Web Forms :: Creating A Nested Property In UserControl Or Multiple Child Properties In Parent Property?
Aug 2, 2010
Can anyone add a complete input about how to create Parent Property with multiple child properties or in short nested properties.
Example: Style tag: which has properties like font, color, display... etc? which accept objects and its value.
As soon as Rainbow property is typed, user should get intellisense for list of number of colors. Then accordingly user can select list of those colors and assign a value to them.
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Similar Messages:
Aug 10, 2010
I am building a usercontrol which can display data with many flags. I would like to be able to able to declare it this way, or something similar to that from the asp.net page
<ctl:DisplayItem runat="server" id="ctlTest">
<flagIsAvailable />
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Sep 15, 2010
So what I'm trying to accomplish is this
The user control has public properties named accordingly and the page has protected properties accordingly which I've verified have the desired values.
For some reason the values are always empty strings or 0s in the usercontrol, no matter what the page property is.
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Feb 21, 2011
How can I create a UserControl with a collection-type property which has a collection editor?
I've a CompositeControl with an ArrayList-type property which has CollectionEditor-type designer. You can see this property on Properties window with a "..." button which launches a collection editor. This works fine and all but I want to apply the same to a UserControl and I've couldn't manage to pull it off so far. I've done the same thing what I've done with my CompositeControl but the property either doesn't even show on Properties window of the UserControl or shows as a single value property with no "..." editor button.
This is what I've done with CompositeControl:
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Nov 8, 2013
I have followed your Nested level gridview and found it working, but i want add a button in the child element(from your example i will have a btn in Product grid and it should get contact_id (parent datakey value as well) ),as i need to update in database.
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Apr 30, 2010
I am using nested repeaters and wanted to access a value from my parent repeater within the child...is this possible?
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Nov 15, 2010
I have several usercontrols which are loaded based on business logic.However, all of them have webcontrols whose selected/entered value needs to be accessible in parent page on an event.Since there can be any combination of UserControls, I do not want to load all the UserControls in the Parent Page, since they are heavy.
I would like to load only those controls which are supposed to appear on the page, yet access the value from the usercontrol which caused the postback. (I would rather not access using Request.Form) (ViewState is open, but unsuccessful to store value in parent page's viewstate in onClick)Here is a sample scenario
Page: Home
Dynamically Loads: UserControls1
UserControls has TextBox tb and Button btn, causing onClick
When btn is clicked, I want to get value of tb in parent page on PostBack, Page creates UserControl2
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Jan 22, 2011
just like how this person wrote his post...
how can you update the parent and set the child not to update?
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Nov 3, 2010
If for example my userControl has a CheckBox called IsGreatCoder and the userControl is embedded in a main page (parent page).
I normally have gained access to the IsGreatCoder.Checked value in the main-page by exposing it through a public property that I have to manually write (say "IsAGreatCoder").
If UserControl is included in the main page as "userControl1", then I would access it as "userControl1.IsAGreatCoder".
But, I was wondering if there was anyway to declare the UserControl such that all the UI controls added to it were declared as being public, that way allowing me to gain access to the actual controls in the main page (the parent).
Essentially I would like to be able do something like userControl1.IsGreatCoder.Checked instead of having to implement a property.
The reason I want to do this is that I want to have access to many more of the check-box's properties and it would be a pain to implement each one as a public property.
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Jan 28, 2010
I built a simple user control called noteEditor. I need to set/get the CommandName property when the control is used in a gridview. I seem to be able to set it just fine but when I to get it I get a null.Here is the code for my user control:
Here is how I use the control in a gridview on the host page:
As indicated by the comment, e.CommandName always returns an empty string.
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May 5, 2010
I'm having difficulties with adding sub-properties into Property sheet.
for example:
let's say I've created a web-control with a textbox in it. I can add to my web-control a new property such as:
public TextBox MyTextBox
return m_TextBox;
m_TextBox = value;
and this will be enough for me to add the TextBox into the property sheet of the web control each time i use this web-control.
My problem is with adding the TextBox properties into the property sheet with the sign "+" next to the "MyTextBox" property.
I'm using VS2008 if it's make the difference.
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Jan 24, 2011
I have a UserControl that is on a masterpage... I have created the following property for the userControl in the codebehind:
Now I need to access this control and change that property from an aspx page that uses the masterpage with the control. I'm stuck I cannot seem to find the controls property. I can find the control and make it visible or not but I cannot find the property to modify control...
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Apr 13, 2010
I'm having trouble to access a Parent's property in User Control. I don't know how to access the parent. The Parent Page's name is Search.aspx. I saw the example below and tried it:
Than I could access the Parent's Property, but when I ran the website I got these errors:
1. The user control is not declared in the parent page
2. The user contol has a circular reference
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Apr 12, 2010
I have this public property in the codefile of an aspx page:
Then in that aspx page I have a usercontrol (.ascx), how can I access the above public property form its codebehind?
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Jan 19, 2010
I need to read a Property/variable from outside the webpart usercontrol to determine a course of action. This is not the same as using the Property Editor.
