Forms Data Controls :: Marge Two Columns Of Data Grid?

Feb 4, 2010


I want to merge these columns DescriptionHedding, Description and header text is Deacription

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Create An ASP Grid With Dynamic Columns With An Ability To Freeze Columns And Rows

Sep 20, 2010

I created a gridview that is made up of 4 gridviews and using a stored procedure to populate it. I create columns at runtime because the number of columns changes all the time.To make the grids editable I am adding template fields at runtime as I create the columns, this is to ensure that a user is able to edit the cells and some foot values update. Reason why I have four grids is to freeze rows and columns like in excel using javascript. The problem is that performance is very bad especially in IE, the grids take a long time to load. I am not sure if this is caused by the data load or the creation of text boxes. see some of the code below for my _aspx page:


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Forms Data Controls :: Lines Between The Columns In A Grid?

Jan 23, 2011

in the gridview, i want the small lines to separate the columns.

I used row style property but it doesn't work.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get The Names Of All The Columns In The Grid View

Jun 21, 2010

tried to use gridview.columns.count to see if there are any columns bt it shows zero, second how shall i et the names of columns in the gried view at runtime i need them to be stored in an string array

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Columns ItemTamples In Grid?

Nov 13, 2010

I have created Grid where in Columnsname come from Database and it will be generated from a setup page where Icreate column in SQL dynamically.

Now I wanted to have an idea about these grid. How to fetch data in this grid and how toinsert data into database.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind Grid View Columns Dynamically

Feb 9, 2010

I am developing an application using ASP.NET with my application i have a gridview control and radobutton list having the values as Manufacturer and Distributor. based on the radiobutton selected value,the gridview will bindedup.

i am using SQL SERVER 2005 as backend server. in my database i have one table with columns as







My gridview has 3 columns as Opendate,closedate,awarddate.

if user select the radiobutton as manufacturer,only mfropendate,mfrclosedate,mfrawarddate have to bind. and if user select the distributor the remaining 3 fields will have to bind. for that i had write a storedproc as create procedure sp_GetDraftBids as begin select mfropendate as opendate,mfrclosedate as closedate,mfrawarddate as awarddate, distopendate as opendate,distclosedate closedate,distawarddate awarddate from draftbids end GO

i.e i had taken the alias names for that fields so that i will bind the only 3 columns to grid view as opendate,closedate,awarddate.

My gridview code is


here i had taken the same alias names as i have to bind only 3 columns to gridview.when i run my application i am getting the records in data table with column names as opendate,closedate,awarddate,opendate1,closedate1,awarddate1.i.e it does not allow the same alias name.

for two radio button conditions i.e for manufacturer and distributor the gridview binded with opendate,closedate and awarddate columns as i had binded the gridview boundfields withat names.

but when user select the distributor radiobutton i have to bind the opendate1,closedate1 and awarddate1 to the gridview. for that should i can i change the storedproc are any other solution is there?

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Forms Data Controls :: Resize The Width Of Columns Of Grid View?

Apr 14, 2010

How to resize the width of columns of grid view? I want a column 250px wide.How I can do this?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Access To Grid View Columns Properties

Jun 25, 2010

I have search for a long long time and could not find a solution to access to grid view's column properties. I have binded a grid view through this method, the bindGridView function will return a table with columns and rows.

The problem here is I cound not access to columns properties such as Grid_View.Columns.Count or Grid_View.Columns[0]."something". It seems like the grid_view does not have any column. But I can access to the Rows properties.

I have put this code within a (!IsPostBack) and set the AutoGenerateColumns to true?

I need to access to columns badly as I need t add additional column to the binded grid view.


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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Totals For Columns In A Grid View?

Jul 13, 2010

I have developed my application using ASP.NET with Visual Basic. I have a table that contains 3 fields. The name of the table is "Customer" and the names of the fields are "Name", "Address", and "Amount". I have a gridview that displays these three columns. I want to summarize the value in the "Amount" column for each record and display the summarize value in the footer of the "Amount" column.

I added some code to the "ItemTemplate" and "FooterTemplate" of the template for the "Amount" field and wrote two functions One function adds the value of the "Amount" field to a variable called "TotalAmount" and the second function 'gets' the value stored in the "TotalAmount" variable.

I am not getting any error messages and all of the items are displayed in the gridview but I am not displaying anything at the bottom of the "Amount" column. What more do I need to do?

