in which i have a grid with templete (textbox "maintxt"and a button)and a pop up in which i have a textbox"popuptxt" i want when ever i click the button of every row i can see the maintxt text in popuptxt i can edit it in popup and then by closing popup the text of maintxt update
I have a Parent gridview with a nested gridview. Edit on the parent works fine. On the nested child gridview, when I click the edit button, the line goes into edit mode, but the parent row collapses. To correct I added javascript to call the javascript function that is used to expand and collapse the rows. It is located in the RowDataBound event of the parent gridview.
Based on the code samples I have, the way the process should work when the edit button is clicked is the RowCommand and then the RowEditing events for the child gridview are supposed to fire, followed by the RowDataBound for the parent. The child events are firing after the parent though. This wouldn't be a problem except that I am retrieving the parent line that holds the child record being edited so that value can be fed to the javascript function to expand the row. How can I fix this or work around it?
since APS.Net 4.0 I have a curious problem with an event.
There is a FormView and inside of the EditItem there is a GridView. In the Footer of the GridView I put Controls for inserting records.
But when I fire a markup defined RowCommand of that GridView then the same event is getting fired for the Parent FormView. First I had 'Insert' as the CommandName and so I was getting the Error that my FormView had to be in insert mode to insert a record. Then I changed the RowCommand of the GridView to 'xxx' and I got also the RowCommand 'xxx' at the RowCommand eventhandler of the Parent FormView.
The project was migrated from .Net 3.5 a few days ago, but nothing was manually changed in the code/markup. And the problem was not there with the "old" framework.
Of course, I could simply change the CommanName of the LinkButton e.g. to 'InsertChild' but I would like to know:
I've got a [PageDefinitionTypePlugIn] PropertyString (it's a dropdownlist), and I'd like to be able to detect what it's parent page is. Generally, Global.EPDataFactory.CurrentPage works fine to return the page, but when a NEW page is being created, CurrentPage returns null.I need to know prior to the render of the control what the parent is, since I'm changing the list of values in the dropdown depending on where the current page is in the navigation heirarchy structure.
Can we write property in property?IN the page load event we have page property and we can find another page property in that page property.Pls let me know how this is happening