Forms Data Controls :: Use Gridview Method "setPageIndex"

Jan 21, 2010

I have a search page with a GO button. The user enters his search term in a text box, then he clicks on GO, and a Gridview gets populated with database records that match. The problem is this. Suppose there are several pages of data, and the Gridview has page-numbers at the bottom and the user clicks on page 4. He views whatever is on page 4. Then he decides to do another search, this time for some other word. He clicks GO, and the gridview populates, but the page still is page 4 (though for the new data). When he does a new search, I want the gridview to be on page 1. I found a method for gridview called "setPageIndex", but the question is where to do that. Should I set the page index in the GO button code, or in the databound event of the Gridview, or somewhere else? I find that if there are no records, and I do a "setPageIndex", that the program crashes. I also find that it doesn't seem to do anything when I put it in the GO button code.

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Forms Data Controls :: Which Method To Be Used Here To Get The Value Of Attribute From Gridview

Feb 8, 2011

here i need to get the value of attribute STATUS which is string stored in database...i am able to retreive correct value from database..but i am not able to extract it from gridview.

here is my code


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Delete Method?

Jul 7, 2010

When you push Gridview delete button, I want to alarm "do you want to delete register" . I searched in the internet and I wrote the code like that.

<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkbtndelete"
CommandName="Delete" runat="server">

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Does Not Contain A Definition For C# Method?

Jul 10, 2010

I am trying to create an event with a gridView and a c# method. So far I am getting this error:

CS1061: 'ASP.contentpage9_aspx' does not contain a definition for 'ImageGridView_OnSelectedIndexChanged' and no extension method 'ImageGridView_OnSelectedIndexChanged' accepting a first argument of type 'ASP.contentpage9_aspx' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Here is the asp markup:

<asp:GridView ID="ImageGridView"

And my c# method:

void ImageGridView_OnSelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
ImageDetailsSqlDataSource.SelectParameters["ImgID"].DefaultValue =

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Data Key Of The GridView Row After Updating (in RowUpdated Method)

Jan 5, 2011

I have a requirement something as below.

1. I will click on the EDIT link in one of the grid view row. The row will change to edit mode

2. I will update the values and click update link in edit mode and edit mode closes.

3. At this point I need to capture the datakey of the updated row into some variable

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Cannot Find The Method With The Signature?

Apr 23, 2010

i have a dynamic data layer, i.e every user can add custom fields to database tables, so i need dynamic methods in my application.

i know i can use params to specify a variable number of parameters for a method, but the gridview in looks for a method with the same fields it is updating, i.e if gridview updates fields :name, age, phone, email(suppose email is a custom field of a certain user i.e it doesn't exit for another), and the object data source calls the update method with signature : (name, age, phone, params object[] custom_attributes) an error is generated that the gridview can not find the method with the signature(name, age, phone, email)

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Forms Data Controls :: Export Gridview To Word Method?

Feb 8, 2011

I have created a web app with a gridview that is connected to an sql data source to extract data. The web app consists of two pages (default.aspx and rategrid.aspx). On the default page i have a button that when clicked it displays rategrid page with the gridview data. On rategrid page I also have two buttons (one to go back to default page and one for export to word). When I click the word button, i get error (Control 'GridView1' of type 'GridView' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server.).I have already looked at references online that reference to put (Public Overloads Sub VerifyRenderingInServerForm(ByVal control As Control) in code for Word button. However, I am still getting the same error.

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Eval Method In GridView Footer Template?

Nov 18, 2010

I am using Footer template in gridview for first time..

I am unable to show anything in the footer template with eval() method...

Here is some of my code in the gridview..

<asp:CommandField ShowSelectButton="True" FooterText="Amount" />
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="ColorCode">
<asp:Label ID="lblColorCode" runat="server"><%# Eval("ColorCode")%> </asp:Label>
<%# Eval("Total")%>

View 13 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Pointing Button In Gridview To Another Method In Codebehind?

