what i need is i need to show this url has like this
www.xxxxxx.com/A/Default.aspx is like Test1
www.xxxxxx.com/B/Default.aspx is like Test2
www.zzzzz.com/C/Default.aspx is like Test3
if user click Test1 it will open a new browser window with www.xxxxxx.com/A/Default.aspx
if user click Test3 it will open a new browser window with www.zzzzz.com/C/Default.aspx
I have a hyperlink being returned as a template field in a gridview, it all works except that I would like the link to open in a new window.See code...
i have gridview and im displaying the employement history of employee.and im providing a hyperlink in empid to open employee page with update mode ..so that user can update the record.i have an issue here.only if the employeeresigned = "N" empid should be hyperlink, if its "Y" it should not be a hyperlink.
I'm using a GridView hooked up to an AccessDataSource holding details of books. The GridView has a CommandField which I want to act as a link to another page (called "showBook.aspx"). This page will have a DetailsView which I want to use to show the details of the selected book. I want this page to open in a new window.
I have a list of links displayed in a gridview that, when clicked, open in a new window. I used OnClientClick = "form1.target = '_blank';" to achieve this. I also need to let the users delete links. Problem is, when I click the delete button it calls the OnClientClick event even though it isn't in the delete tag. This only happens if I click delete after I have clicked on a link. The result is that the link I am trying to delete opens up in a new window and is not deleted.
I'm exporting the GridView to Excel. It works fine and I receive a prompt to Save/Open/Cancel the file although I need the file to be saved automatically in the provided (passed to the Export function) location and opened in the same browser window where the Gridview was.
I have a gridview with a column for tracking numbers. I would like for the user to be able to click the tracking number in that column and it open another browser window to the site with the tracking information. I have tried Hyperllinkfield and I cannot get it to open the website.
I have a file structure setup by project number on my local drive. I have a database with the projectnumber, projectname, client, etc. I set up grid view to display the projectname, projectnumber and client. I need the projectname to be a hyperlink and once its clicked it should open the project folder on the local dirve. i need some code to bind my projectnumber to a hyprelink string of some nature that looks like F:/Projects/{ProjectNuber}
[URL]... It works but when I try to create hyperlink in the gridview, it's failed. How to create hyperlink in the gridview using this tutorial so i can see details, example the Contact Name has a hyperlink..
I'm wondering if there is a built in way to take a GridView select buttons and have them open an IE window or tab and link a FormView Control to that link.
Basically a Master-Details type of view, but in a new window instead of the same window.
How to make hyperlink field or buttonfield pop up a window and redirect to a new page at the same time? so far it can only redirect to a new page, but target is also to pop up a child window when try protected void Cheque_GridView_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) can not find a way to add attribute to button to use javascript to pop up a child window <asp:HyperLinkField Text="Select" DataNavigateUrlFields="BatchNo, BankCode, ChequeDate2, IssueDate2, CompanyCode, VoucherBatchNo, VoucherNo, ChequeID, ChequeNo, PaymentType, DespatchType, DespatchDate2, Curr_Code, Amount" datanavigateurlformatstring="~/Edit_Batch/AddCheque.aspx?BatchNo={0}&BankCode={1}&ChequeDate={2}&IssueDate={3}&companycode={4}&VoucherBatchNo={5}&VoucherNo={6}&ChequeID={7}&ChequeNo={8}&PaymentType={9}&DespatchType={10}&DespatchDate2={11}&Curr_Code={12}&Amount={13}" />
I want make one of the field in my data grid in hyperlink after I retrieve the records from the database. I have EmpId and EmpName in the gridview but I want to make the EmpName field in hyperlink so that when I click a name, I can redirect at a page based on the data of that field. How can I suppose to do it??.
I have the following hyperlink code that opens a new browser window to display a page. The page (browser) opens not full size (maybe something like 500x500). How can I modify this code to make the new browser window open full-size?