I have numerous usercontrol webparts all accessing the database.
When minimised, I don't want the webpart to hit the database.
So, I need to either : detect within the usercontrol webpart itself that its chromstate is minimised and therefore not access the database (and)or from the Webpartmanager loop through webparts, determine those that are minimised and set a variable / property within the webpart to inform it not to access the database on postback.
Something like...(pseudoCode)
for (int i = 0 ; i < webpartmanager1.webparts.count ; i++ )
webpart wp = (webpart)webpartmanager1.webpart[i];
if (wp != null)
if (wp.ChromeState == PartChromeState.Minimized)
// set a known variable in this particular webpart so it can determine whether to refresh its datagrid or gridview or whatever
Can a usercontrol webpart determine its own ChromeState ????
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Jun 15, 2010
I have a nested gridview containing gridviews: gvMaster(Parent) and gvAlternate(Child)
If I select a row in gvAlternate is there a way for me to find out what gvMaster row it is under? I want to highlight the selected gvAlternate row and the gvMaster row that it is under.
I can get a certain set of rows of gvAlternate only by referencing which gvAlternate control set I want to access: this is based on the gvMaster.Rows and then using the FindControl and id name:
gv = (GridView)this.gvMaster.Rows[aRowNumber].FindControl("gvAlternate");
Therefore, it is true that a set of rows in a nested gridview is tied to a specific row in its master gridview, the question is does the child gridview know which set it's connected to or does it's master know if a childset has been selected?
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Aug 26, 2010
I am having trouble finding how to solve the following issue :
I am using nested listviews to display Sales and Sales details.
The main ListView displays General Information about Sales and the child ListView displays the detailed information about one sale. the child listview is shown only when the user clicks on a link (see included code, DataBind is made on PageLoad) :
ASPX Markup Code :
C# Behind Code :
If I removed the datapager part, I can manage show/hide the child list view on the button click event. but if I want to use the DataPager with the PreRender event handling, the child listview is not longer shown on button click.
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Aug 16, 2010
I have a user control registered on content page in content page i hve a label control
How i set content pages label control text property from usercontrol in u.control page load.
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Feb 7, 2011
I have to load the values to parent page from the popup page. The popup page will be in another website(saparate server).
I used opener.document.getElementById('parentcontrolID'), this is working fine if i run in the local(i created saparate virutual directory for popup page website in my local machine) system the values are loaded properly. but Once i move to the different servers it's not working. getting this javascript error message "Object doesn't support this method or property" in the popup page bottom left corner.
What will be the problem.
Whether we can load the value to parent page from popup page even both are in saparate server?
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Mar 31, 2011
i have some textboxes in my parent page and a search button. when the search button is clicked, my modalpopup pops up. after chosing (clicking on the select button of the row) an entry from a gridview within my modalpopup (each row in the gridview has a buttonField), the rowCommand_Event fires... within this event i try to set the .Text property of some textboxes within the page containing my modalpopupExtender... i get no exceptions, but the textboxes are not set...
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Nov 29, 2010
How can one access public property of User Control In Master Page on child Pages.
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Dec 13, 2010
I currently have a repeater control and inside the itemtemplate I have a usercontrol. This usercontrol renders correctly, but I am trying to assign a dataitem to a property in the repeater control.
RequestId is just an Int32. It just doesn't assign it.
I can put the eval outside of the usercontrol just in the itemtemplate and it correctly outputs the right id.
If I remove the whole eval and just type a number in then it works fine. I was using an EntityDataSource and this automatically binded to the repeater. It printed out all the information from the database on the screen without any codebehind. But when I put in the code behind Repeater1.DataBind(); it then started to work.
I don't know why, but hey it's solved. It now successfully passes the value through. I imagine it has something to do with the page lifecycle.
View 4 Replies
Nov 17, 2010
I have a user control in asp.net that i need to dynmically set properties for. The propety and property values are in a dictionary, for example:
Dictionary<string, string> propertyValues;
Control c = Page.LoadControl("~/Control.ascx")
I can currently set the properties on the control using reflection, however, with .net 4 and the new dynamic keyword, is there an easier way to do it, for example, something like this:
dynamic c = Page.LoadControl("~/control.ascx");
foreach(var itemin propertyValues)
c.item.key = item.value;
this obviously doesnt work because item.key is a string and not a property.
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Mar 31, 2011
I have developped a usercontrol, but I can't seem to find how to databind on a property of the usercontrol in a detailsview.The property is defined this way:
<Bindable(True, BindingDirection.TwoWay)>
Public Property Value As String
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Feb 1, 2010
I've got a [PageDefinitionTypePlugIn] PropertyString (it's a dropdownlist), and I'd like to be able to detect what it's parent page is. Generally, Global.EPDataFactory.CurrentPage works fine to return the page, but when a NEW page is being created, CurrentPage returns null.I need to know prior to the render of the control what the parent is, since I'm changing the list of values in the dropdown depending on where the current page is in the navigation heirarchy structure.
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