Forms Data Controls :: Thumbnail Viewer/Resizer

Apr 19, 2010

I have a large image....lots of them actually, I need to have shown as thumbnails while still allowing for full size viewing. I was planning on using: to handle this for me, but I need something that also allows you to click on the image to view the original full size version in a jQuery style popup.

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Onclick Event - No Popup On Thumbnail

Jan 23, 2010

For an image gallery page I am trying to bind data to an image control. Here is the control within the listview control:


Radopen is a function from [URL] and works fine. I can also display thumbnail images fine too. However, when I click on a thumbnail I get no popup, nothing. When I replace
It works too. For some reason I cant bind data though.

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Forms Data Controls :: Trying To Make A Gridview Column A Thumbnail

Jan 22, 2010

I can get the file(image) to display, but it displays at a size that is too large for my use. Basically, right now, I'm pointing the ImageField to the first field in the grid that contains the url of the image. I could require the user to create a smaller image of the file but that seems a little excessive. Is there any way to control the size of the column displaying the image? Here is the html, we are using LINQ to get the data that is displayed in the grid.


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Forms Data Controls :: If No Image Then Display A Default Thumbnail?

Apr 9, 2010

I've got:

<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink2" runat="server" NavigateUrl='<%# "PropertyDetails.aspx?propertyId=" & Eval("propertyId").tostring %>'><asp:Literal ID="Image1" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("imageId", "<img src=""images/properties/{0}_thumb") %>' /><asp:Literal ID="Image2" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("imageFormat", "{0}"" alt="""">") %>' /></asp:hyperlink>

which displays an image from my db.

However, if there is not an image - e.g. if my property record doesn't have any images associated with it, I would like to display a default thumbnail.

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Forms Data Controls :: Thumbnail Images Showing As ListView?

Jan 28, 2011

I want to make a website which showing thumbnail images be taken from local folder,say,'thumbnails' inside the root folder like listview items.Below each thumbnails,the name of the file would be displayed with check boxes for selecting any thumbnail images.Clicking on any thumbnails will redirect to another page where the thumbnails and the original image(with the same name in some other local folder say 'Original') would be displayed.

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AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender With Thumbnail / Thumbnail Can Not See The Full Size Image?

May 21, 2010

I have a ModalPopupExtender control inside accordin control, users can add images, that I sotre the path in database(sql server) and the actual image in physical address inside web server,I automatically resize the image to thumbnail size in C#, when users first connect to the site,the see the thubmnail version of the image,which is much faster to download,and by clicking the thubnail, the hidden asp:pnael is shown with imzge in full size, I use javascript to unhide the panel and also change the image source to actual image,everything works fine in IE, but in Firefox and Chrome, the first time user clicks on thumbnail can not see the full size image,only after couple of time, they see the full size image? what could be the problem?

I am using ,C# what is the best way to achieve this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying A Default Image In Gridview If Thumbnail Cannot Be Located

Nov 21, 2010

I have a gridview which displays thumbnails in the first column and details in the other columns. The thumbnail URL is being retrieved using the following:


However, if the thumbnail cannot be located, a white box with a cross appears instead (as expected).

To handle this better, I would like to display a different image if the thumbnail cannot be located for any reason, for example an image saying "Image Cannot Be Displayed". But I am unsure of how to do this, of even where to do this. Essentially I need to assess the value that the datagrid is using for the particular URL when it is databound. But can I put VB.NET code in this?

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Forms Data Controls :: RDLC And Report Viewer?

Jan 12, 2010

I have been trying everything (albiet I am a novice, but I am out of tricks) to get the Report Viewer to simply accept a couple paramters.What I have is a dropdown list, bound to an object datasource from my BLL (Areas)Then I have a report viewer. It is bound to an object datasource from my BLL (FDWelds)The second object datasource is bound to the control, dropdownlist.

In the Method FDWelds objectdatasource has a parameter @Area_AreaID, and the RDLC report has a parameter called @Area_AreaID. If I set the default in the RDLC, I can display a textbox in the report showing the default parameter, but a. It doesn't actually filter the report and b. No matter what I change in the drop down box, I can never change the parameter.I have looked online, and see lots of coding to make this work, but is there just not a simple way to bind these?If you can show me a link to where to code works with a .BLL I would be so grateful ...

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Forms Data Controls :: Report Viewer Html Tag?

Mar 8, 2010

I have a questions about this component Is possible to html tags in the text of the report viewer and same decode it ?For example have this tag from database to a text field in the report viewer <b> this is a Test</b>

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Forms Data Controls :: Use The RDLC/Report Viewer In Web Application?

Feb 9, 2010

I use the RDLC/Report Viewer in my web application. Customers would like me to bypass the report viewer and go directly to PDF. Does anyone have an example of how I can do this.

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Forms Data Controls :: Insert Image In Report Viewer With Gridview?