Jul 21, 2010

is it possible to have a button that points to a method you have defined in codebehind, that passes in a record from the row as a parameter? for example, id.something like:

<asp:CommandField ButtonType="Image" EditImageUrl="/editbutton.jpg" ShowEditButton="True" OnClick="editRow(int id)"/>

it wouldnt necessarily 'edit' this row. i'd like it to instead load an editable grid corresponding to the id passed.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Row Select$ And Clientscript.GetPostBackEventReference Method

Jan 10, 2011

i am facing a strange problem putting it in short .... i have two grids... i have grid1 and grid2... now based on row click of firstgrid..i wd take d id from cell(0) of first grid and then fill up the 2nd grid based on tht info selected (id) from the 1st
grid .... here is the code snippet :


and here is the codebehind :


now the problem is that : when i click the row for first time it shows into the 2nd grid all fine ...

but whenever i reclick it shows the page with error in javascript that object refrence needed... and page ends with error. why i cant reclick my grid to fill up the data and why is it ending up in javascript error.....

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Textbox TextChanged Event Method?

Mar 24, 2010

I've got a GridView, with a TextBox designed in the template field. Im binding values to the textbox from ObjectDataSource.I've attached a textchanged event to the textbox, to capture the rowindex when a particular textbox value is changed by the user.


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Forms Data Controls :: OnRowDataBound Or Custom Protected Method GridView Databind?

Jan 6, 2010

In a GridView control ASP.NET

OnRowDataBound="gvTest_OnRowDataBound" followed by
protected void gvTest_OnRowDataBound(....){}


Text='<%# BindMyData(DataBinder.Eval(Container,"DataItem.Price"), DataBinder.Eval(Container,"DataItem.CurrencyID")) %>'

followed by

protected string BindMyData(object price, object currencyID)

Which one is best in terms of performance and coding best practice?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView.RowDataBound Equivalents In DetailsView And FormView Method

May 4, 2010

Is there an equivalent of the GridView.RowDataBound event for the DetailView and FormView controls in ASP.NET 3.5?I need to manipulate data after Selecting it from my database, but before it gets presented to the user. I've read the documentation but I think I've missed something because I can only find FormView.DataBound which is called after the entire control has been data bound. Something like an ItemDataBound event would be what I need....?!?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind A GridView Column To A Public Method In A Page

Mar 15, 2010

How to bind a GridView Column to a public method in a Page. I have done this before but forgot the syntax. Basically the DataSource has a column named "EndDate" and based on value of the enddate i want show some text in column.


where GetEndDateText is a method in a Page

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Forms Data Controls :: Call Interface Method From Within ASPx Page Gridview?

Feb 10, 2011

Got a little dilemma I could use some guidance on. I'm trying to call an Interface method that resides in my Business Layer from within the template of a gridview in the same manner as below:

<%# GetEmployee(Eval("EmpId"))%>

i.e. it reads as follows:

<%# BusinessLayer.IEmployee.GetEmployee(Eval("EmpId"))%>

I'm actually getting the following error:

"An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property"

Which makes sense as I haven't instantiated as instance of the Interface. So the queston is how do I do it?

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Data Controls :: Pass Multiple GridView Row Data To Web Method / Save To Database Using JQuery AJAX

May 7, 2015

I want to add  gridview row data into to data base I am doing it perfectly.My problem is that want all gridview row data save and then web method should be called but in my cause one  gridview  data save in array then call webmethod,then other row data save in array then call webmethod called this process should be so on.But I want it webmethod should be called when all gridview row save in array.

Follwing code

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$("[id*=btnSubmit]").bind("click", function () {
var Customer = {};


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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView Delete Method Passing Null Values To Objectdatasource Underlying Object Delete Method

Apr 12, 2010

I am using VS 2008 SP1. My also have included CSS Friendly adapter [URL] in my project ( I mentioned this because my GridView Empty data template is not showing when using GridView's CCS Friendly adapter). I have a GridView and a DetailsView. When a record in GridView is selected its details information is shown in the Details View. Type of Data source I am using is ObjectDataSource. My Insert and Update methods works perfectly. It is only the Delete method that is passing null values to the underlying object delete method. My source codes for both the UI, BLL, DAL is shown below


My Business Object code is below :


My Data Access Layer Code is:


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Forms Data Controls :: Compiler Error Message "CS1061: To Do With Gridview Method" When Creating Shopping Cart

