Forms Data Controls :: Inline If Statement In Datalist?
May 18, 2010
I have a datalist which acts like a table and displays certain values. I'm trying to display a boolean value as yes or no as opposed to true or false. This is what my current line looks like, is there any way to use an inline If statement to get this to work?
How can I make this show yes or no instead of true or false?
I am using C# and ASP.NET
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Note: if I do a normal eval Text='<%# Eval("UI_successful_trans")%>' the value returned from the database will be 1 or 0. Depending of which value is returned, I would like to have the text "Win" or "Lose" returned. ( I know that this could easily be done in code behind but I would like to know if it is
possible to to do that inline ?
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Jan 6, 2011
i have the code to test:
Cmd = New OleDbCommand("update TabEntrevistado set EntrevistadoConcluido=true where EntrevistadoCodigo =8", Con)
Now, I need something like this:
Cmd = New OleDbCommand("update TabEntrevistado set EntrevistadoConcluido=true where EntrevistadoCodigo =" + LblInfoEditar.text, Con)
The problem:
The LblInfoEditar is outside the datalist so it works fine. (note: in this label I put a value like the 8)
But I have this label to test because I need to access a label inside datalist:
<asp:Label Visible="false" runat="server" ID="LblNumEntrevista" Text='<%# Container.DataItem("EntrevistadoCodigo") %>'></asp:Label>
The problem is: in this line I've to put something to access this LblNumEntrevista HOW?
I try:
Cmd = New OleDbCommand("update TabEntrevistado set EntrevistadoConcluido=true where EntrevistadoCodigo =" +
ListaPendentes.LblInfoEditar.text, Con)
But of course I don't work because I can't do this...
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<asp:Label ID="lblsize" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("size")%>' />
in the syntax above, what is '<%# Eval("size")%>' means?
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Aug 13, 2010
I am trying to do an inline IF statement inside a asp:Repeater control to add a class to the first item, but I can't quite seem to figure it out.
Basically the code I have right now that is not working but should give an idea of what I'm "trying" to do looks like this.
<asp:Repeater ID="rptrTabRepeater" runat="server">
<div class="tab <%= If Container.ItemIndex = 0 Then %>highlight<% End If%>">
'Other stuff here
I have tried using the OnItemDataBound event but the delegate interface cannot return a value. If I'm going to do anything from a code-behind function really it would just need to be an "echo" kind of function which I wasn't quite sure how to get the item index in a code behind function. If I could do something inline like my example that would be the best solution for me.
EDIT: The compile error I am getting is:
Compiler Error Message: BC30201: Expression expected.
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<div class="left">
<!-- Method 1 -->
<img src="media-play-button.png" alt="Play" class="mediaplay noborder" runat="server" visible="<%# Eval("MediaType").ToString() == "video" %>" />
<!-- Method 2 -->.........
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Aug 16, 2010
i have a datalist . that is contains 7 columns in repeat layout .when i have more from 7 columns , datalist style is normal .but when i have smaller than 7 columns ! data list style is not normal,
because there are some empty columns without specific schema.
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Mar 15, 2011
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLinkG102" runat="server" Visible='<%# (Convert.ToInt32(Eval("L_ID")) != 77777 ) %>' Text='<%# Eval("L_GalleryName") %>' NavigateUrl='<%# String.Format(".... /findlink.aspx?linknum={0}", Eval("L_ID")) %>' Target="_blank" Font-Size="9"
Is there anyway to put an OR conditional in the Visible text?
( Visible='<%# (Convert.ToInt32(Eval("L_ID")) != 77777 ) OR Visible='<%# (Convert.ToInt32(Eval("L_Rank")) != 0 ) %>' )
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Jul 9, 2010
What do you prefer? I watched a video about making a gridview and its function, and it only took about 6minutes, including the sort, delete, edit.
I don't know the difference of the two but I have made a registration form using code behind and i'm planning to make a gridview inline coding.
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Feb 1, 2011
I have a gridview that contains about 35 rows. a user has to scroll down the page to view the rows. when a user click edit. the row goes to edit mode, however, the page goes up to row 1, I need to keep the row visible to the user upon clicking the edit mode. how can I apply such a thing.
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Sep 10, 2010
Is there a code example out there that shows inline editing using the Gridview and using Ajax?
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Feb 22, 2010
I'm trying to add inline insert capability to a gridview, but I'm having a problem getting it to work. I'm getting the error below even though when I look at it in debug the value newuser.text shows to be the value I entered in the textbox on the gridview.
Here is the code:
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Jan 16, 2011
I am displaying a money values in a gridview. Is possible to use inline code to set the decimal places to two? Would like to do it inline instead of in the C# code behind if possible. Database table column [Rate] is datatype money.
GridView1. . . . .
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Rate" SortExpression="Rate">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# " total monthly " + "$" + Eval("Rate") %>' ></asp:Label>
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Dec 18, 2010
Using a gridview with paging, sorting, inline editing, and selection enabled. I noticed the following:1. after selecting a row, then sorting, the selection sticks to the position in the grid, rather than the actual data. I would have expected it to either stick with the data, or clear the selection so nothing is selected. I would just assume clear the selection rather than have it actually change, like it is now. When a row is selected, I'm showing detail information about that specific row below the grid, so when a user does this, then sorts, the selected row changes and the new selected row's detail info shows below the grid. How should I go about stopping this? Hook into the gridview's Sorting event and set the selected row back to -1 (for nothing selected)? I assume that would work but I was compelled to post anyway to see if there is something else I should be doing...
2. I have not tested yet, but I assume the same thing would happen when paging occurs?3. another issue I'm having is when a user enters into edit mode for a row. This also does not clear a previous selection, so if a user had first selected a row, which shows the detail info for that row below the grid, then they hit the edit button for a different row, now on screen at the same time is a selected row (visible by selectedRowStyle), it's detail info below, and a completely different row in edit mode... this is a very confusing scenario for a user. I either need to ensure that any selection is cleared once in edit mode, OR sync these up so that the row in 'edit' mode also becomes the selected row... what do you guys/gals normally do for this situation? I'm thinking syncing up so that the row in edit mode is also selected sounds preferable... how would I do that?
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Mar 22, 2011
does anyone know where I can get source code or tutorial in vb on how to create inline edit a gridview I need it for an admin panel Im creating
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Aug 31, 2010
using .net 4 and vs2010
I'd like to get the text value of a column of my datagrid and insert that text into the subject line of an email.
The partial code I've tried is below in bold, however, it does not produce the correct result.
I've also tried various other inline expressions, including <%#DataBinder.Eval (Container.DataItem("FullName")) %> and <%# Eval("FullName") %>
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