This is my code for the "Amount" template:

Text='<%# Bind("Amount") %>'></asp:TextBox>
Text='<%# Bind("Amount", "{0:c}") %>'>
<%#SumAmount(Eval("Amount")) %></asp:Label>
<%#GetTotalAmount() %></FooterTemplate>
This is the code in my .vp file
Dim TotalAmount as decimal 0.0
Function SumAmount(ByVal Amount
TotalAmount = TotalAmount + TotalAmount
Function GetTotalAmount()
Return TotalAmount

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Craete Dynamic Columns In Grid View

Jan 28, 2011

I am working on the dynamic grid view(create dynamic columns).I need some thing like that given bellow in the fig:

columns1,2,3 are dynamic and the modules under the columns are also dynamic. to create grid like that.


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Forms Data Controls :: Aligning Columns Of Two Separate Grid Views?

Jun 10, 2010

I am using two Grid Views to display data. One (headersGV) is used to show custom headers which change depending on the device type in the second table (dataGV).

The second displays device data and is bound to db tables. This table has a sort mechanism enabled, the functionality of which is in the header cell of the table, hence the need for the headerGV for column headers.

I need to align these two seperate tables so that the headers align with the data columns in the other table. The dataGV columns dynamically resize depending on the data displayed.

I have tried inline styles, css bound to both tables at different levels of priority, onbind methods, and overriding DataBind() method.

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Forms Data Controls :: Webform Grid Control With Varying Columns

Oct 7, 2010

I am trying to create a recipe system that will pull material amounts from an already built inventory database upon request for testing purposes of the different recipe runs. What is throwing me for a loop is that each time a user will request a recipe comparison they will have a different number of recipe trial runs for comparison purposes. In order to do this I'm guessing you will need to generate a gridview-like control with a dynamic number of columns which would be specified on a web form page prior to arriving at the recipe formulation page which will contain the control for the recipe formulation. As a result the user will have different columns and rows on this formulation page, with the rows being a static number of 30 (30 being maximum amount of ingredients to include in each recipe). The columns will contain the recipes to be compared, i.e. ProductRun1, ProductRun2, ProductRun3, where the number of ProductRunX will be determined by user input. So the user when they come to this aspx page will be presented with a blank editable grid of X columns by 30 rows deep. The left-most column will contain the ingredient names in a drop down box for users to select to input into their recipe and the rest of the columns will be editable fields where the user can type in the amount of each material to be used. The setup will look roughly like this:

| ProductRun1 | ProductRun2 | ProductRun3 |
ProductRun4 | ... |


Material1 | Material1_Amt | Material1_Amt | Material1_Amt | Material1_Amt | ...|


Material2 | Material2_Amt | Material2_Amt | Material2_Amt | Material2_Amt | ...|


Material3 | Material3_Amt | Material3_Amt | Material3_Amt | Material3_Amt | ...|




Material30 | Material30_Amt | Material30_Amt | Material30_Amt | Material30_Amt | ...|


So my question is how would I go about tackling something like this and what controls would I use. All of the forum posts around the internet show the GridView control being tied to data in a database already and not having the ability to have a fully blank and editable table upon the page loading so that it can accept user input. Another wrench into the situation is that the column numbers can vary. What control would be used in this situation or would it be better to use just a repeater of textboxes to build this type of control? Another thing is once the control is built how can you pull the data from such a control with the intentions of entering it inside a sql server database?

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Forms Data Controls :: Place Column After Autogenerated Columns In Grid?

Jan 23, 2010

I have a grid with one itemtemplate field with autogenerated columns=true.I want to show the itemtemplate filed after autogenerated columns .

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Created Rows And Columns Of Grid View?

Jun 2, 2010

Need row editing on page_load for all the cells and need to validate each cell entry. Means cell1 one entery isvalid it fills thrid cell and insert or update to a table in the database. How do i handle on tab clicking to update in databse.

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Forms Data Controls :: Comparing Two Columns In A Grid View To Avoid Duplication?

Aug 6, 2010

I have a condition to check weekdays with a particular time corresponding

to that day that were added to a grid view using a drop down list and two text boxes.

The drop down list has weekdays and textboxes has from and to time.

I have to verify a condition to avoid duplication of same day with same time should not occur in the table twice.

(i have used time picker jquery to get time.)

how should i write the condition in sql and use that in C#

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Forms Data Controls :: Template Columns Disappear At Postback When Add At Runtime In Grid?

Jan 13, 2010

I m trying to add template columns at run time. but it get lost on post back ,

I have to add columns on postback ,what approch should i use that the columns should not diappear at postback

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting Visibility Of TemplateField Columns In Grid View?