Oct 18, 2010

i am facing a difficult task, how to insert image to report viewer in excel file as the image below?

i only have 2 days to finish this part. i am using microsoft visual studio 2005 the image is save in the server. how to display the image in excel file which i export it through the report viewer. the image max fize size is 5MB.

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Forms Data Controls :: MS Report Viewer Displays Different Sorting With Query Result?

Feb 11, 2010

Microsoft report viewer showing different sorting with query result. My rdlc report has 2 groups [2steps] .Query Result>>

col1 col2 ......
5 aa
5 bb
4 bb
4 cc

MS Viewe displays
4 bb
5 bb

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Web Forms :: How To Generate A PDF Or DOC From Report Viewer But Not Using Export Function In Report Viewer

Jun 16, 2010


That's my C# code but i the "ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Render("PDF", null, out mimeType, out encoding, out filenameExtension, out streamids, out warnings);" came in error everytime i try to generate the report. Can you show me the way so i can view the pdf from the browser or save the pdf from the browser?

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Forms Data Controls :: Report Viewer Refresh / Anyway To Call The Refresh Method From Codebehind?

Mar 3, 2010

I have a problem when I try to pass in paramaters for a report in my report viewer. I have set up the ObjectDataSource and set the paramaters for 3 text boxes that are on the page. The only way I have found to set the paramaters for the report is the user must fill in the paramaters and hit the refresh button on the Report Viewer toolbar ,but I would like to have the user click a button insted. Is there anyway to call the refresh method from codebehind?

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Data Controls :: Display Image Thumbnail From Database In GridView And Display Enlarged Popup

May 7, 2015

After saving image in db how can we retrieve it in gridview like thumbnail size image and by clicking on image in gridview its open as preview. How can we do this in using c#.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Adding Data Source To Table In Report Viewer

May 25, 2012

I need to export a pdf using Report viewer.I have not to use .xsd(dataset). Instead i have to use the normal stored procedure and i can use data set and get the table.I need to assign the data table to the table in the report viewer in VS 2010.

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Web Forms :: Generating Thumbnail On The Fly?

Dec 22, 2010

I know that this issue has been raised on so many occasion and I am stuck with two options, one being to create a thumbnail folder whenever a picture is uploaded to the server, here I am using a folder with so many subfolder, upon saving on the server folder, I pass in the subfolder name and the file name, to retrieve the image i need the two parameters but also the resize sizes and as such this measure is almost abosulte.

the other way is to resize on the fly when the user is requesting the picture, this is where I have been stuck on and need some guidance. and here is the code


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Web Forms :: Get Thumbnail From Video File

Jan 7, 2010

i need to get thumbnail from video files using C#.

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Web Forms :: Image Thumbnail Does Not Display

Mar 4, 2011

I have an Image control on my page that should display a thumbnail preview of the actual image. The URL property of this control is assigned through the code-behind using:

imgHolder.URL = @table.Row[0].ItemArray[0].ToString();

Before moving my files to another location, this assignment works fine (The files used to be located inside the application folder). But after moving all files to another drive in the same server, the images don't seem to render any longer. I can upload/download files fine but they just won't display as thumbnails on the page.

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Web Forms :: HTML To Image Thumbnail?

Apr 16, 2010

Does anyone know a free way of doing this in

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Web Forms :: Can Implement Thumbnail Like Facebook

Aug 25, 2010

how i can implement thumbnail like facebook?

chose a part of image and show it in profile?

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Web Forms :: How To Generate A Thumbnail Using Webbrowser

Aug 4, 2010

How can i generate a thumbnail in using webbrowser?

We are using website thumbnails/screenshots as an asset like MarketingAssetExchange.

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Web Forms :: Thumbnail Created With Samename?

Aug 2, 2010

i am uploading images in database and creating thumbnails too. but thumbnails has been storing as same name, i cant understand where is the problem, May you pls help me about this, my thumbnail creation code is

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


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Web Forms :: Click Thumbnail To Enlarge?

Oct 27, 2010

I've got a series of thumbnail images in a GridView control as well as a Template field for a larger version of the image when the thumbnail is clicked.I'd like to be able to click a thumbnail and update the larger image in the gridview with the appropriate new image.What would be the best (easiest for a newb!) way to do this?I'd like to avoid a whole page refresh and keep it to just the image.

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Web Forms :: How To Capture Thumbnail From FLV Video

Sep 15, 2012

I am creating a website similar to youtube, so after uploading videos (that will be in .flv format), a thumbnail has to be captured from that corresponding video.. here i am designing my page using & c#...

I have got  some code from the net, but its working only videos of size 2-3Mb.... how to get my code to work my code for large sized files..

here's my code..

my code in default page(default.aspx.cs)..
its in page load method....

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {

code of my class file(class1.cs)...

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;


I have got these code from [URL]...

I have two more links, which may be useful, but as a starter in .net, I am not that capable of understanding that code in the page...



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