what i need is i need to show this url has like this
www.xxxxxx.com/A/Default.aspx is like Test1 www.xxxxxx.com/B/Default.aspx is like Test2 www.zzzzz.com/C/Default.aspx is like Test3 if user click Test1 it will open a new browser window with www.xxxxxx.com/A/Default.aspx if user click Test3 it will open a new browser window with www.zzzzz.com/C/Default.aspx
I have a file structure setup by project number on my local drive. I have a database with the projectnumber, projectname, client, etc. I set up grid view to display the projectname, projectnumber and client. I need the projectname to be a hyperlink and once its clicked it should open the project folder on the local dirve. i need some code to bind my projectnumber to a hyprelink string of some nature that looks like F:/Projects/{ProjectNuber}
I have a hyperlink being returned as a template field in a gridview, it all works except that I would like the link to open in a new window.See code...
So I am using a simple GridView control to display a table containing Sender_ID, Subject(hyperlink), date . When the user clicks on the subject hyperlink, another page with the Body should open. This page should also contain a Back button for navigation.
Here I trying to open a folder location through my save path in database. I binded a gridview with a hyper link as a template column. In hyperlink's Navigationurl proprty I write this
NavigateUrl = '<%Eval("ProjectPath") %>'
It's working fine with path which doesn't have spaces like D:/Myprojects/Project1. But if this path wud like be D:/Myprojects/Project 1, it doesn't work. how to come over this.
I have a gridview on Contacts.aspx. From this page, I want an "Add New Contact" ImageButton to open the Formview in the ContactDetails.aspx page in Insert mode....
In code below, when I have more than one DIV open and I choose to sort one of the GridViews, all the other Open Div's will close automatically. How can i keep the DIV's in the state they are in when I sort any GridView?
I have a GridView with several columns. One of my columns is a TemplateField containing a HyperLink.
I want that hyperlink "clicked" if the user clicks anywhere in the respective row. If the user clicks in Column2 of Row1, I want the page to behave as if the user clicked on the link in Column1 of Row1.
I have gridview that lists a column of hyperlinked names. A procedure is passed to get the data for the gridview. I am also pulling an ID to use once the name is clicked. Once clicked the ID is used in another procedure to populate a formview. I am having a problem getting the ID to be associated to each hyperlink name in the column and figuring out how I am going to grab the ID from the asp:hyperlinkfield and then assigning it a variable to use elsewhere. Right now I trying to create a datarow with a new attribute.
I have created a Gridview and as part of the GridView I have created an ItemTemplate which has a HyperLink field. I would like the user to possibly select a different hyperlink for each row in the Grid. I have tried using the FileUpload Control and getting the Posted.FileName property and setting this but to no avail.