Oct 27, 2010

i have a grid view with all columns as TemplateFields( No BoundField). Based on certain condition i have to set Visibility of few columns false. Suppose when there is no column 'CaseList2' in the DataTable, then the second column of the grid (whose column index is 1 )should be invisible. But when the Gridview binds it gives error DataBinding: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name 'CaseList2'

i googled it and found that

GridView1.Columns[1].Visible = false;

should work. But its not working actualy.





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Forms Data Controls :: Grid Level Horizontal Scrolling (left To Right) - Freezing First Two Columns?

Jan 17, 2011

A gridview is having 96 fields/columns retrieving data from an xml file.I need to gridlevel horizontal scrolling from 3 rd column keeping first two columns freeze .While scrolling horizontally (e.g. left to right), The column header have to move horizontally. Kindly guide me for the same. I got the scrollbars but now my issue is how to freeze first two columns of a gridview(for comparing values in one column with other column values)

<div style="overflow:scroll"></div>


Keeping Heading and Title column freeze and doing gridlevel horizontal scrolling for the rest.

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Forms Data Controls :: Grid Is Being Filled To Check A Fields Value And Set Anothers Columns Value Depending On The Vale?

Jun 28, 2010

Im developing an ASP Web application and have a Gridview which I have set as follows:-


At this point alls good.

I have a field in the selected table that returns an integer which relates to a Table on a Seperate Database.

Is it possible, when the grid is being filled to check a fields value and set anothers columns value depending on the vale?

ie First Row Column 1 value is 1 so set Column 2 to "Sunny"

Second Row Column 1 value is 2 so set Column 2 to "Cloudy"

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Forms Data Controls :: Best Way To Auto-format Auto-generated Grid Columns?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a "database explorer" page that is desgined to be pointed to an unknown database and allow users to browse the data, so it basically uses the SQL system tables to develop its queries and pull in data to tables using auto-generate columns.The problem that I have is that I would like certain types of columns to have certain formats and I'm wondering the best way to go about it. I could format the column in code in the RowDataBound event I assume, but I'm wondering if there some better standard way to do this? Is there a setting of any kind that I can use? For example I want all of the datetime fields to be formated for short date, like {0:d}, I want decimal fields to have 4 decimal places, etc.

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Forms Data Controls :: Trying To Generate A Grid View From Database, In One Of My Database Columns The Values Are 'y' And 'N'?

Jan 8, 2010

I am trying to generate a Grid view from database, in one of my database columns the values are 'y' and 'N'. and i need to show this values in a check box .I tried to keep a check box in item template and tried to bind it, but could get much success.


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Forms Data Controls :: Nested Grid Dynamically Fill When Parent Grid Button Click Then Expand Child Grid

Jan 16, 2011

i have one grid and one button when i click on that button then it expand and showing another grid under the row of parent grid how to do that.

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Data Controls :: Select One Checkbox From Multiple Checkbox Columns Of Grid (mutually Exclusive)

Aug 12, 2013

I have 5 checkbox columns in my grid .. like

Id      Chk1   Chk2    Chk3   Chk4  Chk5

I want select only one checkbox among 5 checkboxes if user selects one checkbox another which are checked are need to uncheck. How can i do this in client side .....

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MVC :: Html Helper Data Grid - Sorting Columns Using Post?

Jul 22, 2010

I've been asked to take over a project that's filled with a bunch of bugs. It's currently using MVC 1.0 and there's a view with Html Helper Data Grid that uses a DataGridHelper class. I'm not that familiar with all of MVC yet, and I was wondering if it is possible to have the sorting of the columns be a POST event rather than a GET.

Currently when a user clicks a column to sort, the controller for the view calls the GET action method. This I guess is all fine and good, but the problem is that this view has a search form (which is a model in it's own right) with some text boxes and some drop down lists. When the GET action method is called, I lose all of the information in the search criteria. So when ever someone searches for something, but then wants to sort the results, it requries the db for all records (because all of the search criteria is cleared).

I guess there could be two solutions:

1) Is there a way to access the items in the search form / model in the GET portion of the action method? I've tried using ViewData or adding a parameter for the search form model, but (and maybe I'm doing it wrong) both return null.

2) Is there a way to make the sorting event of a column call the POST portion of the action method? That way I'll have the search form / model information and be able to sort the search result content instead of query for all records.

Also, there is a stored procedure that currently can handel all of possible search parameters. So, no matter what sort column is selected, or search parameters are entered, it can properly setup the sql query.

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Forms Data Controls :: In Page User Able To Select Gridview Columns And It Will Hide Remaining Columns

Mar 18, 2010

in page user able to select gridview Columns, and it will hide remaining columns and that selection done by check box with column list bellow is Image link , what exactly I am looking for [URL] it look bellow after selection of column done [URL]

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