Apr 5, 2010

I am using an application from a book for a shopping application , to adapt for my own learning, but there seems to be a problem with the shopping cart page. This is a section I have not changed as there is no need to but there is an error. In the code behind the only thing new is the namespace:

namespace OIClothing
public partial class Cart : System.Web.UI.Page
ShoppingCart cart; // it doesn't like this, giving the debug message the type or namespace 'Shopping Cart" could not be found
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Session["cart"] == null)
cart = new ShoppingCart();
Session["cart"] = cart;
cart = (ShoppingCart)Session["cart"];
GridView1.DataSource = cart.GetItems();
if (!IsPostBack)
btnCheckOut.Enabled = (cart.Count > 0);
protected void GridView1_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)

but when running the page, this error is given: CS1061: 'ASP.cart_aspx' does not contain a definition for 'GridView1_RowDeleting' and no extension method 'GridView1_RowDeleting' accepting a first argument of type 'ASP.cart_aspx' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

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Error While Adding Dynamic Data To An Existing Web Site - The Method 'Skip' Is Only Supported For Sorted Input In LINQ To Entities. The Method 'OrderBy' Must Be Called Before The Method 'Skip'.

Apr 13, 2010

I am creating an web site which will support dynamic data. When I am creating a dynamic web site from Scratch (from template in VS) all is working fine. But when I am trying to add dynamic entity (.edmx) file and running the application I am getting following error

"The method 'Skip' is only supported for sorted input in LINQ to Entities. The method 'OrderBy' must be called before the method 'Skip'. "

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Forms Data Controls :: Data Is Not Binding In The GridView1_PageIndexChanging Method - How To Make Data Bind

Jan 12, 2010

.I have a search page where I would search for an item and it would dispaly the results in a gridview...

I have allowed paging and set page size to I can see the 10 results in the first page and also see the page numbers at the bottom of gridview. But now when i click on the page 2, the method gridview_pageindexchanging is triggered but the result set is not dispalyed. My code is as below..


i understand that the data is not binding in the GridView1_PageIndexChanging method..I do not know how can I make data bind..

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Forms Data Controls :: Integer Data Validation In DataSet Select Method?

Jan 13, 2011

I am having dataset and I want to validate particular column for Integer(Numeric) value.


ErrorRows = dt.Select("LEN(Year) <> 4 ")

Above I have to validate Year column for Numeric value otherwise it should give me erroneous records which have data other than numeric.

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Forms Data Controls :: Object Data Source Calling Select Method Twice?

Jun 15, 2010

I have extended GridView in order to have consistent look & feel, paging and sorting. However, when the page is first time loaded, the select method is getting called twice. It works fine when i move between pages in pagination.

Note, i am using 2.0.

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Forms Data Controls :: Update Method Objectdatasource And Data Repeater

Jan 4, 2010

I have a datarepeater control on my form. I have a method for updating comments, but I would like it to be exectued when a user clicks a checkbox (inside the datarepeater). The checked value is being "bind" to the checkbox control. Can I use the built in Update Method tied to the objectdatasource?

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Forms Data Controls :: Row Data Bound Method That Inserts A Row When Comparing Values On A Particular Field

Jan 22, 2010

I have a gridview, which on the row data bound method that inserts a row when comparing values on a particular field. If the two values are different, a new row is inserted, if not no row is inserted. This coding is working as a grouping gridview, and is working correctly. However, I have problem, and problem is counting the rows between each group, which I want to display in my blank row between each group, the value of which I am holding in a hiddenfield.

When I try to do it, the first group doesn't show the result, but is displayed on the next group. I am pretty sure that I am doing something wrong. My approach is that if the value between the last row and the existing row are different, then the value is one, on the next row data bound event, if the values are the same then the value is increased by one, else the value is one because it is a new group. Here is my code:

protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
Table tbl = e.Row.Parent as Table;
TableCell cell = new TableCell();
CheckBox chk = new CheckBox();
Label lbl2 = new Label();
HiddenField rowValue = new HiddenField();
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header)
e.Row.Visible = false;
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
Session["count"] = 1;
Label lbl = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblValue");
string str1 = ((Label)(lbl)).Text;
string prevStr= (string)Session["previousStr"];
if (prevStr== str1)
lbl.Visible = false;...................

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Forms Data Controls :: Custom Method Can't Find Controls In A FormView

Jan 19, 2010

I have method that I call which needs to find all the panels in the page but it fails. I have another method that was created by the VS has the traditional paraeters such the object sender, EventArgs e that the similar code works fine but the (simplyfied) code below. It is clear to me that these parameters contain information that makes one method work while the other not, but I don't know why.

The code breaks on the last line of code: _pnlAssetInfo = (Panel.....


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