Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Export Data To An Excel File In Grid Format
Sep 7, 2010
I'm exporting data to an excel sheet from the ojects list. The data is exporting to excel sheet well, but I'm unable to see the grid format for the data. The data is looking with out the rows and columns lines.I think I'm missing to set some property or somethnig ehwn exporting.
Iam using the VS 2008 Report Viewer Control in my project . Iam using the Sub reports in many cases. when ever i export such reports containing sub reports to Excel format which is the major client requirement in our project , the exported excel file shows 'Sub Reports within table / Matrix cells are ignored. If not possible in reporting service then is there any other way to get data in excel format?
I have a file pdf, in file pdf of me has a table with many columns. How to Fill data from file pdf to columns of file Excel?I want fill data from file table of file pdf to file excel following format of file pdf.
I need to export a gridview to excel and am having trouble with the layout. I found a number of good articles that explain the basic mechanics of the export. One simple approach that works is:
Response.Clear() Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=FileName.xls") Response.Charset = "" Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.xls" Dim stringWrite As New System.IO.StringWriter() Dim htmlWrite As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter = New HtmlTextWriter(stringWrite) grdExcelExport.RenderControl(htmlWrite) Response.Write(stringWrite.ToString()) Response.[End]()
My issue is that the gridview that appears on the screen with all of its added rows, hidden columns, and such does not show properly in Excel - the hidden columns from the header now show; there are missing data rows and so forth.
The RowDataBound event adds rows in the Header - these do not make it into Excel. The sql code does a GROUP BY WITH ROLLUP and the last total rows do not show in Excel, although the intermediate ones do. After my first DataBind of the table, I append 5 rows of special summary information which the RowDataBound processes correctly, but none of this goes to Excel.
So my wonderful Gridview on the screen becomes worthless in the transfer. How do I get my highly custom-formatted gridview into Excel??
I'm unable to Export GridView to Excel. giving Error at GridView1.RenderControl(htw); Error Details: "RegisterForEventValidation can only be called during Render()"
public override void VerifyRenderingInServerForm(System.Web.UI.Control control) { /* Verifies that the control is rendered */ } protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
I have one problem im exporting my data into excel in that i have one column,after exporting that data to excel now it is taking system date format instead of that i want date format like mm/dd/yyyy
I have code to export the grid to excel . i have taken it from [URL] now i want to save excel file directly without asking user to save it or open it at client side. i want to save it on server folder. how to do that .
I'm building a User Control that will allow a user to select input parameters, run a query and then view the results in a GridView control. That part is obviously very easy. However, I've been asked to also provide the option of viewing and/or printing the data in a PDF, Excel or CSV file format.
Are there any .Net 2.0, built-in classes that allow for exporting and printing data in these formats in Visual Studio 2005?
A couple of years ago, I worked on a website that offered this functionality in Crystal Reports, but on this particular assignment, we aren't currently using Crystal - I'm not at work right now, and I can't remember if we're running the "Standard" or "Enterprise" edition of Visual Studio.
I'm trying to export my data to an Excel file. Here's my code behind:
And here's the GridView control:
The problem I have is that when I exported into Excel, the texts in column two (which is the Lable1 in the Gridview) does not work when applying Wrap Text in MS Excel 2007. I believed that there is something in the btnExcel_Click method causes the texts to appear as ## all the time regardless if I format the cell to Wrap Text. If I copy the cell and pasted into another sheet or cell as "Paste Values" then the texts showed up and wrap text is working. What could I have changed on the code behind so that it appears as plain texts in Excel?
I need to export SQL query results to an Excel file.
I use the following code to do it.
Works fine for majority of the cases. There is a column called Description in the query results which is of type nText in the sql database. This can have lengthy data ( couple fo paragraphs) . When the number of charcters are large only the first portion of the data is showed and it trims the rare portion. how I can avoid this? Or any efficient code example on how I can do this in a different manner
I am reading data from Excel file using oledbdataadapter and binding to gridview.Every thing working fine.but if the cell is having some text along with bar sysmol ( | ) [Ex : 12345 | 789123] that cell data is not reading from excel file.All fileds in excel sheet is text format only.Some times it's reading correctly & some times it not reading(empty).Is there any problem with bar symbol ( | )
There was a string (1008901023816550000000) in the GridView somehow was saved as a scientific number (1.0089E+21) in Excel when I exported the GridView to Excel.I am using .Net 4.0.Here is what I tried, but they didn't solve the problem:
Added DataFormatString="{0:g}" to the BoundColumn tag. Set the style after the RenderControl was called. string style = @" .text { mso-number-format:@; } ";
I used this coding for export to excel, by using this coding i got only 65,536 rows only. How to bind more than 65,536 records or how to move the balace records to sheet 2 by using this method.
Protected Sub btnExportExcel_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Dim ars_stock As New DataTable ars_stock = cls.FillDataTable("select top 70000 * from spal..po_acc_details") Response.Clear() Response.Buffer = True
I have a web page with a gridview control and a button for Exporting to Excel
I get following error when exporting to Excel.
"The file you are trying to open, 'someFileName[1].xls, is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?"
Clicking Yes opens the file. I would like to avoid showing the above error to the users.
Following code is used from the click event. I've left the commented code here to show what I've tried based on results from internet search. I have Microsoft Office Excel 2007 on local PC.