Forms Data Controls :: Keep Focus On Textbox After Postback?
May 11, 2010
I have created a async search of a gridview, where the displayed data only shows items that match whatever is typed into the text box. After i type the search the grid refreshes the results, but the focus goes away from the textbox itself, which gets really annoying. is there any way to keep the focus on it?
I have a search page with 3 TextBoxes that users can filter a search with.
I have put the focus on the TextBox that contains text. If more than one contains text just focus on last TextBox.
After the code runs and a user searches, the focus comes to the beginning of the TextBox, not the end where it would be presumed. How to put insert marked at the end of that TextBox?
I have a simple page where I want to filter a ListBox based upon a value(s) in a textbox - both are in an UpdatePanel.This works correctly, however, after the postback the textbox had lost I set focus back in the page_load.Then I noticed that the cursor was now at the beginning of the text when I want it at the end so the user can carry on typing, so I added an onfocus(...) attribute to the textbox to set the value back to itself (see code below).This works the first two times, but then it stops setting focus to the textbox?
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ListTest.aspx.cs" Inherits="SalesForceTest.ListTest" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head runat="server"> [code]...
I've got a simple ASP.Net form with txtBox and btn.
User click btn, which adds text to an ASP:TextBox in a postback (its adding a known "starter text".
After the postback I'd like the focus to be set to the end of the text in the textbox.
If I call Page.SetFocus(...) or txtBox.Focus() then the txtBox gets focus, but at the beginning of the text - which means if the user starts typing, they'll be in the wrong place.
would like it to be
I've tried the following in the textbox:
onfocus="alert('focus');this.value = this.value;"
but the "alert" only appears the first two times? Then nothing?
I need to databind the gridview inside the Ajax UpdatePanel each time user types letter inside my TextBox control. How to override the TextChange event to force it do postback for me?
<script type="text/javascript"> function ace1_itemSelected(sender, e) { var hdCustID = $get('<%= hdCustID.ClientID %>'); hdCustID.value = e.get_value(); </script> [code]...
I have a text box in a gridview that is causing some problems with user input. The first time the user opens the page the gridview is populated with zero's in all rows textboxes. I set the focus to the first textbox in the Page_Load event but the cursor is placed to the left of the zero and when some users enter data they don't realize the zero doesn't go away so the first row ends up wrong. Once the tab or enter key is hit and the next row is selected, the zero is "selected", for lack of a better term like when the insert key is predded, and once the user starts typing only the new value remains. Is there a way to make the zero in the first row "selected" ?
Each textbox has a TextChange() event wired up for data validation.
These events fire just fine, the data validation works just fine.
My issue is this: User enters text into TextBox1 one then tabs into TextBox2. The cursor appears for a split second inside of TextBox2 then disappears as focus is being set somewhere else on the page. I'm not sure how that change of focus is happening.
In this scenario, after tabbing out of TextBox1, how can I maintain focus on TextBox2 (and then subsequently TextBox3, TextBox4,etc..)
I have a gridview with edit button. I want to set focus on a textbox in a row when clicking "Edit" button. (it is a label before clicking edit, it become a textbox after clicking edit). However, i can't set it focus in Rowdatabound. By the way, I make a simple .aspx page and just put a textbox on the tabcontainer tab panel. I found that i totally cannot set focus on this text box.
Here is aspx page with a text box, the .aspx page code is below:
function calc(row) { var grdID=document.getElementById('<%=grid1.ClientId%>'); var Rate; var excise; var Tax;
[Code] ....
I have a javascript for amout calculation and validation for grid controlsi have called this function on grid rowdataboundfor few gridtext controls i have set onblur event & for few i have onchnage event the problem is for few grid textbox where i have validated i get the mesaage even before the control get focusi want the alert message only when that particular control has lost focus not other wise.
Actually i have Textbox in Repeater, while entering value to the textbox and comes out from the textbox, the data which entered in textbox should stored in database.
I have a grid view that is dynamically created.In which every cell in the girdview has a 2 textbox (cTxtboxQty,ctxtWorkOrder) and 2 label.
When user click on the cell, a pop up come out and user are able to change the text inside the cell and click save.After that the pop up close and changed data immediately reflected on the screen.
My problem is:
After my data are changed and updated to database on the pop up page and having it post back to the parent page , my dynamically created textbox in gridview retain old value even new value has been assigned to it.
This sound very weird but i have no idea how to solve this.
My client side code is as below :
I have tested many times and find out that it might be the page hold the old value in memory, so that even we have updated the textbox value, after postback, it still keep and show the old value?
i am designing a page that has dateofbith as a textbox.
i want to display a calender control which is placed in div tag. by default it is div style as display:None
i want change this property to display:block when DateOfBirth textbox got focused but it is server side control so please help me how to display that div when i got focussed .
I add this code but textbox value show in empty in database .. On Button Click the GridView TextBox loose all data ..
public partial class keyexam2 : System.Web.UI.Page { //SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=D:shubhangijayonlinepaperApp_DataQUIZ.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //DataRow row = dt.NewRow();