Forms Data Controls :: ItemCommand Event Bubblinmg Up In Nested ListViews -4?
Jan 28, 2011
I am upgrading a website project from 3.5 to 4.0. I went through the upgrade wizard and site compiled and built fine. But immediately I have encountetred a problem.I have 3 nested ListViews all using the ItemCommand event. Under 4.0 once the ItemCommand event has fired on the inner ListView it then bubbles up and fires on the parent and finally the grandparent.This is a change in behaviour from 3.5 where only the inner ListView event fires. While I can code round this I am worried about these subtly changes between the two versions.
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Oct 13, 2010
I suddenly met a problem with nested ListViews with custom DataSources and DataPagers per each inner item.The original task looks like this. But for the independence from the data sources, I have made an essential example:
Well, the result is discouraging! The DataPagers don't work as appropriate:Try to go to the second group of pages (ex, page #6) manually, and then click on page #7 at the same Pager. You will accidentally appear at page #3!While at the same #6 page, click on page #10. Nothing will happen!Next/Last buttons not work at all!Previous button acts the same as First button!What could be the reason of such a strange DataPagers behavior?
Or, is there the better way to create nested ListViews each with it's own paging?
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Sep 16, 2010
I am having a problem with finding the innermost ListView of a triple nested ListView. The middle ListView has a LinkButton whose event is handled by the outermost's ItemCommand. In the ItemCommand I want to find the third, innermost ListView and set its datasource. How can I find it?
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Jan 26, 2011
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<asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblSPNMatch" Visible="false" />......................
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Jan 24, 2016
[URL] how to handle item command event in above example?
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Mar 19, 2010
I've got a GridView control with LinkButtons in different cells. Currently when someone clicks a link, it fires the ItemCommand passing the CommandName and the ID of the item the link is bound to. That all works fine. I need to modify it now to not use links anymore. It now needs to show a popup balloon with a link (styled to look like a button) and when the link is clicked, I want it to do the exact same thing. I'm sure there are several ways of doing this, but for time's and consistency's sake, I'm copying the method used from another page we have that is already doing this. It has a hidden DIV on the page with the link in it. When you hover over a link, javascript repositions the div and makes it visible.
So what I need to do is pass my CommandName and item ID to the javascript so that it can trigger the postback when they click that single link. I know this is not the only way to get to the end result, but what I want to do if possible, is still fire the GridView's ItemCommand and set he DataListCommandEventArgs' CommandName and CommandArgument properties. Can someone explain how, under normal circumstances, clicking the LinkButton in the GridView fires the ItemCommand? I know that the LinkButton's click event is forwarded to the GridView but what gets sent from the client side that let's the server know the link was clicked?
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Aug 20, 2010
I have a User Control that contains a ListView. In the user control's code is this event handler:
protected void listView1_ItemCommand(object source, ListViewCommandEventArgs e)
Button_ClickHandler(source, e);
What's occurring is that I'm explicitly firing an event so that the parent web page can monitor this and take appropriate actions. Thus when the user clicks on a different ListViewItem it triggers the population of associated data elsewhere on the web page.
This all works fine except for one thing: When I first load the control I'm pre-setting the first ListViewItem. Unfortunately, just setting the ListView's SelectedIndex = 0 doesn't fire the aforementioned event handler.
So I started investigating how to call "listView1_ItemCommand" but couldn't figure out how to instantiate the "e" parameter.
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Mar 18, 2010
I have a formview and a few buttons outside the formview. How can i access the formview.itemcommand event if the buttons are not in the formview?
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Feb 6, 2013
i use datalist and item command event is not fire in vb
My aspx code like
<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" RepeatColumns="2" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" OnItemCommand="DataList1_ItemCommand"
Width="100%" EnableViewState="true" >
<ItemStyle VerticalAlign="Top" Width="50%" />
[Code] .....
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Aug 20, 2010
I am a longtime .NET developer but for big applications and services. This is my first project and I have chosen MVC. I have a need for nesting a ListView within a ListView. In this simple catalog app, I have EF 4 Entities that are Categories, SubCategories, ItemTypes, and Items.
My goal is to display a 5 column layout of SubCategories with their ItemTypes below them in a ViewPage. I did just fine with it done out in C# as server directives such as:
But now I would like to do it with nested listviews and I am having trouble with binding in the inner listview. Here is what I have so far:
The bolded line is bogus, of course. The listview won't accept a declarative datasource in this situation. How do I bind to the ItemTypes of the outer SubCategory?Also, I understand there is no code-behind file and I accept that this is because all logic should be in the controller. But does that leave me with the inline binding shown above for the outer listview?
SubcatList.DataSource = Model.SubCategory;
Or is there a more elegant way that doesn't involve an inline server directive?
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Aug 31, 2010
I have a GridView within a GridView. I want o access child gridview's rowupdating event. i want to update row.
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Jun 4, 2010
I have a detailsview that contains a radio button list, and a couple of check boxes. I want to run some code when the radiobuttonlist selection is changed, or when the checkboxes are checked or unchecked. how I can do that even though the controls are nested inside another control?
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Apr 28, 2010
Could someone please point me to a tutorial that explains how to add new records in the ListViews EmptyDataTemplate
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Jul 19, 2010
my nested Grid Rowupdating Event is not fired., so i want to declare event in code., how can i do this/
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Oct 1, 2010
I have a Parent gridview with a nested gridview. Edit on the parent works fine. On the nested child gridview, when I click the edit button, the line goes into edit mode, but the parent row collapses. To correct I added javascript to call the javascript function that is used to expand and collapse the rows. It is located in the RowDataBound event of the parent gridview.
Based on the code samples I have, the way the process should work when the edit button is clicked is the RowCommand and then the RowEditing events for the child gridview are supposed to fire, followed by the RowDataBound for the parent. The child events are firing after the parent though. This wouldn't be a problem except that I am retrieving the parent line that holds the child record being edited so that value can be fed to the javascript function to expand the row. How can I fix this or work around it?
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Jan 27, 2011
I have parent gridview5 and nested child gridview6 within it. The page is working as expected and formatted as i need it now.. I added a select button to the child gridview6 and when i click on it i get an error: {"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."}
I found examples of using the find control, but within the parent gridview.. and i use that fine with other controls.. but cant figure out the right combination of finding the selected row for the nested gridview so that i can display a modalpopup.
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Jan 21, 2011
I want to display 2 levels of listview, where outer listview has a datapager with 1 inner listview per page. The code is:
Then I bound outer listview with data in page_load(), which will invoke ExerciseBound(). It work fine for 1st page. The code is:
When I click on 2nd page, it will invoke ChangeExercise(). The code is:
Suppose it will invoke ExerciseBound() again and display 2nd listviewitem, but it fails to invoke ExerciseBound(). I change ChangeExercise() to
But PagePropertiesChangingEventArgs does not contain ListViewDataItem. Any thought? Is there a way to save ListViewDataItem in ExerciseBound() so that it can be accessed in ChangeExercise()? Or is there other way to access ListViewDataItem from ListView class directly?
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Mar 23, 2010
I have around 5 SQL queries that are returning datasets to my VB.NET application, the queries could be any number not just 5. I have a listview already on the page and all the queries will return the same exact data types (just different numbers). How can I create a listview in the code behind for each one? Or what would be my other options to load up all the results
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Jul 28, 2010
i have two nested gridview inside an update panel. there is a button called btnPhoneEdit inside the child grid view. when the button gets clicked, it do cause partial post back as expected but it fails to invoke btnPhoneEdit_Click.
here is how my grid view looks like and how i add my custom data source to both parent and child grid view.
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Apr 28, 2010
I have a nested GridView with id grd_inner. i have to find a linkbutton in template field of grd_inner and add some attributes to it. but its giving me error.
This code is giving me error that
grd_inner doesnot exists in the current context.
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Dec 4, 2013
I have a Master/Slave GrisViews or some say Parent/Child GridViews.
i want to set my button visible=false in the child gridview if data is not exist.
i try this:
Protected Sub gv_child_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs)
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
e.Row.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "'#FFC080';")
e.Row.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "'';")
Dim lblitemid As Label = CType(e.Row.Cells(1).Controls(1), Label)
Dim lblphoto As Label = CType(e.Row.Cells(11).Controls(1), Label)
but it does not working. the button is still there.
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Aug 2, 2013
I created nested gridview refereing asp.snippets.. Its working fine now requirement is to add Checkbox within child grid.. i added childgrid by
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Approve">
How to find child grid check box control
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Jun 17, 2010
Is there a better, cleaner way to do this in ASP.NET 2.0?
An ASP.NET 2.0 page displays a datalist of records. Each record can have many dates, so the dates are in a nested gridview (I chose a gridview over a datalist here because we want to be able to delete a date and this is easier done in a gridview). The parent record can never be deleted.
The display works fine: the nested gridview gets its datasource during the parent datalist's OnItemDataBound event.
The problem: the nested gridview's delete function. The date gets deleted without a problem (handled in the OnRowDeleting event), but somehow the redisplay is untying all the other nested gridviews from their datasources. The delete does not appear to cause a page postback, so I don't know how the other nested gridviews are losing their datasources.
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Aug 14, 2010
The postback occurs, but the event doesn't fire.
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